Airline Boss Says MH370 Taken Out by U.S. Military
“September 11-style” terror attack feared on military base at Diego Garcia
RT and the International Business Times in Australia will cover it, but The New York Times and The Washington Post won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
Former Proteus Airlines boss Marc Dugain believes the mysterious disappearance of MH370 on March 8, 2014 was the work of the United States military.The latest statement on the doomed airline flight follows that of Emirates president and CEO Sir Tim Clark who made world headlines in October when he questioned official explanations.
Dugain speculates the flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia to Beijing Capital International Airport, People's Republic of China was taken out because the U.S. feared a “September 11-style” hijacked aircraft attack on the U.S. naval support and satellite communications base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The atoll is currently home to 1700 military personnel and 1500 civilian contractors.

U.S. naval support and satellite communications base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Photo: NASA,
Dugain, however, cites the testimony of residents of the Maldives. On March 8, they reported a commercial aircraft heading toward Diego Garcia, but those claims were discounted. In addition, a fisherman on Kudahuvadhoo island told him a “huge plane … with red and blue stripes on a white background” had flown overhead at a low altitude.
Dugain also said he was shown photos “of a strange object that had washed up on a beach of neighboring Baraah island,” according to, an Australian website. “According to Dugain, two aviation experts and a military officer believed the object was an empty Boeing fire extinguisher, but the mystery object was subsequently seized by the Maldives military.”
Other theories on the disappearance have been floated, including a claim by the media in China that they had received an open letter claiming to be from the leader of the Chinese Martyrs Brigade, a previously unknown group. The group said it downed the aircraft in response to the Chinese government's response to the knife attacks at Kunming railway station on 1 March 2014 and as part of a wider separatist campaign against Chinese control over Xinjiang province.
The message was received through Hushmail, a PGP-encrypted web-based email service that is virtually impossible to trace. "You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back,” the message reportedly read.
A CNN poll conducted in May revealed a number of theories on the disappearance.
Nearly 60% believe terrorists were involved, while 52% said mechanical error disabled the aircraft.
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This Was One Of The Biggest Lies Ever Told
It’s known as “the largest airborne transfer of currency in the history of the world” and is the subject of one of the largest financial mysteries of all time
Throughout history the elite have used geopolitics to line their pockets, influencing events and controlling the narrative to sneak through their greedy plans. This is one of the worst examples ever.
As Dick Cheney makes the rounds defending his inhumane torture policies on every talk show he can visit, we should take a look back and see what he’s really covering for.All lies aside about why we went into Iraq, each time there is an open secret that points to the real reason. It’s common knowledge that the collusion between defense companies, oil companies, logistics companies, like Halliburton, and the US government was an unholy union meant to drain the taxpayers coffers and enrich those with their hands on the levers of power. Let’s take a look at a few of the most egregious larcenies.
In 2006, Andrew Natsios, administrator of USAID, went on a publicity tour to assuage American fears that the impending war and its aftermath were perfectly reasonable expenditures for the American taxpayer. In this Nightline interview with Ted Koppel he brazenly makes the ludicrous case that the reconstruction of Iraq would cost only $1.7bn. Koppel is so incredulous, he returns to the subject three times, and each time Natsios gets more and more adamant. With the benefit of hindsight its clear now that not only was this a bold face lie, but one that any rational person could have seen through.
It’s known as “the largest airborne transfer of currency in the history of the world” and is the subject of one of the largest financial mysteries of all time. Beginning at the start of the Iraq war, the New York Federal Reserve started flying in billions of dollars in hard cash under the guise of paying for the restoration of basic services.
In east Rutherford, New Jersey, pallets were packed with fresh loads of newly minted greenbacks, trucked to Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington and then flown on military transports directly to Baghdad International Airport.

The NY Fed shipped approximately $40 billion in cash between 2003 and 2008. In just the first two years, the shipments included more than 300 million individual bills weighing a total of 363 tons.
Since then there have been audits, congressional hearing and investigations that can barely account for a small percentage of where that money actually ended up. The accounts of the time relate an environment awash in hundred dollar bills, contractors paid in duffel bags full of millions in cash and no accounting or chain of custody.
Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. “The numbers are so large that it doesn’t seem possible that they’re true. Who in their right mind would send 363 ton’s of cash into a war zone?”
While the bulk of this money most certainly flowed into the pockets of the contractors and the stakeholders of the reconstruction, we’ll never really know because it has been shrouded in mystery and will now recede into the mists of time as America forgets about the torture, and quickly becomes indignant about the censorship of a B-level comedy.
The end of this story is where Halliburton and its subsidiaries were paid the lion’s share of the almost $400 billion dollars that has been spent in Iraq. And what do we have to show for it? A fractured state that is rapidly regressing back to its bloody tribal history and another fertile breeding ground for the next generation of manufactured Jihadis. A flawless victory by Cheney and his compatriots. We can only hope that the American people awake from their slumber and become enraged by the lies and rampant graft that is inherent in the current system. We should remember these incidents as we go forward as a nation and do our best to vilify and prosecute those who would be so brazen as to take our lives and treasure in their own pursuit of wealth.
Supreme Court: Police Can Make Up Laws And Violate Rights
Justices rule that a “mistaken understanding” of the law is reasonable
The Supreme Court ruled this
week that police officers will not be held accountable for violating
the rights of Americans if they have a “mistaken understanding” of
In other words, if a cop doesn’t know the law, they can do whatever they want to you.
The ruling stems from an incident in 2009 when a police officer violated the Fourth Amendment by stopping and searching a driver’s vehicle after making up his own law.
The New York Times reports:
Eight of the nine Justices of the court agreed that Darisse’s mistaken understanding of the law was reasonable, and therefore the traffic stop was valid.
Sonia Sotomayor was the one justice who disagreed, noting that the ruling “means further eroding the Fourth Amendment’s protection of civil liberties in a context where that protection has already been worn down.”
In a written statement, Chief Justice Roberts claimed that the court’s decision “does not discourage officers from learning the law,” arguing that only objectively reasonable mistakes would be acceptable.
“An officer can gain no Fourth Amendment advantage,” the chief justice wrote, “through a sloppy study of the laws he is duty-bound to enforce.”
While the Supreme Court has upheld the right to film police officers, it has also ruled this year that police can stop US drivers based purely on anonymous tip offs. Indeed, over the past decade, the court has routinely ruled in lockstep with the trend toward a police state.
John W. Whitehead of rights group The Rutherford Institute provides an excellent in depth analysis on the court’s latest ruling and how it enables a power overreach in law enforcement.
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.
In other words, if a cop doesn’t know the law, they can do whatever they want to you.
The ruling stems from an incident in 2009 when a police officer violated the Fourth Amendment by stopping and searching a driver’s vehicle after making up his own law.
The New York Times reports:
The case arose from a traffic stop in North Carolina based on a broken brake light. But state law there required only a single working “stop lamp,” which the car in question had.The driver gave officer Matt Darisse consent to search the vehicle, in which he found a bag of cocaine. The cop stole the drugs, according to the filing, but would not have been able to do so had the illegal traffic stop not occurred in the first instance.
In an opinion by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the Supreme Court ruled that the officer’s mistake was reasonable and so did not run afoul of the Fourth Amendment’s ban on unreasonable searches and seizures.
Eight of the nine Justices of the court agreed that Darisse’s mistaken understanding of the law was reasonable, and therefore the traffic stop was valid.
Sonia Sotomayor was the one justice who disagreed, noting that the ruling “means further eroding the Fourth Amendment’s protection of civil liberties in a context where that protection has already been worn down.”
In a written statement, Chief Justice Roberts claimed that the court’s decision “does not discourage officers from learning the law,” arguing that only objectively reasonable mistakes would be acceptable.
“An officer can gain no Fourth Amendment advantage,” the chief justice wrote, “through a sloppy study of the laws he is duty-bound to enforce.”
While the Supreme Court has upheld the right to film police officers, it has also ruled this year that police can stop US drivers based purely on anonymous tip offs. Indeed, over the past decade, the court has routinely ruled in lockstep with the trend toward a police state.
John W. Whitehead of rights group The Rutherford Institute provides an excellent in depth analysis on the court’s latest ruling and how it enables a power overreach in law enforcement.
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.
Don’t Miss Live Infowars Coverage of Saturday’s Big Anti-Police State Protest
Americans to send a powerful message against militarization of cops
Protesters in Spokane, Washington are set to send a resounding
message on Saturday that Americans will not tolerate the militarization
of domestic law enforcement and Infowars will be live on the ground to
cover this exciting event.
Infowars reporters Darrin McBreen, Joe Biggs and Josh Owens will be bringing you live coverage of the ‘We Will Not Comply’ rally which will take place outside the Spokane Valley Police Department on East Sprague Avenue.
The demonstration will send a powerful message to the Spokane Valley Police Department that the use of armored militarized vehicles previously seen in places like Iraq and Afghanistan are not welcome on the streets of America.
A shocking video which went viral earlier this month featured a Spokane Sheriff’s Deputy defending the use of an MRAP armored vehicle by saying it was needed to deal with the threat posed by “constitutionalists”.
The video, exclusively obtained by, prompted thousands of comments and a 9 minute video response from Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich in which he claimed that the video was being taken out of context.
The footage shows a Spokane Valley resident asking why police need vehicles that are designed for fighting foreign enemies abroad.
“I mean, we’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition,” one deputy says. “They have weapons here locally.”
Spokane Valley Republican Representative Matthew Shea responded to the video by asking, “Will law abiding citizens who love the Constitution and Rule of Law be hunted down with MRAPs?”
Knezovich’s failure to apologize for the comments and his doubling down on the issue only prompted further anger, leading Scott Maclay, president of the Rattlesnakes Motorcycle Club, to organize the protest.
This is going to be a fantastic event and you’ll be able to watch it all unfold live at and on the AlexJonesLive and RealAlexJones Ustream channels from tomorrow afternoon onwards.
Watch the videos below for special reports and interviews from the Infowars crew on the scene in Spokane, Washington.
Infowars reporters Darrin McBreen, Joe Biggs and Josh Owens will be bringing you live coverage of the ‘We Will Not Comply’ rally which will take place outside the Spokane Valley Police Department on East Sprague Avenue.
The demonstration will send a powerful message to the Spokane Valley Police Department that the use of armored militarized vehicles previously seen in places like Iraq and Afghanistan are not welcome on the streets of America.
A shocking video which went viral earlier this month featured a Spokane Sheriff’s Deputy defending the use of an MRAP armored vehicle by saying it was needed to deal with the threat posed by “constitutionalists”.
The video, exclusively obtained by, prompted thousands of comments and a 9 minute video response from Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich in which he claimed that the video was being taken out of context.
The footage shows a Spokane Valley resident asking why police need vehicles that are designed for fighting foreign enemies abroad.
“I mean, we’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition,” one deputy says. “They have weapons here locally.”
Spokane Valley Republican Representative Matthew Shea responded to the video by asking, “Will law abiding citizens who love the Constitution and Rule of Law be hunted down with MRAPs?”
Knezovich’s failure to apologize for the comments and his doubling down on the issue only prompted further anger, leading Scott Maclay, president of the Rattlesnakes Motorcycle Club, to organize the protest.
This is going to be a fantastic event and you’ll be able to watch it all unfold live at and on the AlexJonesLive and RealAlexJones Ustream channels from tomorrow afternoon onwards.
Watch the videos below for special reports and interviews from the Infowars crew on the scene in Spokane, Washington.
Staff Picks: Favorite Alex Jones Rants
Is your favorite on the list?
Multiple members of the Infowars staff were asked to choose what their all-time favorite Alex Jones rant was.
In no particular order, here are the four most popular picks!1. The Justin Bieber rant
Arguably his best known rant, Alex blasted the world’s obsession with manufactured plastic heroes as opposed to the real trailblazers of history in this epic 2011 tirade.
Memorable quote: “I mean, kids, Magellan is a lot cooler than Justin Bieber! He circumnavigated, with one ship, the entire planet!”
2. The Kony Trendies
Responding to Kony 2012′s Pentagon-scripted propaganda, Alex blasted the viral scam’s obvious deception and the mindless trendies used to push it.
Memorable quote: “Chicken neck weakness is like a god now, and being totally passive and being a huge jellyfish slacker who looks like a fried egg in a chair. That is the culture of this, the worship of being destroyed.”
3. The FBI Rant
After the FBI approached an Infowars employee and began demanding information on Alex in 2012, Jones delivered a fiery rant in response to the nefarious encounter.
Memorable quote: “Get this through your fat brains, I am an American patriot! I am the good guy!”
4. The Demonic Mustache
Another 2012 rant surrounded federal and police corruption and how agencies become consumed when accountability goes out the window.
Memorable quote: “And all the average feds care about is dressing up in black uniforms and having mustaches and staring at people.”
Was your favorite on the list? Comment below with your favorite rant!
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