Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Specter of War

Dear Subscriber,
Mike Larson
A specter is haunting the world ... and it’s NOT the specter of Communism.
It’s the specter of war ... bloody regional and civil wars like we haven’t seen since the 1930s ... wars that may soon wreak havoc with your finances ... further erode your civil liberties ... and maybe even endanger your personal safety.
From Istanbul and Rio de Janeiro to Syria and India, the world’s Internet-connected masses are rising up against incompetent, corrupt, increasingly authoritarian governments ... and the results will NOT be pretty.
For most of this century, I’ve been reporting on the global financial markets while based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Living in Southeast Asia, just a few hundred miles from China’s southwestern border, has given me a unique perspective on world events and access to news about imminent wars that is rarely, if ever, reported in U.S. media outlets.
And, as I’ve written in my Real Wealth Report and other publications, about my studies on the war cycles and about how I predicted they would start turning up in late 2012. As they did, right on schedule.
Chinese Highway
You may have also seen me in Forbes magazine, or on Bloomberg, CBS’ MarketWatch, CNBC or another major financial program or publication.
In my 38 years as a financial analyst and investment adviser, I have managed several large investment funds and founded my own brokerage firm with offices in New York, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Vienna and Osaka, Japan.
I’ve been able to use the intelligence I gather overseas to help investors make astonishing profits — profits far beyond what most investors are able to make in the U.S.
For example, a few years back, in one of my recommendations in an emerging gold- and copper-mining company, I showed subscribers to my newsletter how to make up to 271.7% gains in exactly one year.
That’s enough to turn every $10,000 into just under $30,000 ... in 12 months.
I’ve shown my readers how to make similar eye-popping gains by taking advantage of the huge opportunities I’ve discovered overseas — like the 196.8% gains from investing in the minerals boom of the late 2000s ...
And the 142.9% returns they could have made in silver shares a few years ago.
The specialized information I’ve gotten living in Asia is also how I’ve been able to help my subscribers double their money by investing in Asian aluminum and petroleum companies ... and could have made 87.8% gains cashing in on Asian travel.
Naturally these gains do not take into consideration fees or commissions or the varying prices subscribers may have received. And not all of my trades have worked out this well; losses can and will happen. We all know past performance is not indicative to future results, but even if you caught part of these moves, you’d be looking at some nice gains.
Now, here’s the key point: As impressive as these profits are, I believe they are nothing compared with what’s coming over the next several months and years.
Chief reason: I believe we are now on the cusp of what will be the single most important economic events of our lifetime — events that will shape your financial future, and the financial future of all those you care for, for the next 50 years. I’m talking about a series of cascading regional wars and terrorism.
I’ve been right on this forecast since late 2012, one of the only analysts in the world to study war cycles and predict that they would dominate our lives going forward.
Hundreds of millions of people — in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and South America — are already starting to revolt against the economic misery imposed by their authoritarian governments.
These regional conflicts and civil wars are going to do two things:
First, they are going to unleash the full fury of heavily armed, increasingly authoritarian governments — new Big Brother states all over the world — that now track nearly everything we write, say, buy or even think.
Second — and most surprising of all — this new cycle of warfare will also coincide with the last stock and commodity market booms of our lifetimes — booms that too many ordinary investors will miss out on due to bad advice and even blind panic.
Now mind you, I am not a politician, or a military expert. I am a student of history, a student of human behavior, a student of the markets, and I have an avid thirst for understanding how societies and cultures are cyclic in nature, inevitably causing history to forever repeat itself.
I won’t get into too many technical details today. Suffice it to say that over the past 30 or so years, I have devoted a substantial amount of my time to studying the cyclical nature of war, and what I have found is simply astounding.
You see, just like business cycles, or various different economic cycles, the waging of war within and between nations has definite, identifiable rhythms.
In my research on war, which has covered more than 5,000 years of war data, I’ve found that there are three distinct cycles to war.
There are the 8.8- and 17.7-year cycles. They in turn are sub-cycles of a larger cycle that’s 53.5 years in duration.
The 53.5-year cycle can be seen in this cycle chart here.
As you can clearly see, the 53.5-year War Cycle nailed major turning points …
53.5-year cycle Chart
  • The War of 1812
  • The Civil War
  • The end of WWI in 1918
  • The U.S. entry into WWII
It then …
  • Rose during the Korean and Vietnamese Wars
  • And bottomed in 1995, right around the middle of the “Peace Dividend,” which resulted from the initial fall of Communism in the former Soviet Union and the opening up of China’s communist economy.
The 53.5-year cycle has been turning up ever since. It is now clearly picking up momentum and strength, as evidenced by all the recent horrible events all over the globe.
We are right on the edge of seeing the war cycles turn violently higher, heading all the way up into the year 2020/21 before any lull is found.
What kind of war(s) could we be facing? It could be …
  • Definitely more terrorism;
  • A civil war and the breakup of Europe (already started);
  • Massive civil unrest in the U.S. (already starting);
  • A war in the Middle East (already underway in Syria and with ISIS, will get much worse);
  • A war between China and Japan over the Senkaku (or Diaoyu) Islands;
  • A war between China and Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines over the Spratly Islands;
  • Cyber wars;
  • Massive uncontrolled currency wars;
  • Capital controls (already in place in many countries in Europe).
Or any combination of many or even all of the above!
It’s coming. You can see it everywhere.
And it’s going to impact markets in ways you simply must prepare for. It will likely drive U.S. equities sharply higher. It will be the main trigger for gold and other commodities in their new bull legs higher.
It will eventually send interest rates soaring higher, and bond prices crashing.
It could cause all kinds of economic and financial repercussions that will either strip you of your wealth in the months and years ahead ...
Or help you become richer than Midas.
I know which way I’m headed and which way I’m taking all my subscribers and members.
Do you know which side you’ll end up on? Stripped of your wealth in the months and years ahead ... or poised to become richer than Midas?
Best wishes and stay safe,
P.S. Economic tidal waves act just like tsunamis. According to the National Geographic, the enormous energy of a tsunami can lift giant boulders, flip vehicles and demolish houses.
But from a financial standpoint, the K Wave will be even worse: Millions could lose their homes. Millions more could see their lifesavings wiped out in an instant. Businesses, large and small, could close their doors. Even the bare necessities of life — food, water, clothing — might become scarce.
That’s why it’s so important that you get your free copy of my new report “STOCK MARKET TSUNAMI” right away, click here to download now!

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