Mandatory Mental Health Screening Coming Soon?
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What if your next trip to the doctor's office resulted in your
being dragged off kicking and screaming to the nearest mental asylum?
Yet all you did to warrant that unexpected fate was to
answer a few short questions. At some point the doctor reviewing your
responses then decides that you must be 'mentally ill', and need to be
detained and treated "for your own safety and that of others".
implausible as it may sound, it is being reported that normal people
are at risk of just such treatment, based on developments in the U.S -
primarily driven by governmental health agencies in conjunction with the
psychiatric fraternity.
A recent report by
Alex Newman for the explains why. A panel advising the
Obama administration, in partnership with 'Big Psychiatry', wants to
make doctors subject all American adults and children over age 12 to
screening for alleged "mental health" disorders - particularly
depression, at least to start with.
anyone found to harbor any alleged mental disorder, including children
as young as eight, should undergo "therapy," often including powerful
psychotropic medications that experts say have dubious value but often
come with well-documented and highly dangerous side effects.
the hunt for alleged mental and behavior abnormalities is expected to
focus more sharply as younger and younger children, school teachers,
social workers and more are brought into the crosshairs of Big Brother.
Paul, former congressman from Texas and a Senior Fellow at the Mises
Institute also weighed in on the issue. Paul stated that the United
States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory
depression screening for all Americans and planned to force health
insurance companies to pay for the screening.
argued that this move would raise the price of health insurance and
would also require the government to create a database containing the
results of the screenings. Paul argues that certain undesirable
consequences are likely to follow:
- Anti-gun
politicians who want to forbid anyone labeled "mentally ill" from owning
a firearm will no doubt want to use this database as a tool to deprive
individuals of their Second Amendment rights.
Americans could possibly lose other rights simply because they happened
to undergo their mandatory depression screening when they were coping
with a loved one's passing or a divorce, or simply having a bad day.
Thus, anyone mistakenly labeled as depressed will have to spend a great
deal of time and money in what may be a futile attempt to get his rights
- Mandatory depression screening will
endanger people's health by increasing the use of psychotropic drugs.
These drugs often have dangerous side effects. Their use has even been
linked to suicide. The fact that almost every mass shooter was on
psychotropic drugs is another good reason to oppose any policy that will
increase reliance on these medicines.
- The Preventive Services Task Force's mandatory
depression screening mandate is based on the fallacy that diagnosing
mental health problems is analogous to diagnosing cancer or diabetes.
Even mental health professionals acknowledge that there is a great deal
of subjectivity in mental health diagnoses.
Government health care mandates undermine the basic principles of a free
society. If it were legitimate for government to tell us what types of
health care we must receive, then it would also be legitimate for the
government to tell us what to eat, when to exercise, and even how to
raise our children.
- Consider that until 1973
homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the American
Psychiatric Association. Today, some mental health professionals think
that those who believe in limited government, free-market economics, or
traditional values suffer from mental disorders. This could result in
anyone with an unpopular political belief or lifestyle choice being
labeled as "mentally ill."
Which raises the
question - will Christians who oppose legalized homosexuality and the
LGBT gamut, in general, be considered mentally ill or unfit? Who decides
who is unfit and why? And what happens to any hope of fair and balanced
assessments when many key decision-makers are unapologetically
anti-Christian in their beliefs and inclinations?
and other groups are easily labeled 'intolerant' due to their
non-compromising beliefs and values that are so often at loggerheads
with the ungodly principles espoused by their governments, such as
homosexuality and abortion. These groups are therefore likely to find
themselves most targeted for mental imbalance diagnoses if only to get
them out of the way legally without having to deal with the thornier
issues of human rights abuses and discrimination.
lies a real danger that mental health screening could easily provide a
useful smokescreen to blacklist and incarcerate members of society seen
to be 'intolerant' and 'non-compliant'.
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