Monday, September 4, 2017

Rohrabacher to Meet With Trump to Say Russia Never Hacked DNC

Rohrabacher to Meet With Trump to Say Russia Never Hacked DNC

CNN KFile/Soundcloud
By    |   Tuesday, 29 Aug 2017 08:14 PM
A Republican congressman said he will meet with President Donald Trump to tell him that Russia was not behind the hack of a Democratic National Committee computer server last summer.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., told Fox News' Sean Hannity that he recently met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who presented evidence that showed another entity, not Russia, stole the DNC data.
"It is my understanding from other parties who are trying to arrange a rendezvous with myself and the president, it is being arranged for me to give him the firsthand information from [Assange]," said Rohrabacher, who generally takes a pro-Russia stance on issues.
"If the information comes out, there will be an outrage among the American people that their time has been wasted. They've had this story over and over and again shoved down their throats as if the Russians colluded with Donald Trump, and this is an attempt, as I say, to negate their vote in the ballot booth.
"When the American people realize that this is a con job and a power grab they'll be upset."
Rohrabacher and Assange met two weeks ago at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where Assange has lived in asylum since August 2012 after he was accused of sexual assault in Sweden.
Assange reportedly told Rohrabacher that Russia was not involved in the data theft.
"I'm trying to get this out in the public now where we can get this Julian Assange thing straightened out so that people know that it wasn't the Russians that hacked into the system, and that's not how this information was released," Rohrabacher said Monday.
There are several congressional investigations and a Department of Justice probe looking at whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. A report earlier this month claimed the DNC hack never took place, and instead it was someone on the inside who leaked sensitive information.
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