Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Retired Air Force General: Obama ‘Unilaterally Disarmed America’ [VIDEO]

Retired Air Force General: Obama ‘Unilaterally Disarmed America’ [VIDEO]

Russian and Chinese militaries are increasingly trying to bully American forces because they are “taking advantage of our weakness” and “publicly humiliating us,” according to a respected retired Air Force general and Fox News military analyst.
“It’s a slap in the face” to the United States, Retired General Tom McInerney says, and President Barack Obama “should not accept that kind of behavior.”
The president “unilaterally disarmed America,” adding “we have all these social experiments,” according to McInerney’s 18-minute exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation. By transforming America’s foreign policy, McInerney says Obama’s America is known as a nation that will “protect your enemies and deny your allies support.”
Running through the world’s hot spots accentuated by Obama’s failed foreign policy, McInerney says he is “very worried” that Israel has not gotten the weapons and protection it needs from the United States for its survival.

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