Saturday, November 5, 2016

A Massive Bombshell Was Dropped in FBI's Clinton Case Last Night. Network Coverage is 'Beyond the Pale'


A Massive Bombshell Was Dropped in FBI's Clinton Case Last Night. Network Coverage is 'Beyond the Pale'

Hillary making a Hillary face
Getty - Alex Wong
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Between WikiLeaks and the ongoing FBI investigation, the Clinton bombshells continue to drop — fast and furious — to borrow a term from the Obama administration. Now FBI sources tell Fox News anchor Bret Baier that an eventual indictment is likely to come.
Baier told Fox News colleague Brit Hume Wednesday night that “a lot of evidence” has been recovered from Anthony Wiener’s laptop, and that an indictment is expected, even if it comes months after a presumed Clinton election.
“I pressed, again and again, on this very issue. These sources said, yes, the investigations will continue, there’s a lot of evidence, and barring some obstruction [from the Justice Department] in some way, they believe they’ll continue to, likely, an indictment.”
Yet, the news networks won't touch the story. As reported by the Media Research Center:
On Wednesday evening, Fox News Special Report anchor Bret Baier led off his show with explosive breaking news revealing an extensive ongoing FBI investigation into the corruption scandals swirling around Hillary Clinton, with bureau agents looking into everything from newly discovered e-mails to pay for play allegations against the Clinton Foundation. Despite the bombshell coming just days before election day, the broadcast networks have yet to touch the story.
In another major revelation, Baier told Hume that the FBI is 99 percent certain that Clinton's server was hacked by multiple foreign intelligence agencies.
“We’ve learned that there is a confidence from these sources that her server had been hacked. And that it was a 99 percent accuracy that it had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and they believe things have been taken from that.”
Yet another serious story dropped Thursday morning when Wikileaks released a 2014 email conversation between Clinton and current Campaign Chairman John Podesta, in which Podesta warned Clinton to stop discussing sensitive material via email.  
Image Credit: David Becker/Getty Images
Image Credit: David Becker/Getty Images
Scandal after scandal, bombshell after bombshell. Yet the so-called “big three” networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — continue their obsession with all things Donald Trump.
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacted angrily to the virtual blackout.
“The networks’ blackout of the news that two FBI sources said there will ‘likely’ be indictments related to the Clinton Foundation is beyond the pale.
If there was a report about likely indictments related to the Trump Foundation, there would be an immediate flash mob of reporters camped in front of Trump Tower breaking away from regularly-scheduled programming and offering play-by play commentary.
No one in the so-called ‘news’ media can deny this without lying through his/her teeth. The stench of corruption between the Justice Department, the State Department and the Clinton Foundation machine, and now the leftist ‘news’ media is overpowering. This is a media cover-up.
We will report developments on this continuing cover-up every hour from here on out. We want America to know the role the ‘news’ media are playing in what appears now to be a criminal conspiracy."
MRC noted that 16 years ago today, all “big 3” morning shows led with the news of a George W. Bush drunk driving arrest 24 years earlier. It seems that the more things change, the more the mainstream media stays the same.

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