Harry Rocks!
typically apathetic public, too focused more on the relatively kitschy
details of the heinous murder of Jennifer Laude, seems to now gradually
begin to recognize the larger and more profound issues of injustice
inflicted not just by foreign forces in our sovereign territory but also
injustices that victimize from our insidious self-inflicted shameless
cultural subservience – parasitic homegrown virus, deep-seated and
feeding from within our little brown dried fish and rice-fed Indio

Photo. At a protest at the Department of Foreign Affairs on October 15,
2014 at Pasay City, Philippines. AP/Bullit Marquez | Facebook
little brown brother was violently ravaged, raped and viciously
murdered by the white-man boss. It has racial and gender discrimination
written all over it. It was likewise a hate crime as much as it was
plain vanilla murder. Unfortunately, way above the universal statutes
that should govern such crimes, two political entities, two sovereign
and purportedly independent governments, have effectively declared that
its lopsided political dalliances writ and documented under executive
agreements have statutory ascendancy.
doubt, the politically progressive Left had initiated the argument with
the issue of sovereignty from the very start that a murder had been
committed in that hovel haven of degrading subservience sprouted like
fungus and bacteria in the outskirts of a foreign military base and its
latent waste and remnants that had for too long been an insulting symbol
of our feeble and weak Third Worldness.
that warships dock only occasionally and one-night quickies, sexual
furloughs, rest & recreation and dalliances are ever more momentary
and fleeting than the time it takes to catch AIDS from anal sex and die
from it, what simple sleaze we once offered with open legs is now a
toxic cocktail of slum, sleaze and premature happy (or unhappy) endings.
first it seemed simply like political coloring when the anti-American
sentiment among one-dimensional nationalists reared its head just as
soon as reports trickled out that a musclebound trained-to-kill marine, a
GMO corn and beef-fed leatherneck grunt, here on the basis of the
controversial Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) had brutally murdered a
rice-fed, less-than-able, small-framed, frail-bodied Filipino. Bias is
evident. Bigotry more so. It cannot be helped. Red is the color of
anger. It was expected that the hues would be red, carrying with it the
complete spectrum of implications that a red stain carries and paints on
a crime so brazen, incendiary, provoking and angering, and an issue so
tailored for the political Reds and all its political shades and
issues of sovereignty had certainly complicated what might have simply
been a brutal killing. Fortunately, it did not divert. Rather it
deepened an appreciation of the issues involved and in the hellfire that
a simple spark ignited, the raging conflagration engulfed national
politics and sucked in a typically slobbering executive whose fatal
misunderstanding of the requisites of his office further deepened
long-festering wounds, freshened old debates, opened entirely new
arguments, and all-around, simply made matters worse.
us from our comfortable complacency, shaking us awake, albeit ensuring
that all the crimson hues that bleed from this issue blended and what
colors were drawn, smeared or painted remained within the lines was one
of the most brilliant and astute lawyers around. It was fate that had
drawn Harry Roque into the fray. A coincidence at first blush but
perhaps in the grand design of things that we can never fully fathom,
Harry was beckoned by fate and we can only be so fortunate that he
accepted the challenge.
was a scant few weeks before the Laude murder that Harry was in the
city where the crime was committed, there advocating a not entirely
different cause from the same he now pursues. He was in Subic. Perhaps
in many ways only the most astute can conjure, Harry was coincidentally
in national subservience’s ground zero, the town once a notorious host,
or perhaps, a hostess, to national sleaze and subjugation.
was there involved in a civil society training exercise partly
sponsored by the American Bar Association. There is poetic irony in
that, but never mind. Some of the other groups involved were a
democratic movement and a women’s solidarity group. Again, civil
society. Both were natural participants albeit rather than become focal
points of irony, the brazenness of the Laude murder in subsequent weeks
simply emphasizes deep, festering and petrified hate, cultural bias,
bigotry and gender discrimination. Here is where the irony turns
bizarre. It is unfortunate that all these emanate from civil servants
paid with our taxes all vowed to sovereignty, loyalty and patriotism
ranging from the lowliest barricade sentry and foot soldier to the
Commander in Chief.
on the opposite end of where our shameless government officials have
dug in, it was civil society that provided the first critical witnesses
that identified the perpetrator and alerted authorities about the crime
leading to the timely investigations. Through their initiatives, Roque
filed the criminal compliant trigger the preliminary investigations.
These initiatives as well as all else that followed including the latest
that introduced the larger issues of our loss of sovereignty when our
highest officials sold us out in the brazenly one-sided Expanded Defense
Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) signifies both symbolically and legally
that the ball is rightfully in the court of the Philippine government.
astute legal expert in the field of international law, Roque is
unsurpassed and he certainly knows what he is doing far more than the
Philippine police and military authorities who appear so clueless and
confused that their loyalties are all over the place save for the
Philippine side. That Harry Roque is fighting not just for justice for
the murdered Jennifer Laude but for our national sovereignty constantly
under assault each time our dignity is abused in this manner cannot be
underestimated. We need Harry. And we need the fire and vigor he brings
to these tragic issues. He stated it all so very eloquently when he
declared that “…unless we abrogate the VFA and reject the EDCA, more
Filipinos will suffer the fate of Jennifer: victimized by bigoted US
servicemen and yet denied an adequate domestic remedy”.
Filipinos seem to have deliberately forgotten, and among these, Benigno
Aquino III and the hierarchy of the Philippine Armed Forces (AFP), that
our Philippine laws were brazenly violated and a Filipino was brutally
killed in his own country under a legal system constantly abused and
insulted not just by one criminal but, ironically, by Filipino
institutions that do not know how self-degrading its latent acts of
betrayal and subservience are.
the AFP has discovered even lower depths to sink to when they recently
decided to file disbarment proceedings against that one person who rocks
them awake to their responsibilities, their accountabilities and their
failing to protect ordinary citizens like Laude from criminality; after
failing to ensure a scant modicum of hope that justice might eventually
prevail; after treasonously protecting the strong against the weak, the
alien against the compatriot, and the murderer against the families of
the victim, our armed authorities turn the full force of their misplaced
ire, their powder-keg brains and troglodyte logic, pulling back the
trigger on their massive arsenal, tax-paid and subsidized by Filipinos,
pointing toward, targeting and virtually threatening that one person
everyone should support. Indeed, how treasonous is that?
Stock photo from POC. Some rights reserved.
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