Monday, September 4, 2017

Putin: 'We are Balancing on the Brink of World War 3'

Putin: 'We are Balancing on the Brink of World War 3'

Russian President speaks out against North Korea - US conflict By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 1st September 2017 @ 9.39am vladimir putin says we re on the brink of ww3 © press Vladimir Putin says we're on the brink of WW3 Russia's President Vladimir Putin has released a statement on the rising tensions over North Korea saying the world is "on the brink" of WW3. Speaking about the pressure currently being placed on Kim Jong-un over the North Korean nuclear missile program, Putin said the efforts were "misguided and futile" and that only dialogue without preconditions can resolve the crisis. Ahead of a summit of BRICS economies in China on Sunday, Mr. Putin wrote an open letter to world leaders saying that The Korean Peninsula was "balancing on the brink of a large-scale conflict". "Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile program is misguided and futile," he wrote in the article sent to media in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the BRICS member states. "The region's problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue with all the parties concerned without any preconditions. "Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road." Aljazeera reports: Putin said Russia and China, North Korea's most important ally, had drawn up a roadmap to ease tensions and create lasting peace without the use of threats or military force. In Seoul, a senior South Korean official also urged Pyongyang on Friday to return to the negotiating table, while warning against "continuing provocations". "Our government's stance that we need to peacefully resolve North Korean nuclear issues and Korean Peninsula issues remains unchanged," Lee Eugene, South Korean Unification Ministry deputy spokesperson, said. "We urge North Korea to stop making rhetorical criticisms and threats and to come out to the path of dialogue and cooperation." Lee said Seoul and Washington continue to monitor North Korea's activities, acknowledging Pyongyang is capable of conducting another nuclear test "at any time within a short period of preparations". France's foreign minister said on Friday that North Korea would have the capability to send long-range ballistic missiles in a few months and urged China to be more active diplomatically to resolve the crisis. "The situation is extremely serious... We see North Korea setting itself as an objective to have tomorrow or the day after missiles that can transport nuclear weapons. In a few months that will be a reality," Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio. "North Korea must find the path to negotiations. It must be diplomatically active." Trump rhetoric The comments came amid US President Donald Trump's ongoing war of words with North Korea, with the US leader warning Pyongyang of "fire and fury" and the North threatening to fire missiles at the US Pacific territory of Guam. On Tuesday, the reclusive nation fired a ballistic missile over Japan in defiance of UN resolutions and new sanctions imposed last month, which are expected to slash its export revenues by one-third. The test appeared to have been carried out by the North in response to ongoing war exercises between the United States and South Korea. Analysts say North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un wants a real nuclear deterrent against the US to ensure the survival of his government, believing it will strengthen his negotiating position when Pyongyang returns to talks. This year alone, North Korea has launched at least 13 missiles and some analysts believe it could have viable long-range nuclear missiles before the end of Trump's first term in early 2021. In response to North Korea's latest move, Japanese fighter jets joined US bombers and stealth aircraft in military exercises on Thursday in skies south of the Korean Peninsula. Trump also said, "talking is not the answer" to the crisis, without giving more details about his next move. Last week, Japan and the US imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals that support Pyongyang, including those in China and Russia.

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© Neon Nettle
Putin: 'We are Balancing on the Brink of World War 3' Russian President speaks out against North Korea - US conflict By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 1st September 2017 @ 9.39am vladimir putin says we re on the brink of ww3 © press Vladimir Putin says we're on the brink of WW3 Russia's President Vladimir Putin has released a statement on the rising tensions over North Korea saying the world is "on the brink" of WW3. Speaking about the pressure currently being placed on Kim Jong-un over the North Korean nuclear missile program, Putin said the efforts were "misguided and futile" and that only dialogue without preconditions can resolve the crisis. Ahead of a summit of BRICS economies in China on Sunday, Mr. Putin wrote an open letter to world leaders saying that The Korean Peninsula was "balancing on the brink of a large-scale conflict". "Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile program is misguided and futile," he wrote in the article sent to media in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the BRICS member states. "The region's problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue with all the parties concerned without any preconditions. "Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road." Aljazeera reports: Putin said Russia and China, North Korea's most important ally, had drawn up a roadmap to ease tensions and create lasting peace without the use of threats or military force. In Seoul, a senior South Korean official also urged Pyongyang on Friday to return to the negotiating table, while warning against "continuing provocations". "Our government's stance that we need to peacefully resolve North Korean nuclear issues and Korean Peninsula issues remains unchanged," Lee Eugene, South Korean Unification Ministry deputy spokesperson, said. "We urge North Korea to stop making rhetorical criticisms and threats and to come out to the path of dialogue and cooperation." Lee said Seoul and Washington continue to monitor North Korea's activities, acknowledging Pyongyang is capable of conducting another nuclear test "at any time within a short period of preparations". France's foreign minister said on Friday that North Korea would have the capability to send long-range ballistic missiles in a few months and urged China to be more active diplomatically to resolve the crisis. "The situation is extremely serious... We see North Korea setting itself as an objective to have tomorrow or the day after missiles that can transport nuclear weapons. In a few months that will be a reality," Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio. "North Korea must find the path to negotiations. It must be diplomatically active." Trump rhetoric The comments came amid US President Donald Trump's ongoing war of words with North Korea, with the US leader warning Pyongyang of "fire and fury" and the North threatening to fire missiles at the US Pacific territory of Guam. On Tuesday, the reclusive nation fired a ballistic missile over Japan in defiance of UN resolutions and new sanctions imposed last month, which are expected to slash its export revenues by one-third. The test appeared to have been carried out by the North in response to ongoing war exercises between the United States and South Korea. Analysts say North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un wants a real nuclear deterrent against the US to ensure the survival of his government, believing it will strengthen his negotiating position when Pyongyang returns to talks. This year alone, North Korea has launched at least 13 missiles and some analysts believe it could have viable long-range nuclear missiles before the end of Trump's first term in early 2021. In response to North Korea's latest move, Japanese fighter jets joined US bombers and stealth aircraft in military exercises on Thursday in skies south of the Korean Peninsula. Trump also said, "talking is not the answer" to the crisis, without giving more details about his next move. Last week, Japan and the US imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals that support Pyongyang, including those in China and Russia.

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© Neon Nettle
Putin: 'We are Balancing on the Brink of World War 3' Russian President speaks out against North Korea - US conflict By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 1st September 2017 @ 9.39am vladimir putin says we re on the brink of ww3 © press Vladimir Putin says we're on the brink of WW3 Russia's President Vladimir Putin has released a statement on the rising tensions over North Korea saying the world is "on the brink" of WW3. Speaking about the pressure currently being placed on Kim Jong-un over the North Korean nuclear missile program, Putin said the efforts were "misguided and futile" and that only dialogue without preconditions can resolve the crisis. Ahead of a summit of BRICS economies in China on Sunday, Mr. Putin wrote an open letter to world leaders saying that The Korean Peninsula was "balancing on the brink of a large-scale conflict". "Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile program is misguided and futile," he wrote in the article sent to media in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the BRICS member states. "The region's problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue with all the parties concerned without any preconditions. "Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road." Aljazeera reports: Putin said Russia and China, North Korea's most important ally, had drawn up a roadmap to ease tensions and create lasting peace without the use of threats or military force. In Seoul, a senior South Korean official also urged Pyongyang on Friday to return to the negotiating table, while warning against "continuing provocations". "Our government's stance that we need to peacefully resolve North Korean nuclear issues and Korean Peninsula issues remains unchanged," Lee Eugene, South Korean Unification Ministry deputy spokesperson, said. "We urge North Korea to stop making rhetorical criticisms and threats and to come out to the path of dialogue and cooperation." Lee said Seoul and Washington continue to monitor North Korea's activities, acknowledging Pyongyang is capable of conducting another nuclear test "at any time within a short period of preparations". France's foreign minister said on Friday that North Korea would have the capability to send long-range ballistic missiles in a few months and urged China to be more active diplomatically to resolve the crisis. "The situation is extremely serious... We see North Korea setting itself as an objective to have tomorrow or the day after missiles that can transport nuclear weapons. In a few months that will be a reality," Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio. "North Korea must find the path to negotiations. It must be diplomatically active." Trump rhetoric The comments came amid US President Donald Trump's ongoing war of words with North Korea, with the US leader warning Pyongyang of "fire and fury" and the North threatening to fire missiles at the US Pacific territory of Guam. On Tuesday, the reclusive nation fired a ballistic missile over Japan in defiance of UN resolutions and new sanctions imposed last month, which are expected to slash its export revenues by one-third. The test appeared to have been carried out by the North in response to ongoing war exercises between the United States and South Korea. Analysts say North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un wants a real nuclear deterrent against the US to ensure the survival of his government, believing it will strengthen his negotiating position when Pyongyang returns to talks. This year alone, North Korea has launched at least 13 missiles and some analysts believe it could have viable long-range nuclear missiles before the end of Trump's first term in early 2021. In response to North Korea's latest move, Japanese fighter jets joined US bombers and stealth aircraft in military exercises on Thursday in skies south of the Korean Peninsula. Trump also said, "talking is not the answer" to the crisis, without giving more details about his next move. Last week, Japan and the US imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals that support Pyongyang, including those in China and Russia.

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© Neon Nettle

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