Monday, March 3, 2014

Statement of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with statements made by the U.S. Secretary of State about the situation in Ukraine

Dear friends -- The following two links are:
    1 --  a brief 8 minute interview I did on Iran's Press TV on Feb. 28, on the threat of thermonuclear war with Russia due to the coup in Ukraine led by neo-nazi organizations, sponsored openly by Obama and NATO
    2 - a video prepared by the LaRouche Political Action Committee showing video of Obama's direct threat of war against Russia in a White House press briefing on Friday Feb. 28, followed less than an hour later by an intervention by one of my associates at a speech given by Obama to a Democratic Party meeting, demanding he explain his war plan, only to see Obama lie about what he had just said minutes earlier.
My Press TV interview:  
Obama's war threat and public lie:
I am also including here the statement, translated by EIR, which was released today (Monday) by the Russian Foreign Ministry in response to John Kerry's open threat of economic and military operations against Russia on Sunday.  Anyone who still doubts LaRouche's "countdown to thermonuclear war" warning in early February, if Obama is not removed from office immediately, had better study these documents closely.           
                 Mike Billington
Michael O. Billington
Executive Intelligence Review
Asia Desk

Statement of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with statements made by the U.S. Secretary of State about the situation in Ukraine


We consider the threats against Russia , made in a series of public statements by Secretary of State J. Kerry in connection with the latest events in Ukraine and Crimea , to be unacceptable. Without bothering to study and comprehend the complex processes taking place in Ukrainian society and make an objective evaluation of the situation, which continues to deteriorate after the forcible seizure of power in Kiev by radical extremists, the Secretary of State is using Cold War cliches, proposing to “punish” the Russian Federation rather than those who organized the coup d’etat.
At the same time, nothing is said about the fact that it was the USA and its allies, who closed their eyes to the rampages of the Maidan guerrillas, their abuses against their political opponents and ordinary citizens, their militant Russophobia and anti-Semitism, and their desecration of the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Washington has likewise ignored the fact that the newly emerged Kiev regime has flouted the Feb. 21 agreement, to which the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Poland had affixed their signatures, and has formed a “government of the victors,” in effect declaring war on the Russian language and everything associated with Russia. Now the West has overt neo-Nazis, who have smashed up Orthodox churches and synagogues, as its allies.
Russia’s position has been and remains consistent and open. While for some Western politicians Ukraine is merely a geopolitical playing field, for us this is a fraternal nation, with which we are bound together by our centuries-long common history.
Russia is interested in a stable and strong Ukraine , where  the legitimate rights and interests of Ukrainians, of our compatriots, and of all citizens are ensured. In the extraordinary situation that has come about, though no fault of ours, when the life and safety of the residents of Crimea and the southeast regions are under a real threat because of the irresponsible and provocational actions of the followers of Bandera and other ultra-nationalist elements, the measures we are taking are appropriate and absolutely legal. We advocate the speediest possible return of the situation in Ukraine to normalcy, based on the Feb. 21 agreement, including the formation of a legitimate government of national unity, taking into account the interests of all political forces and regions of the country.

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