Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Moment Of Denials

Below is a short memo from LaRouche on the state of denial among especially the baby-boomers in leadership today, in regard to the collapse now unfolding before us. Also, this link: LPAC Website will take you to a brief video address from LaRouche on the failure of Bernanke yesterday to defend the US dollar, and the potentially horrendous consequences of not raising rates to 4% and establishing a 1-2% separate rate for federally approved infrastructure investments.

The Moment Of Denials
05 Aug 2008
By: Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.
August 5, 2008 (LPAC)--The world has now reached the point of crisis which so many, even among my associates, have lacked the guts to see. The doom of the present world system, which was formally decreed for the future, from the guilty mouth of U.S. President Richard Nixon, on August 15, 1971, has now arrived. The exact day, or hour, on which a most notable kind of breaking development in U.S. policy might occur, now remains uncertain with respect to the short term, but, what is assured is that, if we do not see the emergency action which I have projected, the present world system is doomed in the short term, perhaps the very short term.
Now, the relevant financial and political officials are lying their heads off. The uncertainty is, that while they are all lying, none among them is exactly certain what the truth is.
Presently, it is fairly estimated that no less than 1400- 3000 U.S. banks (not counting European banks, for example) are already lying virtually dead in the morgue of dead banks. Only a few among these have been processed for public burial, the others are lying as mortal remains in the cooler. The number could be much larger, perhaps 5,000 or more banks.
The reasons it is difficult to estimate the exact number, are two. First, the relevant officials and relevant others would be lying their heads off, if they still had heads. Second, there is a certain uncertainty about the definition of "dead"; the present system is certainly dead, and could not be resuscitated in its present form; how many of these cases could be resurrected under a new system, depends upon how soon, and in what framework the needed shift toward a replacement banking system might occur.
The Factor of Mass-Idiocy
With the dying-out of my own and the preceding generations, there is no longer any remaining competence on the subject of economy among the younger generations, neither the Baby-Boomer generation which has generated most of the worst incompetence reigning within the U.S. Congress and Wall Street today, nor the young-adult generation, has any competence in the matter of economics. They are fantasy- ridden, who share something of the rubbed-off lunacy of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, in their wishing to believe that money is simply what their wishful dreaming might hope money might be, or become. With rare individual exceptions, the relevant reigning academics, marketeers, and politician are as crazy as loons in these matters.
The pertinent fact is that money is essentially merely fictitious, not an expression of any sort of "real" value. The very belief in a "money system" is a definite mark of some form of a personal clinical insanity closely related to the most morbid types of sexual fantasies. The rising supremacy, in the matter of government and finance, of, most notably, the so- called "68ers" of North America, western and central Europe, and the former Soviet Union today, echoes the "68ers" hatred of "blue collar" industrial, agricultural, and scientific strata of society, a condition in which actual and simulated cocaine fantasies have taken the place of reality in their concerns. For these "Alice-in-Wonderland" types of depraved veterans of the "68er" mass-lunacy money is "Anything we hope to choose we can believe."
The first phase of the ongoing collapse, is financial- economic. The second phase is the collapse of the prevalent "Boomers" lunatic belief in "our chosen, globalized, way of life." However defiantly the lunatics wish to choose to believe, the system is now coming down, such that only the reforms I have stipulated could possibly prevent a global plunge into a "New Dark Age" much worse, and more long-lasting than that of Europe's Fourteenth Century.
The only "prediction" which makes sense now, is the prediction that you might suddenly, miraculously, give up your silly ways of believing. The party in which you thought you were participating, is over.
present system is as good as dead. Sane people are those who accept that reality as fact.

Michael Billington
Asia Desk
Executive Intelligence Review

1 comment:

LynMarcus said...

The Mike Billington whose name appears sounds familiar. Isn't he a convicted felon who was sent to prison for securities fraud in the Larouche cult? Larouche himself was also convicted for fraud and tax evasion as well. Larouche has been running a cult for decades and he issues the same type of statements year after year after year after year for gullible cult followers like Billington who have never wised up about how they blew their whole life for a mad man.

You can read how this bizarro world works on various sites like:

and Mike's favorite (look under discussions for over 10K and growing posts by former members who show how this cult works)

Mike is so damaged by the cult that I think his lawyer wanted to declare him mentally incompetent to avoid jail time. Mike followed Larouche's legal advise and got himself a 78 or so year sentence.

Billington has spent almost his entire adult life either working airport card table shrines for Larouche, boiler rooms for larouche or prison for Larouche.

He has been hearing the same end of the world hysteria by Larouche every one of those years.

You can be concernved about economic troubles and current events, however, Larouche just runs a cult of personality where you save the world by worshipping him like Mike Billington has. You raise money for him and never question why you are doing the same thing over and over. Mike would be dead if not for the few bucks his wife gets from her parents. Larouche has lived like royalty while Mike gets a few bucks a week, if he is lucky.

Virtually everyone Mike knew in the group has fled and restarted their lives. Mike is just hanging around as it is too painfull to question why he blew his life in this lunacy as he ages and ages.

Mike Billington is the one who has experienced an economic crash and depression every day of his life with Larouche.

It is never too late to leave this bizarro world and restart your life Mike. Take your brother and sister with you as well, they suffered enough.