Sunday, March 2, 2014

Jim Willie Bombshell: Saudi Royal Gold Ransacked in London to Prevent Default! |

          Another brilliant lesson in economics and geo politics by Dr. Jim Willie.  Stuff you will not hear on FOX or CNN.  Too bad.  Most Americans are just too lazy to bother to read this piece.   And the ones that would take the time to read it,  are so stupefied they will never understand what he saying.
          “Americans are so stupid you can spit in their face and then convince them it is dew.” Nikita Kruschev
          “Any nation that expects to remain both ignorant and free, expects what never was and never will be.”  Thomas Jefferson  
On Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:12 PM,  wrote:
                        “The ultimate vengeance by the Saudis might be a full revelation of the true perpetrators of the 911 attacks. The label coup d’etat fits but seems inadequate. The same team of security agents is at work in Ukraine, being exposed. They were busy in Georgia (near Russia) just a few years ago. They plied their trade in Benghazi Libya only 18 months ago. The fingers will be pointed at the vile security agencies who preach and practice genocide, while they professional pilfer gold. The big hint was the dual passport status of so many in the George W Bush Administration. The Jackass believes that the dismantle of the Patriot Act should include a new law that people with a second passport cannot serve in the USGovt, especially in the executive branch that is overrun by security agency spooks. Even the Mayor of Chicago has a dual passport, and fealty to another nation, more betrayal. His job could be to keep the lid on pilfered Chicago bank accounts, related to the Clinton Team when Obama cut his teeth, made his bones, and earned his stripes.”    Dr. Jim Willie
                        Well boys and girls Dr. Willie is speaking cryptically because he wants to stay alive.   So, who do you think Dr. Willie is referring too?   Must be all those muslims who have infiltrated the USG.  

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