The following is a report on a CSIS conference designed to prepare for a US war on China. It is published in the current EIR. A second article, by Helga LaRouche, titledThe New Silk Road Is Creating A New, Just World Economic Order, on what China is actually doing to benefit the entire world, will be in my next e-mail. Mike Billington
CSIS ConferenceU.S. China-BashingCountered by Scholarsby Michael BillingtonJuly 14—Leaders in Congress and the Washingtonthinktank Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS), among others, have rapidly escalated their warhysteria against China. The CSIS, which occasionallypromotes reasonable strategic positions, went into hy-perbolic extremes of China-bashing in a July 10-11conference on “Recent Trends in the South China Seaand U.S. Policy.” The persistent underlying assumptionof the panelists (with the exception of two Chinese rep-resentatives and a Malaysian spokesman), was thatChina, under President Xi Jinping, has become a serialaggressor, threatening peace in Asia and, to somespeakers, the entire world’s peace and prosperity.There is a certain perverted irony in CSIS’s sponsor-ship of a conference in the U.S. capital, defining Chinaas one of the world’s most dangerous aggressors, dueprimarily to their drilling for oil and building facilitieson contested islands in the South China Sea, with narya mention of the Obama Administration’s multiplecriminal wars of aggression against nations that pose nothreat to the United States, threatening global war bythe massing of U.S. and NATO forces and anti-ballisticmissile systems along the Russian and Chinese borders,adopting a first-strike doctrine against China, known asAir-Sea Battle, carring out drone killings worldwidewithout any legal or political oversight or justification,and spying on every nation on Earth—to name but afew of Obama’s impeachable crimes.In fact, while 80 Congressmen from both partiessent a letter to Obama demanding that he stop hisnewest illegal war—yet another war in Iraq—CSISchose to invite Republican hawk Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee,who is calling for immediate U.S. air strikes againstIraq, to open their “confront-China” conference. He didnot disappoint.China, said Rogers, after 20 years of investing in itsmilitary prowess, believes that “now is the time, whilethe world is distracted,” to expand at the expense of itsneighbors. “This has to change,” Rogers inveighed.“This is death by a thousand cuts,” creating “brewingclouds of conflict—this is as serious as it gets.” Hepraised the U.S.-Philippine agreement to allow U.S. air,sea, and land forces to occupy bases in the Philippines;he praised Japan’s decision to scrap the postwar pacifistconstitution, and to prepare to join in a U.S. war in Asia;he praised Vietnam for sending military ships to disrupta Chinese oil rig near the Paracel Islands, which areunder Chinese control; but, he said, “This is not enough,it is getting more serious every day. This could lead tooutright conflict—we’re on that matrix.”Rogers added that the U.S. “must aggressivelypursue deterrence,” and provide Japan with “state of theart weaponry.” We must stop normal diplomatic ap-proaches, “be more direct, more aggressive, empowerour friends—now is the time to confront China’s glut-tonous, naked aggression.”Incredibly, Rogers charged that China is not onlystrategically dangerous, but that it is responsible for de-stroying the economies of the region—in fact, of thewhole world! China, he said, “uses its power to bully,intimidate, and destabilize the economy of the world.”This points to the real target of this exercise. China,together with Russia, India, and other Eurasian nations,including all of the Southeast Asian nations other thanthe Philippines and Vietnam, are engaged in collabora-tion with China in massive infrastructure develop-ment—in energy, rail, water, space, nuclear, and more,even while the U.S. and Europe are in economic freef-all, pumping trillions of newly printed dollars and eurosinto bailing out the gambling debts of the trans-Atlanticbanking system, while massively cutting investmentsinto the real economy. Obama and his British/WallStreet controllers would rather have war than acceptEurasian growth and new international economic insti-tutions, such as those coming into being at the BRICSmeeting in Brazil this week, while the West collapses.China’s ResponseTo the credit of CSIS, they did invite two prominentChinese scholars from Tsinghua University to addressthe conference: Jia Bingbing, a law professor who de-fended China’s legal position regarding the contestedterritories, and Chu Shulong, a political science profes-sor. Professor Chu provided a cogent and damninganalysis of the U.S. intentions and actions in the SouthChina Sea, notably directly contrasting them to the “lastDemocratic Administration” under President BillClinton.Under Obama, Chu said, the policy in theSouth China Sea is not actually about the SouthChina Sea, but is part of the “larger strategicframework” of the Asia Pivot, or Rebalancing,pronounced by Obama in 2012. In the past, U.S.policy in the region included economic issues,human rights, and strategic concerns—but now, itis “almost all strategic, dependent on troubles,disputes between Asian countries.” When thePhilippines or Vietnam construct things on the is-lands, or send warships to the islands, “the U.S. issilent—only China is the bad guy in Asia.”Chu noted that there is much talk about inter-national law, but that “the U.S. will not join theInternational Criminal Court, or the UNCLOS, oreven some human rights conventions—the U.S.wants international law for others, but ignores itfor itself when it wants to, including Iraq and othercountries.”Of course China is building its navy, Chu said, as amaritime country with rapidly expanding trade. But isthere a reason, he asked, “for the massive build up ofU.S. military forces in the South China Sea, whichthreatens China? Is this not coercion?”The Empire’s ToadiesFrom British Commonwealth member Australia,where the U.S. is setting up extensive air, sea, and landmilitary facilities directed at China, Cabinet MinisterMalcolm Turnbull went further even than Congress-man Rogers. Speaking at Australian National Univer-sity on June 20, Turnbull claimed China has no friendsin Asia! “It has really no allies in the region, apart fromNorth Korea,” he said. “And the consequence has been[that] now China’s neighbors are drawing closer to theUnited States than ever before.” Ironically, ChinesePresident Xi’s visit to Seoul in early July demonstratedthat China is closer to U.S. military ally South Koreathan it is to the North, while nearly all the nations ofSoutheast Asia and Central Asia, including India, arestrengthening their cooperation with China.U.S. Secretaries of State and Treasury John Kerryand Jack Lew, along with Adm. Samuel Locklear, headof the Pacific Command, were in Beijing July 9-10 forthe annual U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dia-logue. Despite the Obama Administration’s growingconfrontation with China, the U.S. military has insistedon maintaining close relations with China—JointChiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey has re-peatedly warned against the “Thucydides Trap” (be-lieving that because China is a rising power, it mustnecessarily lead to conflict with the U.S.), and AdmiralLocklear invited China, for the first time, to the recentRimpac naval exercises in the Pacific, and has invitedthem to return next year.Otherwise, the Dialogue provided far less an ex-change of ideas than what is required by the currentstate of the global war danger. Kerry again demandedthat China submit the territorial issues to internationalarbitration under the UN Convention on the Law of theSea (UNCLOS)—a Convention which the U.S. hasitself refused to ratify, based on the claim that it wouldentail a loss of sovereignty! Yet, China has signed theConvention, and is following its rules precisely, includ-ing that arbitration is only allowed when both parties toa dispute agree to it.In fact, the Philippine spokesman at the CSIS con-ference, after extended denunciations of China’s re-fusal to submit to supposedly impartial internationalarbitration, admitted in his closing statement that hehad met with the Chinese 120 times, and that China hasrepeatedly called for “joint development” of theregion—which the Philippines rejects. Clearly, Obamadoesn’t want development—he wants imperial “divideand conquer” conflict.
Monday, July 21, 2014
U.S. China-Bashing Countered by Scholars
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