The Silent War on Americans
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Our way of life is under attack…
The Silent War on Americans
Obama’s committed $13 billion to fighting what he calls…
"…one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation."
A single company stands to gain the lion’s share of that money while leading the charge to protect Americans. Discover its name and how you could pocket a minimum of 174.9% over the next 12 months.
Dear Reader,
A vicious, silent war is being fought here on American soil.
It’s a war that you hear about in the news constantly.
And while you may not stop to think about it much… it affects you directly…
This war doesn’t involve guns, soldiers or airstrikes.
But it’s every bit as harmful. Maybe more so.
Thieves, often from overseas, use the war as an excuse to rob you blind.
They’ll steal your money — take away your identity and ruin your reputation — for life.
They’ll do all of this — and more in the name of this war on Americans.
It makes no difference how careful you are.
It can happen to you, anytime, anywhere…
Scary, I know… but 100% true.
And — these are just 3 attacks that have come to light in the last few months alone.
It’s crazy.
And it’s getting worse…
According to President Obama, it’s “…one of the most serious economic and national
security challenges we face as a nation.”
fact, at the same time Obama’s cut overall I.T. spending, he’s
earmarked $13 billion toward defending U.S. citizens in this silent war.
And that’s why I’m contacting you today…
You see, there’s one company sitting at the head of the table in this silent war.
And you can be sure they’ll get the lion’s share of those funds I mentioned.
a moment I’ll explain exactly how this one company will get its hands
on these billions, starting as early as the next few weeks.
And, I’ll tell you why that will send this company’s shares through the roof…
In fact I’m going to show you exactly how to take advantage of the investing opportunity that this silent war reveals…
Meet the Man Zacks Calls an “All-Star”

My name is Chris Versace.
I’ve spent more than 20 years in the investment industry, working for some of the most prestigious names on Wall Street.
Firms like Salomon Brothers, Freidman Billings Ramsey, Agile Capital Management, and other big names.
I’ve been quoted by The Wall St. Journal, Investors Business Daily and more.
I’ve even been ranked an All Star Analyst by Zacks Investment Research…

Truth is… I’ve spent my entire career in pursuit of these money-making opportunities.
And my publisher is just as confident in my abilities as I am.
So, together, we’ve come up with an exciting offer to help you profit handsomely from this crisis — by 174.9% or more.
But in order to take advantage of this offer — and maximize your ability to profit from it, you have to act fast.
The rate of attacks in this silent war
is increasing daily — up 75% in the last quarter of 2013.
Of course I’m referring to cyber-crime.
Around the world, a major attack takes place every 12 hours, doing damage to thousands of people each time.
In fact, according to Forbes, “hacker attacks on websites went up 75% in the final quarter of 2013.”
And, they’re becoming more and more mainstream all the time.
They’re attacking well-known companies with reckless abandon — companies that we all do business with every day.
This affects all of us.
Here’s another handful of victims just from the first half of 2014:
You can’t do anything safely anymore.
You can’t even go to the hospital when you’re sick.
And there’s more.
A lot more. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Cyber-crime is a problem for each and every one of us…
According to TrendMicro,

Globally, cyber-activity costs the world as much as 1.67 times what combating drug trafficking costs!

What’s even more alarming is
just what’s behind the enormous increase in cyber-attacks…
Take a look at this chart from April of last year:

It shows the motivations behind the cyber attacks.
You may be surprised that 56% of the attacks are motivated by ‘hacktivism.’
In case it’s a new term for you…
is the use of computers and computer networks to promote political
ends, chiefly free speech, human rights, and information ethics. It is
carried out under the premise that proper use of technology can produce
results similar to those of conventional acts of protest, activism, and
civil disobedience.“
So what does this have to do with you?
After all, you’re not a political target, right?
Yes, you are.
Hacktivists think they have the moral right to breach companies’ and governments’ private data — your data — to further their own political ends.
Bottom line, you’re the target.
Just because you don’t think you’re a visible target doesn’t mean you won’t get caught up in a hactivist attack.
They don’t mind hurting millions to further their political goals against a few.
It’s like they’re playing god.
In some circles, these acts of hacktivism are even actually becoming fashionable.
Sort of a modern-day Robin Hood phenomenon, only with data, not money.
It’s a new kind of war. One without borders, troops or government.
But one we need to defend against just the same…
And one that calls for a new kind of defense…
Which is precisely what President Obama had in mind when he earmarked $13 billion to fight this war.
But Is $13 Billion Enough to Keep You Safe?
The United States is the #2 most attacked nation on earth — right behind Vietnam.
35% of the attacks in the U.S. in the last year were against commercial businesses.
But a shocking 26% of the attacks were against the government.
The potential consequences of these attacks are so terrifying…
even though Obama slashed overall IT spending by 3%, he ponied up an
additional $13 billion dollars over the next year, just to deal with
this threat.
He’s justified the additional expense this way:
“Taking down vital banking systems could trigger a financial crisis. The lack of clean water or functioning hospitals could spark a public health emergency. And as we’ve seen in past blackouts, the loss of electricity can bring businesses, cities and entire regions to a standstill.“
It seems even Obama recognizes the need to seriously invest in protecting against Cyber Crime.
$13 billion.
That’s real money that’s slated to enter the system soon, and begin to trickle down almost immediately.
And we’ve discovered a company that already has occupied the leadership position in the fight against cyber-crime.
As such, it’s a sure bet to grab the largest portion of that money.
existing contracts at the NSA, NRO, NGA, AGC and other agencies, they
stand to profit handsomely when that $13 billion enters the system.
Since they’re publicly traded on the NASDAQ, so can you.
But Obama’s $13 billion fund isn’t the only reason we’re bullish on this company. Consider the following:
September of last year they invested $34.5 million in a company that
has a large sales force already selling to private customers.
So when history repeats itself, and management supercharges this company’s performance, investors will most likely get rich.
Not-so-coincidentally, he’s purchased 50,000 shares of our secret company in the last 4 months alone. We suspect he’s preparing to profit from a take-out, as he’s done in the past.
one of two things can happen. Either they get bought and you make a
pile on your investment… OR they just tap into Obama’s $13 billion, and
you make a pile on your money.
You win either way.
Here’s what I mean…
Here’s How to Get Your Share of
Obama’s $13 Billion Dollar Cyber Security Budget…
Obama’s $13 Billion Dollar Cyber Security Budget…
Now, I’ve already explained to you what a genius this guy is… and what he did with his last company.
Had you invested just $1,000 in that company when this guy got on board, you’d be $180,000 richer today.
But with Obama’s new $13 billion cash infusion, clearly, there’s much more upside here…
They’ve already got agreements in place with the NSA and various other 3-letter agencies.
So they’ll either get bought out or the stock will soar.
I can say that because this company has already provided its investors with an enormous windfall…
And that was before the war on cyber-crime cranked up to the level it is now…
Leading me to believe we’re looking at…
An Upside of as Much as 174.9%
That’s not some wild guess. You see, my readers and I already have a track record profiting on this stock.
Take a look at the performance of this stock over the last 365 days in the chart below…

We first bought it in November of last year — at point ‘A’.
been watching the stock since October of 2013 but I noticed the CEO and
other insiders started buying up stock around November 2014.
That’s always a strong indicator of good things about to happen.
And, at the time, it fit all of the fundamentals that I look for in a great investment
So I advised my readers to buy.
in January of this year — just 56 days after the buy order, I advised
my readers to sell half of this stock. That’s point ‘B’ on the chart.
The company had just scored a private sector deal worth $115 million, which gained it some attention and buoyed the stock.
So I urged my subscribers to sell half their shares.
The result? A 46.82% gain in just 56 days.
Finally, in March of this year (point ‘C’), I advised readers to sell the other half of their shares.
the time, the company had just filed their 10-K and the then CFO had
departed the company. Both of these created a little uncertainty — and I
decided it was best to just take the profit.
Looks like I couldn’t have timed it better.
Selling at this time resulted in a 62.8% return in just 131 days.
That’s an annualized rate-of-return at 174.9%
The readers who took my advice, at that time, were very happy campers with their 46% and 62% profits.
And that brings us to the opportunity today…
Today that stock is undervalued once more, so it’s time to buy again…
So… How Do You Get In?
I reveal the stock inside a concise, easy-to-read report that I’d like to give you absolutely free.
The report’s titled…”How To Earn Up to 174% from Obama’s War on Cyber Hackers”
I reveal the company — and more on where it’s going — inside this free report.
It would be easy for me to reveal the name of the stock here.
But it wouldn’t be wise.
Because this opportunity has the potential for massive gains, I expect a lot of people to contact me trying to get in.
I to name it here, and too many people pile in on this stock, it might
inflate the price artificially, damage the company, and ultimately leave
investors high and dry.
So — I am going to close this down — possibly in as little as 7 days from now.
It’s a massive, but very limited, opportunity.
And, while this report is free, it’s reserved for my PowerTrend Profits readers. I’d like to give you a copy of the report for free when you become a PowerTrend Profits subscriber today.
Specifically, I’d like to give it to you as a reward for taking PowerTrend Profits on a 90-day risk-free trial.
Here’s what’s involved…
PowerTrend Profits: Your ‘Picks-on-a-Platter’ Investment Advisory Service
PowerTrend Profits is an investment advisory service delivered via monthly newsletter, weekly market updates and as-they-happen profit alerts.
What’s a PowerTrend?
A PowerTrend
is a shift that shapes and impacts consumer behavior, forcing companies
to make fundamental changes to their businesses in order to succeed.
Some PowerTrends come from the bottom up where companies are racing to meet a rising consumer need, open a new market or expand an existing one.
times they come from the top down, where an economic event or crisis
forces people companies and governments to change their behavior.
Currently there are 8 PowerTrends that I am observing — that provide the basis for all of my investing advice.
They’re how I spot winners where most analysts wouldn’t even look.
Here are a few examples:
If you had invested in each of these stocks when I gave the nod, you’d have a combined return of 11.53% in just 3 months.
If that keeps up, you’re looking at an annualized rate of return at 46.12%.
That’s a pretty heavy one-year gain for playing stocks alone.
In fact, the S&P 500 has only returned 4.62% year-to-date and only 14.46% over the last year.
And that’s in one of the strongest years in history.
Also keep in mind…
Those returns I mentioned — the ones mentioned inside PowerTrend Profits — have
nothing to do with the secret stock revealed inside your bonus free report.
I expect that stock to bring much higher returns.
But you can see that I am no ‘one-trick’ pony.
Clearly, following my advice pays.
But gains aren’t the only thing you’ll receive as a subscriber to PowerTrend Profits…
As a New Subscriber, You’re Also Entitled to…
You’ll get access to all of this immediately when you subscribe to PowerTrend Profits.
And of course, you’ll also get immediate access to your Free Report — ”How To Earn Up to 174% from Obama’s War on Cyber Hackers,” where I’ll reveal the exact company that already has their hands in the government cyber security pot.
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