If the Public only Knew – US Aid to Ukraine Monsters. Atrocities Committed by Ukraine National Guard Azov Battalion
Global Research, November 25, 2014
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Within a
few days the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is going to meet with
Ukraine’s best and brightest. They are coming to ask for money, weapons,
and start lobbying for direct intervention. The thought that the halls
of the US Congress can be sullied with this kind of people treading on
its floors is beyond my imagination. You don’t need to care about
Ukraine on this issue. American moral authority and the well being
(electability) of some good Congressmen that only hear the propaganda
might be at stake. Please take the time to read through and if this is
not acceptable tell your Senator why.
A few days ago Vadim Troyan, a Battalion Azov deputy commander was appointed Kiev Oblast(Region) Police Chief. Azov
Battalion is one of the punisher battalions responsible for rape,
kidnapping, and murder of civilians across Donbass. Vadim Troyan has
earned some of Ukraine’s highest medals in the process.
At their base city of Mariupol just
during the month of October 2014 the police department had to report
over 200 rapes committed by Azov and the Ukrainian National Guard in a
public meeting held at the city police department. According to local
residents in Mariupol which is a city of over 500,000; people are
constantly going missing.
Young girls are being dragged away in
broad daylight and some are never seen again. Azov battalion is taking
men off the street that are never returned. In the last week of October
twenty people were reported missing.
Interviewed Azov soldier admits torture on video english subs
Interviewed by Foreign Policy Magazine, Azov Battalion describe themselves as
“people with a European identity fighting with Sovietness. But the ‘European identity’ to which Oleg Odnorozhenko (Azov ideologist) aspires is one estranged from mainstream European and American liberalism. The Azov Battalion, whose emblem also includes the ‘Black Sun’ occult symbol used by the Nazi SS, was founded by Andriy Biletsky, head of the neo-Nazi groups Social-National Assembly and Patriots of Ukraine.”
Maidan Democrats? Meet the New Nazi Government

In the interview with Foreign Policy, the Azov commander Biletsky (now Ukrainian Senator) states:
“Unfortunately, among the Ukrainian people today there are a lot of ‘Russians’ (by their mentality, not their blood), ‘kikes,’ ‘Americans,’ ‘Europeans’ (of the democratic-liberal European Union), ‘Arabs,’ ‘Chinese’ and so forth, but there is not much specifically Ukrainian…It’s unclear how much time and effort will be needed to eradicate these dangerous viruses from our people.”
The battalion’s political
platform supports the system of government devised by the Ukrainian
nationalists of the 1930s and 1940s.
Really look at the
description of a “Russian” and see if there is anything familiar
here. American democracy is no different to them than Donbas people.
This point needs to hit home in light of what they are doing.
Andrey Teeter
Andrey Teteruk the Commander of Myrotvorets (peacemaker) is also one of Yatsenyuks choices that is taking a Senate seat.
Andrei Teteruk who ran for lawmaker on People’s Front election list plans to attend parliamentary plenary meetings with weapons. “I hope I will not use it,” Teteruk said.Myrotvorets (peacemaker battalion) is another punisher battalion. In Teteruk’s own words “ Peacemaker” is a police battalion. “Our task is to restore order in liberated settlements, clean from criminals, weapons. We did a good job in Dzerzhinsk; performed police functions, investigated, who supported separatists in the city.”“I’m against solving problems by using weapons. With all that I’m a military man, run a military unit, but I was in Kosovo and saw the conflicts that were solved with weapons, it led to the fact that entire villages were cut out, from the oldest to the youngest. The war makes dirty both sides.”
Although honesty is a respectable
quality every person in Donbass has been branded a separatist. Teteruk’s
job as a punisher battalion commander is no different than the last
part of his quote- to destroy entire villages from the oldest to the
Yuri Berea
Yuri Bereza is the Commander of Ihor
Kolomoisky’s Dneipr 1. You guessed it Yuri Bereza is also now a Senator.
What makes this clown a great pick for Maidan leaders to get behind is:
“Today, we are ready not just to defend [Ukraine], but to invade the Russian Federation, break into it with reconnaissance detachments and sabotage groups,” said Bereza.Although I didn’t mention him by name I wrote about Bereza’s most notable accomplishment to date. In a hacked correspondence reacting to the remains of 37 civilians found in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukrainian Rada, Deputy Oleg Pankevich questions Igor Kolomoisky’s sanity. Kolomoisky, one of the leading Jewish leaders in Europe, has his own Dnipr Battalion in the Donbass war.According to Kolimoisky’s assistant Boris Filatov, they are just Neo-nazi animals. Kolomoisky’s Dnipr battalion is replete with swastikas and Neo-nazi mercenaries from Ukraineand other countries. Among his more notable accomplishments, Kolimoisky funded and planned the Odessa Trade House Massacre last spring. Kolomoisky has a new Nazi problem. Of the 37 civilians that were found tortured, mutilated and killed in this instance, 19 were Jewish. Thats why Pankevich called it a mini-holocaust.
Yuri Bereza is a new Ukrainian Senator who now has medals for torture and murder of innocent people.
Semen Semenchenko
I have written extensively about
Sementchenko’s Donbass Battalion. Sementchenko is also a new Ukrainian
Senator. His battalion accused him of running when the fighting started.
When they were under attack he refused to deliver weapons his men did
not have. He told his deputy commander to leave because” they are just meat anyway.” Semenchenko’s battalion has been responsible for a lot of horror done to civilians in Donbass. This man is an animal.
UCCA LobbyingThe ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Congressional Committee of America (UCCA) has been lobbying the US Congress to give weapons to Ukraine. The men listed above are the representatives the Diaspora community chose as representative of their ideal of a Ukrainian nationalist in the mold of Stepan Bandera.
The United Nations (UN) recently released a report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, accusing the volunteer battalions of violating international humanitarian laws.
The date they chose falls on Ukraine Day celebrations to insure they get the turnout needed to show the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that these men deserve American dollars, weapons, and training.
This excerpt is from nationalist volunteer effort:
“As I’m sure you know, these three Magiare not only our lovely commanders of the volunteer battalions Donbas, Myrotvorets, and Dnipro-1, they are also newly-baked parliamentarians from Samopomich and Narodny Front. And they are in DC this week to meet with congressmen and military officials and talk about how to defend Ukraine. At this very moment, Russia is training a 30 000 army in the occupied eastern territories and stuffing the region with its weapons, and Semenchenko asks for OUR HELP!”“Remember, Ukraine is not only defending itself, but also peace in Europe, and the alliance between the US and its biggest friend, Europe, as well as international law.”
Considering that they want the US to attack Russia, should we thank them now or later?
What else does the Ukrainian emigres want from the US Congress?What Else Should the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Know?Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Voldymyr Ogrizko on Shuster Live (largest Ukrainian talk show): “‘Americans must be willing to die for Ukraine, because the former Soviet republic, fighting with Russia, defends the values of the Western world. And they are willing to die in Iraq or Afghanistan? If they are really talking about their values, they must be willing to die in Ukraine. Today we protect their valuables. This and our values. We protect their lives and their blood ,( He is talking about America )’ – said Ogryzko. He expressed the hope that the results of the elections in the US will bring Ukraine support.”
Recently on the Ukrainian investigative program Groshi. which I was shocked to learn was still on the air after the coup did a program on prostitution in the Ukrainian army.
At first blush, I would agree that doesn’t sound like
much except the commanders are forcing conscripts to act as prostitutes.
The commanders are collecting 600 hryvna per outing and supposedly
giving the conscript the equivalent of $4. Bear in mind that the
conscript cannot refuse the order.
The conscript age in Ukraine is now 16 years old. Other
soldiers or officers have their choice between a boy or a girl, man or
woman. How is this not sanctioned rape within the armed forces? Will the
US Congress support this?
To make matters worse for Kiev this backs up a story that would otherwise go unreported and therefore not investigated.
Oleg Lyashko Allegedly Rapes Young Soldier
A young soldier from the punisher battalion Shaktar
(Miner) has tried to testify on video that the leader of the Radical
Party of Ukraine, Rada MP, presidential runner up, and probably future
president of Ukraine, tied, beat, and raped him. The website ukraina.ru
carried the story. According to him he joined Shaktar to serve the
motherland and the promise of good money. His work detail was logistics
in the unit and keeping records.
The “Miner” cleansing Battalion soldier talked about how he was beaten and raped by the leader of the Radical Partyof
Ukraine Oleg Lyashko. This was written on the website ukraina.ru.
According to his story they tied him up and started gang raping him. He
was given to Oleg Lyashko and Andrew Lozovoy who were looking for young
In light of the Groshi story which ran on Ukrainian TV
this needs to be investigated. This is the clip that was broadcast on
Ukrainian TV.
Life in Mariupol under Azov BattalionSergey
In September a Mariupol resident “Sergey”wrote:
“I don’t want to go to war, but I will go if my family is harmed. I didn’t go to Referendum in May because I didn’t think it was that serious. I saw what Ukrainian Army did to Mariupol citizens on the 9 of May. I used to work back then. People with Ukrainian flags and stripes on their sleeves opened a fire on defenseless people. The people they shot were mostly elderly. This was at the Memorial Day to commemorate Mariupol’s Liberation from the Nazis.“People began to run and hide where it was possible. Some of them ducked in the shops and a nearby hairdressing salon. In the city center the worst shooting occurred. I helped people to get to the hospital for free without any hesitation. I did five trips to the hospital and back. My car was full of blood. But that didn’t matter to me then. Now I hope that I saved some peoples lives.“In spite of all this I didn’t go to the Referendum. I wanted to live in Novorossia, but I don’t know anyone who I can trust really. For several years I worked as a taxi driver, now I don’t. It is entirely dangerous. I am talking not only about losing your car, it is a common practice for soldiers to take away cars they like for their own use. If I am not mistaken, it is legal now. I am calling it dangerous because you can be shot, blown up or you can witness a crime the Ukrainian Army commits and killed for it. In July in the morning I was taking two young men from Melekino to Mariupol, and we were stopped at a blockpost by very rude young Ukrainian speaking soldiers.“They asked to show us our passports. My passengers didn’t have any documents on them. So they were taken out of the car and soldiers beat them with the butts of their rifles. The soldiers shouted at those men and abased them. They made them get on their knees and threatened to kill them. I was left in the car. After about 20 minutes the soldiers let my passengers go. They promised to kill them next time if they did not have documents. Another time I saw one young woman that was grabbed out of her car. She was stopped at the Volodarskiy blockpost. She was about 25 or so. She was in jeans shorts and a sexy T-shirt. Soldiers began to flirt with her, invite her for a cup of coffee, but she refused and they grabbed her and threw her into a black car. I don’t know what happened later, but I can imagine.”
Ann, 42 years old in Mariupol said:
“I am shocked because of all those things which are happening. This war broke my life. I was looking forward to the referendum very much. I was happy to go there to vote for our freedom from this crazy country “Ukraine”. I realized after watching what was happening in Slavyansk in April and here in Mariupol on the 9th of May that fascist (Kiev)government wouldn’t let us go without bloodshed.“I thought I was ready morally for war, but no, I couldn’t even imagine the horror of the ATO. We have to live, work, and study surrounded by heavy weapons.“I remember one day when my 13-years old daughter was at school and I was at work. The skirmishes and firing began in the city. At the same time my daughter was supposed to come home, and I thought I would die while I didn’t hear her voice and she could tell me that she was ok.“She saw a lot of armed people who shouted at several people to get on the ground. One of them was a woman. They pointed their guns at those people and all people near the soldiers. The traffic was blocked so my daughter came back home on foot. That happened in front of the tram station. After that I didn’t allow my daughter to go to school for days. I was afraid that she could be killed in one of those military operations. There are a lot of them now as because our town is occupied by Ukrainian mercenaries (Azov is has a foreign mercenary component). There are many more operations and these actions are more dangerous, bloody, and unprincipled.“Battali
ons like “Azov” are especially fierce and brutal. They kill people, ruin their houses, steal everything from household appliances to clothes and jewelery. We don’t go out in the evenings. The streets are almost empty. I am afraid even at home because soldiers can break into citizens’ houses at any time they want. They have permission to do it from the Ukrainian government.“I lost my job. I worked as a dermatologist and cosmetologist in one salon. Now it is closed and I don’t know how I will live with my daughter.“Every day we see new units of APCs, tanks, and trucks loaded with soldiers in the town. We hear different gossip about bombing. Every day we prepare ourselves to die. It’s the worst nightmare. But I hope that it will be the end of this mess.”
Should Congress Support This?
Should the US Senate give a penny of American money to
support these degenerates? When you understand the fact that the
Ukrainian emigre community considers the men heroes that see you as
Moskal? The UCCA taught these men their ideology. Most of the Senators
and Congressmen that support nationalist Ukraine or listen to the
ultra-nationalist UCCA lobby are not aware of what is going on. If you
care about your congressman you need to let them know before they vote.
The money they appropriate will go directly into the murder of innocent people, torture, and rape.
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