Obama’s Socialist Catastrophe
How is it that the obviously socialist agendas of the global elite are being foisted on a new generation of people so blatantly?
We all know that in lockstep with the globalists Obama and his cronies are doing their best to rush us headlong into a new dark ages of an American socialist nightmare. Using the cudgel of executive orders, Obama has twisted lawmaking from a process where the Constitution is followed to one where he enacts autocratic edicts. The “Affordable Care Act” is a prime example. Like most ironically named laws, the act is neither affordable, nor caring. His Robin Hood tax plan, also enacted by royal edict, is leading us into the same territory as France where industrious citizens are abandoning the country in droves. His latest announcement of unilateral “immigration reform” is the coup de grâce. With one fell swoop of his pen he will dissolve the borders, allow waves of criminals to flood into the country and invite the globalists to tighten their sinister grip and finish this once glorious nation.

Past is prologue and those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Those are aphorisms that come true time and time again. The bread and circus of our digitally-immersed world has pushed the stark memories of the realities suffered under the Soviet Union into the distant past. A new wave of socialist apologists has emerged under the banner of Change and Hope as telegraphed by the Obama campaign. Yet the policies and ideals exposed by his campaign are not the moral Golden Rule principles they seem to be, but instead thinly veiled pied piper notes leading us toward the nightmare of totalitarian, technocratic control. Let’s revisit some of the most telling circumstances that exemplify the glories of totalitarian socialism.

The command economy of the Soviet Union was idealized in the earliest writings of Lenin and his cohorts. The idea was to remove the free market from the equation and allow the “learned, scientific” minds of the dismal science (economists) to apply resources where needed and the labor (each to his own abilities) would be directed at the most efficient use. This would result in a socially flat utopia where everyone had equal rights and no one would go hungry. In theory it was a grand idea, but results were horrifying.

Political pogroms murdered tens of millions of people using fear and force to subjugate the free thinkers (imagine what that did to the genetics of the Russian people.) Development of technology slowed to a snail’s pace, and thus the system became horrifically inefficient. And perhaps worst of all the timeless wisdom of the farmer who could instinctually watch the sky and plan accordingly was supplanted by the fat bureaucrat issuing blundering orders in a damp office thousands of miles away. These apparatchiks were the core of the dysfunction and spiritual cousins to the bureaucrats that Obama is actively installing to better control our society.

What resulted was a process of slow attrition. Soon, the wrong fields were being sown. Bad crop rotation was destroying the land and the distribution of food was gridlocked. The farmers in despair and at the threat of death trudged along in the kafkaesque scenario becoming more and more demotivated each season. It came to a head with the Great Grain Robbery in 1972 where the Soviet Union could no longer support its own population and had to buy grain from the United States at subsidized prices. Meanwhile, the population of Russia suffered through long bread lines for the meager provisions. Most staples we take for granted were considered luxuries and supported a burgeoning black market where the criminals that grip today’s Russian society were spawned.
This shortage of goods and lack of choices was cleverly illustrated in this Robin Williams scene in the 1984 film Moscow on the Hudson. In this scene, Vladimir asks for coffee in the supermarket, he is directed to aisle 4, and then has a moment of great realization that we in the United States couldn’t really comprehend.

None other than the newly elected premier of Russia, Boris Yeltsin had an epiphany in a Randalls supermarket in Houston in 1989. He was exposed to the standard American supermarket and was shocked to find the array of fresh goods. After a lifetime of believing in socialism’s ideals he was confronted with the stark truth that it was all a facade. In the following excerpt, Michael Dobbs eloquently describes this conversion in his book Down With Big Brother: The Fall of the Soviet Empire:
A turning point in Yeltsin’s intellectual development occurred during his first visit to the United States in September 1989, more specifically his first visit to an American supermarket, in Houston, Texas. The sight of aisle after aisle of shelves neatly stacked with every conceivable type of foodstuff and household item, each in a dozen varieties, both amazed and depressed him. For Yeltsin, like many other first-time Russian visitors to America, this was infinitely more impressive than tourist attractions like the Statue of Liberty and the Lincoln Memorial. It was impressive precisely because of its ordinariness. A cornucopia of consumer goods beyond the imagination of most Soviets was within the reach of ordinary citizens without standing in line for hours. And it was all so attractively displayed. For someone brought up in the drab conditions of communism, even a member of the relatively privileged elite, a visit to a Western supermarket involved a full-scale assault on the senses.
“What we saw in that supermarket was no less amazing than America itself,” recalled Lev Sukhanov, who accompanied Yeltsin on his trip to the United States and shared his sense of shock and dismay at the gap in living standards between the two superpowers. “I think it is quite likely that the last prop of Yeltsin’s Bolshevik consciousness finally collapsed after Houston. His decision to leave theparty and join the struggle for supreme power in Russia may have ripened irrevocably at that moment of mental confusion.”
On the plane, traveling from Houston to Miami, Yeltsin seemed lost in his thoughts for a long time. He clutched his head in his hands. Eventually he broke his silence. “They had to fool the people,” he told Sukhanov. “It is now clear why they made it so difficult for the average Soviet citizen to go abroad. They were afraid that people’s eyes would open.”

How is it that in a few short decades this memory has been washed from the American collective consciousness? How is it that the obviously socialist agendas of the global elite are being foisted on a new generation of people so blatantly? Many will point to the dumbing down of our population, the focus on sports or entertainment. The numbing of our senses. Being overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of mindless streaming digital content. And they have a point. When we lack the perspective and discernment to step back and take even the most recent history into account, we are speeding headlong into the gaping maw of the limitless void. That is why we must remain vigilant, why we must always question and fight against the leering tyranny that is always around the corner seeking to devour us with its lies and obfuscations.
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