US Declares War on Russia (Step One)
December 4, 2014 By 31 Comments
21st Century Wire says…Behind the White House’s political smokescreen in Ferguson and New York, US lawmakers were busy sliding through a pre-declaration of war against Russia.
The latest resolution by the US Congress, most likely drafted and presented to the speaker by Washington DC-based Neoconservative think tank, Foreign Policy Initiative (formerly Project for a New American Century), calls for renewed political, and military support for Fascist and NeoNazi-sympathizing regime in Kiev, Ukraine, which will include:
- US aid for Kiev regime to keep using military against ethnic Russians in east Ukraine.
- US funding for more weapons and military support in the Ukraine.
- More US funding for foreign language, pro-US, and anti-Russian propaganda throughout eastern Europe and in countries bordering Russia.
In all but name, this US resolution is preliminary declaration of war, moving Washington right up to the final step, which is a formal declaration of war. Based on its recent record of engaging in foreign conflicts, it is unlikely a final declaration will come, as the US has already set numerous precedents already by waging Wiemar-style undeclared wars, or by simply bypassing its domestic checks-and-balances by waging any war through NATO.

NAZI & NATO MERGER: US-backed fascist and NeoNazi ‘volunteer battalion’ militants in Kiev are flying NATO banner next to their fascist flags.
It’s believed that the US-funded propaganda portion of the operation is already underway. As Zero Hedge reported today, the Kiev government announced to formation of what it calls, “The Ministry of Information Policy”.
“The Ukraine government has established a department that critics are calling the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in a dystopian reference to George Orwell’s 1984 (apparent instruction manual). Run by a close ally of President Poroshenko’s close ally, while its main objective appears to be confronting Russia’s formidable propaganda machine, the Ministry is likely to also restrict free speech and inhibit journalists’ work – particularly in war-torn eastern Ukraine, according to observers.”
In addition to ‘on the books’ warfare, there would normally be additional budgetary provisions included in this latest initiative for funding and directing proxy war and terrorist guerrilla against Russia through non-state actors in the region – which has already been done by the US already against Iran, as reported by New Yorker Magazine’s award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in 2008:
“President George W. Bush signed an intelligence finding in late 2007 that allocated up to $400 million for covert operations intended to destabilize Iran’s government, in part, by supporting militant organizations.”
Bush allocated the ‘start-up’ fund help ‘sponsor’ (pay-off) terrorist groups in and around Iran to help Washington in its effort to first destabilize and overthrow the ruling government in Tehran during his second term in the White House. A similar, clandestine operation is believed to already be underway in the Russian region of Chechnya, as weapons used in today’s terrorist attack there were found to have come from abroad.
As NATO expands eastward fulfilling the organizations plans for the encirclement of Russia, a number of high-profile opposition voices have pointed out the obvious – that this alone is an overt act of war. Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich warns about the House’s reckless adoption of the HR 758:
encirclement, the US-backed coup in Ukraine, an attempt to use an
agreement with the European Union to bring NATO into Ukraine at the
Russian border, a US nuclear first-strike policy, are all policies which
attempt to substitute force for diplomacy,” (Truthdig).
According international watchdog Human Rights Watch
(HRW), the US-backed junta in Kiev has refused to investigate its
army’s use of banned cluster bombs against ethnic Russian civilians in
eastern Ukraine. It also has recommended that Kiev be subject to charges
in the International Criminal Court, in order for a
proper investigation into its war crimes to take place in public view.The Project for a New America Century is still alive and well, and in terms of party politics it’s color blind, and its facilitators include both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, as well as Secretary John Kerry and Senator John McCain alike.
This is one of the final, formal steps towards a world war…

House of Representatives passes resolution against Russia
The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a document which strongly condemns Moscow’s actions against its neighbors, calling them a policy of aggression.
Passed with 411-10 votes, the resolution slams Russia’s “continuing political, economic, and military aggression” against Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova and the “continuing violation of their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.”
“The US, Europe and our allies must aggressively keep the pressure on Mr. Putin to encourage him to change his behavior,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger, the resolution’s sponsor, said.
resolution calls for Russia to stop supporting local militias in
eastern Ukraine and for the cancellation of Crimea’s decision to join
Russia. In addition, it calls on Moscow to withdraw its troops which the
US claims are in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.
The House calls on President Barack Obama to provide Ukraine with defense equipment and training…
“Ukraine is clearly in need of urgent military assistance,” Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said as quoted by The Hill.
Previously Obama declined Ukrainian
President Petro Poroshenko’s plea for lethal military aid. During his
visit to Washington in September, Poroshenko addressed Congress calling
to provide Kiev with “more military equipment, lethal and non-lethal”
drawing applause from the audience.

Sept. 18, 2014: NeoFascist Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko addresses a joint session of the US Congress.
Thursday resolution also urges NATO members and US allies
to suspend military cooperation with Russia. Addressing Obama, the
House urged him to review the readiness of US and NATO armed forces
under the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE).
Sept. 18, 2014: NeoFascist Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko addresses a joint session of the US Congress.
The lawmakers agreed that the president and State Department should also find a way to “distribute news and information” in Russian to countries with Russian-speaking populations.
RT’s Gayane Chichakyan asked US State Department spokesperson Marie Harf whether this is a fight for more US influence in the region during Thursday’s daily press briefing.
Harf denied that US wants to fight for influence, saying that it plans to “fight for the people of Ukraine and indeed the entire region to get the truth about what’s happening on the ground” and to “talk about exactly what is happening in a much more truthful way.”…
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