Monday, May 4, 2009

Lucifer's Revolution Finds Its Stride

DR. Henry Makow knocked this one "out of the park."

Lucifer's Revolution Finds Its Stride
April 30, 2009

The Hate from the State

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Little by little, the Illuminati bankers are dropping their mask and revealing the evil agenda behind current events. What is called "progressive" and "liberal" is in fact satanic. What is called "revolution" is aimed at overthrowing God --the natural and spiritual (moral) order-- and replacing Him with dictates of devil worshipers, the Rothschilds and their lackeys.

When we read about "Hate Laws," sex education for five-year-olds , the promotion of homosexuality to heterosexuals, we must see them in spiritual context, as the Luciferian overthrow of all that is natural, healthy, true and good, turning the world upside down, i.e. "revolution."

When we hear about pig flu, let's keep our focus on the big picture. We are infected by a more serious and widespread cancer, satanism, under the guises of communism, liberalism, socialism, zionism, fascism, feminism and globalism. Luciferianism permeates society in the form of materialism, naturalism, occultism, obscenity, sadism, violence, pornography and promiscuity.

No coincidence that Obama asks that Christian symbolism be covered when he speaks. Can you imagine him making the same request at a Jewish or homosexual venue? Obama's own symbolism is Illuminati, reminiscent of the Lucis (Lucifer)Trus t. All our leaders covertly signal their true loyalty to Lucifer .


These claims are extreme. I wouldn't make them if they weren't literally true. Reread my account of the 1938 NKVD interrogation of Illuminati insider Chaim Rakover (a.k.a Christian Rakovsky.) This man was a founder of the Comintern and Soviet President of the Ukraine, and ambassador to Paris. He says the Illuminati bankers (i.e. Rothschild syndicate) have infinite wealth and now want absolute power.

They created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached."

The aim of the Revolution is no less than to redefine reality in terms of their interests and Cabalist beliefs. This involves the promotion of subjective truth over objective truth. If Lenin "feels something to be real" then it is real. "For him every reality, every truth was relative in the face of the sole and absolute one: the revolution."

In other words, white is black and evil is good. Homosexuality which specialists agree is usually a developmental disorder is now something everyone should try. Teachers who protest are fired . Babies who survive abortions are left to die and thrown out with the trash . Obama approves. People who protest the Zionist slaughter of Palestinian women and children lose their jobs.

The Illuminati bankers financed intellectuals who recommended ways to weaken society to accept their tyranny. In a perceptive article, "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt," Timothy Mathews lists their recommendations, made over 50 years ago. How many do you recognize?

1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. 'Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness'. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.


Since the Illuminati bankers control the mass media, political parties and education, it is not an exaggeration to say society is under mortal attack by its putative leaders. This attack is felt every day.

Let me extrapolate from a small example. The Student's Association at the local university has been dominated by homosexuals and feminists for years. They are holding a Prom on May 8.
Except it is called an "Anti-Prom" and like homosexuality itself, it is a parody of heterosexuality.

"Come as you aren't!" the poster exhorts us. "Dress-up, down, drag, hairy or famous. the stranger the better." An "Anti-King" and "Anti-Queen" will be chosen. BELOW A PICTURE OF MARILYN MONROE, THERE IS A BARELY VISIBLE PICTURE OF A VICIOUS SNARLING GORILLA.

This University (of Winnipeg) doesn't have a normal Prom. There are few if any heterosexual dances. This is a small example of the toxic environment in which heterosexuals now live. Yet, exposed to this elite-sponsored, homosexual hatred and hostility, we are expected to exude benevolence and "tolerance" or face censure.

Another example: I have been reliably informed that local high schools are no longer allowed to set deadlines for assignments. It is felt this does not test the students abilities. Hello? It teaches self-discipline, something our masters apparently don't want young people to have.


Since the so-called "Enlightenment," Western civilization has been based on a defiance of God, i.e. Truth,Love and Goodness, and an assertion of man's (i.e. the Illuminati banker's) divinity and right to define reality. Modernity is nothing but the neuroses, dysfunction and dissatisfaction created by this solipsistic delusion.

Culture and true civilization are founded on using spiritual ideals (absolutes) to refine our baser instincts. This is what defines us as human, "gentle" men, civilized. Luciferianism aims to "liberate" us from self-restraint i.e. self-discipline. It glorifies the animal and rejects the human. Why? Because the Illuminati bankers see us as their cattle, born to serve them.

We are under a relentless occult psychological barrage. Part of it is the implication we are bigoted and "hateful" if we uphold our rights and values. We have been subjugated by witting and unwitting servants of Satan, human demons, and we must resist in every way we know.

Related- my "Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism & Satanism"

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date . He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at .

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