Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Most Dangerous Time For Your Retirement

The Most Dangerous
Time For Your Retirement

Fellow Investor,
It’s called “The Danger Zone” for good reason.

Between November 9th and December 19th...

The US Government -- or the “Beltway Bandits” as I like to call them -- will begin an unprecedented assault on you and your retirement.

In dimly lit offices in the White House basement... In spending bills making their way through Congress... And in the halls of the Internal Revenue Service...

An orgy of last minute rule changes, tax increases and “midnight regulations” could destroy your retirement... forever.

Most Americans will be totally blindsided by the swiftness of this cash-grab.

Fortunately, you can fight back.

I’ve asked one of the country’s top retirement experts to prepare a special video presentation...

To show you the true nature of these new threats to your retirement and reveal how, with a few simple moves, you can protect yourself today...

I’m not exaggerating when I say this is life-changing information.

So click here now.

Do not hesitate. The great government cash-grab begins November 9th.

Roger Michalski
Roger Michalski
Publisher, Eagle Financial Publication

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