Monday, October 5, 2015

Obama puts U.S. on 'fast track' to world government

Obama puts U.S. on 'fast track' to world government

Leo Hohmann
Posted with permission from WND
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The United Nations 2030 Agenda endorsed by President Obama, Pope Francis and the U.N. General Assembly brings the world one giant step closer to true global governance.

The U.N. document approved Sunday in New York, "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," includes in its preamble the call for a "new universal agenda" for all of humanity.

But one big question looms.

How does such an ambitious plan get implemented?

The plan bypasses Congress and the legislatures of the world's other 193 nations. Yet, the heads of state agreed to work toward implementation, largely through secret trade deals and backroom bureaucratic rule-making, experts told WND.

Very few members of Congress have likely even read the U.N. document that Obama has agreed to implement, says one expert in globalism.

"The only thing they are lacking right now is a sufficient crisis big enough to win enthusiastic public support in America and other nations in the world for full-on global governance," says Paul McGuire, a Fox News and History Channel contributor and co-author of the new release, "Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Time Mystery."

babylon code coverThe U.N. document focuses on ending poverty and gender inequality, combating climate change and opening up borders to migrants and refugees.

"But, remember, the elite who are behind this are experts at manufactured crisis and their motto is ordo ab chao, which means ‘order out of chaos.' This was a term coined by the Masonic leader Albert Pike," McGuire told WND. "The new global order will be birthed by either a global financial crisis, the prospect of World War III involving Islam, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, Iran, Syria and Israel and a manufactured climate-change crisis."

To address these crises, world leaders at the U.N. put their stamp of approval on a 15-year plan, the so-called 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - a proposal some observers believe could be the first step toward the global superstate and cashless society predicted by biblical prophets.

"The real agenda of the globalist elite through all these ‘sustainable development' and ‘social justice' programs are to create a new global state," says McGuire.

His book, co-authored with journalist Troy Anderson, takes an investigative approach to examining end-times prophecies and the current state of the world in the epic battle between good and evil.

"We read in the book of Revelation that in the last days Babylon will return as a ‘born-again' world government, religion and economic system. What is happening now with the United Nations is Babylon rising again before our very eyes."

Cliff Kincaid, director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, also has his eye on Pope Francis and the Vatican.

While the media paid great attention to the pope kissing babies and hugging adoring Americans, it gave little if any coverage to the real story of his visit, which was to endorse the U.N.'s march toward a new international order under the guise of "sustainable development," Kincaid says in a recent article for AIM.

This agenda promises to radically affect the individual lives of ordinary Americans, yet they are being kept in the dark about its details.

The stated purpose of the U.N. "high panel's" report is to "transform economies through sustainable development."

The only American on this panel was John Podesta, former top climate-change adviser for Obama and now chairman for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Podesta is also a member in the elitist Trilateral Commission, founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and founder of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress.

"In addition to destroying the American system, the recommendations of this so-called high-level body, especially on the matter of ‘climate action,' could also have a dramatic impact on the lives of people around the world, including the poor, who need access to energy and real economic development to escape poverty," Kincaid writes.

technocracy rising 2According to Patrick Wood, author of "Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation," the whole "sustainable development" meme is a ploy to replace capitalism and free enterprise with a global socialist system based on resource allocation and energy usage rather than on supply and demand and free-market activity.

Wood said the proposed "transformation" of the world's current economic system "for a completely untried and untested one" is "dangerously absurd" and could make life worse for the people that the U.N. and Roman Catholic Church are supposed to help.

"Any honest economist would instantly balk at such Pollyannaish promises of utopia, and the American public should do so as well," Wood told Kincaid. "The fact is that these wild promises of prosperity for all are merely the candy coating to deceive the world into going along with its own economic destruction."

And the pope is fully on board with the U.N. plan to escort the world into global governance. Kincaid observes:

    "In a pitch for global socialism, masked in flowery language, Francis, who insisted on his way to the U.S. that he was not a liberal, said, ‘I would like all men and women of good will in this great nation to support the efforts of the international community to protect the vulnerable in our world and to stimulate integral and inclusive models of development, so that our brothers and sisters everywhere may know the blessings of peace and prosperity which God wills for all his children.'"

He adds that while the pope says nice things about the poor, "the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death."

Journalist and retired English professor Jerry B. Kane, writing about the 2030 Agenda in an article for Canada Free Press, notes that this new U.N. plan for humanity is more sweeping than the former plan, known as Agenda 21, which dealt mostly with the environment.

The preamble to the 2030 Agenda, which many see as the replacement for Agenda 21, specifically calls for an overhaul of the world's "three dimensions of sustainable development," which it lists as "the economic, social and environmental."

It then gives 17 goals and 167 targets that must be met by all nations.

"Nearly every nation in the world is expected to sign on to the 2030 Agenda," Kane writes. "But what happens to the nations that won't sign on or go along with the plan? Or better yet, what happens to freedom of conscience, individual liberty, and free enterprise in those nations that do go along?"

‘One crisis away'

The goal is to get every nation to willingly sign onto the plan and thereby give up elements of their national sovereignty, which could be done more easily in a time of crisis, McGuire said.

"The U.N. vote is about to put America and the world on the fast track to a one-world government," he told WND. "We are literally just one crisis away from that happening. It could happen overnight, and I don't think most people realize this."

In fact, the Telegraph, a major British newspaper, reported this week that the IMF was warning of just such an event, with a "mass default" in emerging markets where global corporations are exposed to weak economic conditions.

The trigger could be higher U.S. interest rates.

These corporations have "gorged themselves on cheap debt," the IMF warned. But the rug will eventually be pulled out by the Federal Reserve, causing a cascading collapse.

Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, Obama argued that it is necessary for the U.S. to retreat as a world superpower so that global governance can rise up in its place.

Obama rejected arguments that "strong states must impose their will" or that "might makes right" and "order must be imposed by force."

But what are the ideals in the U.N. charter that Obama proposes take the place of a superpower America?

What will global government look like?

For a clue on what global government will look like, McGuire says the real agenda was exposed by Lord Monckton, the former science adviser to Margaret Thatcher and now an exclusive columnist for WND.

Monckton warned on Oct. 14, 2009, that the true agenda of the U.N. climate treaty and Agenda 21 is to create an all-powerful world government and to transfer wealth from Western nations to Third World nations through the force of new U.N.-sponsored international laws.

One of the ways to do this redistribution is by allowing Third World refugees to migrate freely into the industrialized nations of the West.

"Monckton summed it all up when he said; the goal of the U.N. is to impose communist world government on the world," McGuire said.

The world is now at a "tipping point" for this new system to be installed, he said.

"We see the world being deliberately brought to the brink of a financial crisis that is created through debt to the central banks in Europe and the Federal Reserve system in the United States," McGuire said. "The economies of the world have been strategically impacted by trillions of dollars in debt, the slowing of economic growth due to U.N. sustainable development policies and the impossible demands of attempting to pay off these debts through higher taxes."

These governments are obligated to pay pensions, retirement programs and other benefits to their people while their economies have been stagnating under the weight of socialist economic policies.

The sovereign debt crisis that started in Greece and Cypress will spread like a contagion through Europe and the U.S. And the growing wealth disparity is creating conditions where the people of the world, including the former American middle class, will cry out for socialist-style economic policies.

As Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF said, "a reboot of the global financial system is needed." This may include a new world currency and a cashless society.

Islam's role in creating new world order

To create a crisis that enables their new global order to be implemented, McGuire believes the elites have been stoking and manipulating the rise of worldwide Islam.

The Wahhabi sect, which is the most militant branch of Sunni Islam, is heavily financed by Saudi Arabia through its vast oil reserves, discovered near the Persian Gulf in 1939. The al-Saud dynasty later made a deal with the Rockefeller oil companies and in order for the dynasty to keep its power it had to agree to finance Wahhabism, McGuire said.

Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, created the rebirth of a militant Shia movement.

The growth of both sects of militant Islam are connected to U.S., European, Russian and American oil interests, McGuire said.

"Since the late 1970s when Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, was helping train Osama bin Laden, the hands of the globalists have been all over the growth of militant Islam," he said. "It appears Islam is being used as a destabilizing force in both Europe and the United States designed to breakdown a cohesive Judeo-Christian culture."

Islam and liberal Christianity ‘moving closer'

McGuire said he's received confidential reports from inside Germany regarding the flood of immigrants into Europe. Many inside Germany believe this was pre-planned with the pope's appeal last year for Islam to move closer to Christianity.

More than 8,000 Muslims per day are entering Europe from various routes. They are creating violence and chaos, and the U.N. has said there is no end in sight with regard to the arrival of new migrants.

"Civil unrest is ready to explode, and the people are crying out for some kind of police state to manage the chaos, which appears to be the plan all along," McGuire told WND.

McGuire believes the U.N. plan using climate change as a global crisis goes all the way back to 1992 and the U.N.'s Earth Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A crisis as big as the world's "climate" had to be manufactured and hyped by the world's media before the U.N. could put forth an aggressive agenda calling for some kind of global government.

Using secret trade deals

"Beginning at the U.N.'s Earth Summit, the U.N. has used climate change, sustainable development and Agenda 21 as a Trojan horse to grab power. During the Sept. 25-27 summit, the U.N. presented its new 15-year plan to transform the world. What this transformation is really all about is forcing sovereign nations, including the United States, to surrender its rights under U.N. law and a U.N. global government," McGuire said.

And that's where the trade deals Congress allowed the Obama administration to secretly negotiate come into play.

"All the secret trade treaties that our government and other governments are signing are really all about circumventing our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and placing the United States and its citizens under the rule of U.N. law," McGuire said.

"This is extremely dangerous because U.N. law, despite using terms like ‘human rights,' offers no secure legal protection of the freedoms and rights we have guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights," he said. "The Declaration of Independence states that we have been given, ‘certain inalienable rights by our Creator.' This means that God, and not any human government, has given our rights and freedoms to us and, therefore, no human government has the right to take them away."

The U.N. Convention on Human Rights claims to offer protections for people's rights.

The U.S. Bill of Rights gives "freedom of religion," "freedom of speech," "freedom of the press," etc. The U.N. gives similar rights and freedoms that can be taken away at any time and for any reason by human government.

"This is exactly the same strategy that the planners of the European Union like Jean Monnet used in destroying the rights and national sovereignty of individual European nations," McGuire said. "Monnet and others created simple ‘trade treaties' regarding coal and steel and would bury in these treaties subtle legal language that began the process of ending the rights of the independent European nations."

Through a succession of such trade treaties, "the Europeans woke up one day and discovered they had lost their basic rights and freedoms and they were now legally forced to surrender their national sovereignty and accept the dictates of a European Union, but it was all done by stealth," he continued. "This is exactly what is happening in the U.S. today with various trade treaties and the U.N. This is one of the reasons why John Boehner is going to resign because he is secretly signing away our constitutional rights along with other members of both political parties. And when the American people finally wake up, it will too late."

When Obama said at the United Nations, "We cannot look backward," and emphasized that global integration is an agenda that transcends the narrowly defined interests of nation states, he was revealing his belief that a sovereign nation like America must be brought down so a new global order can rise.

"President Obama is not acting alone when he said at the U.N., ‘Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international law, we will not succeed,'" McGuire said. "What Obama and prominent leaders in both the Republican and Democratic Parties are currently in the process of doing is moving America away from the authority of U.S. constitutional law and placing us under the authority of international law through a series of secret trade treaties that no one can read."

The late CBS anchorman, Walter Cronkite, known as "the most trusted man in America," said in 1999, that the U.S. must give the United Nations the full power of a world government and both a police and military to enforce its international laws. Cronkite also said that America must give up its sovereignty for this U.N. world government to take over.

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