Thursday, February 14, 2008

What the Future Holds: It’s much worse than your worst nightmare

Note: Additional articles on politics can be found in the center column of this site approximately one-third down the page. The articles are broken down into General Politics and country specific politics. A selection of these articles that are specifically related to this post available at: Additional Information: Related articles from

Everything is politics, from what we eat to what we drink, from what society deems acceptable behavior to what it considers a criminal offence, from who we interact with to how we interact with them. Politics decides if we are free or if we will live as slaves in bondage. Politics determines what our children are taught in school, how we treat the ecosystem, what theories scientists investigate, how art is perceived, what version of history we recall, and how the future will remember us.

In essence, politics governs our thoughts, our understanding of reality, and how we and our society evolve, which is why for the last year the main focus of has been the analysis of our political status, laying down a foundation for our next phase of dialogue, which is now set to begin.

In the next few months information presented on this site will change focus. It will include more detailed discussion and analysis of topics such as Salvia Divinorum, health and environment, economics, The language of Mathematics, psychedelics and alternate realities, the future structure of communities, science and technology, time and light speed, life and death, and of course games, music and entertainment.

As a result the frequency of posts will be reduced, however specific articles will now, in large part, be self-contained. When necessary, political articles will be posted to provide information about certain events that will most likely unfold in the next few months (see below).

Before moving on from the realm of politics, I have prepared the following summary and forecast of what we can expect in the future. Since specific issues have been previously discussed in detail on this site I have tried to keep this summary brief and on topic. The perspective presented should make it clear that the opening of Pandora's box with the US-led invasion of Iraq has, beyond a reasonable doubt, kick started World War III.

This information is being presented in three parts: The first begins with an analysis of a recent BBC news report that thousands of Pakistanis are fleeing into Afghanistan; second is a graphical presentation of what the West is planning to do in the Muslim world; and third is why it is crucial that the use of Nuclear and Scalar weapons be avoided at all costs.

In addition, I have also supplied links to articles from that are essential reading, further discussing in detail what is presented in this post.

1) How Bad It Is: Pakistanis flee into Hell, while Hell comes to Africa (permalink)

2) Target is still Iran: Clear Cutting the Middle East and the coming Blood Bath (permalink)

3) Avoiding Armageddon: Why the use of Nuclear and Scalar weapons must be avoided at all costs (permalink)

4) Other Triggers of WWIII: Net Neutrality and 2012 Prophecies

5) Additional Information: Related articles from

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