Monday, February 15, 2010

China feels US-Iran fallout

China feels US-Iran fallout

As the above two articles suggest, American foreign policy these days is more about regime change in China than anything else.

I give somewhat greater credence to the ATOL article because it gives some interesting and useful insight into how American foreign policy is actually concocted.

As you may know, many people compare the legislative process in America to "sausage making" but the intensive and highly scientific evolution of present day American foreign policy is based upon the "Game Theory" ideas of the former Princeton University Mathematician John Nash.

Game theory modeling give policy planners a very detailed and precise understanding of how individuals, nations, and in particular their leaders will act and/or react in any particular given situation where and when the results of US actions on the international stage may not always be obvious or easy to predict.

The ability to predict is based upon a number of important considerations such as access 1) to large mainframe supercomputers such as those employed by NSA for SIGINT 2)correct input of variable that could affect the behavior of any given individual 3) detailed analysis regarding the situation 4) a whole vast list of other variables related to economic forecasting and such other highly complex matters.

All such analysis,however, is based upon probability theory and one of the more bizarre and interesting theorists in that realm was the Austrian/British theorist Karl R. Popper who understood quite fully and completely the real problem of all such totally phony and bogus predictions that eventually break down at a certain point precisely because they are TOTALLY useless in really coming to terms with what has become known as a "Black Swan" event.

Yes, reality is a very curious thing indeed and the whole purpose of Popper's work was to show that we, as human beings do not really understand it and can never ever come to terms with that vast sea of the unpredictable and hence the unknowable.

So what does all this have to do with China & America you ask? And my answer would be this- that the present leadership cult in America really does have its eyes set on leadership change of some sort in the PRC but just what form they want that to take or how precisely they plan to get there is a little hard for me to predict at this stage owning to the fact that I don't use game theory in regard to making my predictions not only because I don't have access to the hardware required to play those games but also because I think that Popper had a profoundly correct model in his own mind as to what reality was really all about and that it was in a nutshell- highly unpredictable!

So the genie in now maybe half way out of the bottle and trade wars have a way of blowing up into real wars which is really what war has always been about anyway and we know that as good loyal Americans the new enemy of the day is now Iran but lurking behind Iran is really the real real enemy of tomorrow or maybe next week or whenever the power structure gets around to programming the population as such-China.

So it is soon to be- "Enter the Dragon", however; as everyone familiar with either the Eastern outlook or the archaic tradition such as the one that held the whole world together in the neolithic era, the Dragon symbolizes life and he who seeks to slay it seeks to destroy life itself and isn't that what the West really prides itself on,i.e. the ability to destroy life?

The logic of the symbolism tells me more about the right and wrong of this situation than all the underground acres of computing power at Ft.George Meade could ever do.

The Dragon is life and as Myyrlyn new in an age long past no one can ever look at it directly or he/she will be turned into stone at that very instant when he/she sees it all.

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