Tuesday, May 24, 2016

LEGAL: Recourse USDC of Civil RICO and UCC - class Action litigation by Pro Se In Propria Persona

Andrew Mitchell BA MS

Private Attorney General, Civil RICO: 18 U.S.C. 1964;
Agent of the United States as Qui Tam Relator (4X),
Federal Civil False Claims Act: 31 U.S.C.
3729 et seq.


[Ed Note:  As we have been witnessing with the Continuing
Criminal Enterprise under The Clinton Administrations, Civil RICO Racketeering
Influenced Corrupt Organization
originally used for
MAFIA related civil/criminal causes of action are now in evidence as public
policy pending FBI indictment of
. [see: 18 USC Section 1964]

Other class action suits can be
generated concerning other agencies such as Centers for Disease Control –
Vaccination of Hepatitis spreading HIV AIDS, and MMR hoax spreading Autism. The
doctors who do abortions grind the fetal parts of PRODUCTS of conception,
erstwhile human being and sell the PRODUCTS to MERCK and LILLY for toxic vaccines
line GARDISIL for sterilization, autism, and still born and miscarriages, &
inducing mental deficiency.

What at deal they can force
children n California
to get 85 different ones in July 2016 or no school or other government
services. Better than “lamp shades” in auxiliary of the Auschwitz
“work” camp. 56 million murdered unborn children generate a lot of HIGH CASH
COW profit for the abortionist and Big Pharma industry, like guaranteed

Any private citizen does not have
to be an Attorney, District Attorney, or US Attorney to file
pro se
in Propria persona
if injured by the fraud and
deceptive trade on the part of CDC, AMA, Chemtrails for farmers crops,
contamination of water in Flint, 911, and the list will go on and on.

Most attorneys do not use or
know about the
Uniform Commercial Code which
is the
ONLY law that is controlling in the
UNITED STATES, Inc District Courts as the 1787 “
Constitution” is a
defunct dead letter.

If you or your class action
group has a cause of actions, I think Paul Andrew Mitchell BA MS would be a
excellent reference for the organization of your recovery.

Gifford, MD]

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Supreme Law Firm paulandrewmitchell2004@yahoo.com [catapultthenwopolicestatedepopulation]"

Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 3:39 PM

Subject: [catapultthenwopolicestatedepopulation]
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D., Director of Studies for 5 1/2 years, U.S. Army War
College, "It's 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation."

"It is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.

Another interview here:

Further reading:

See all Exhibits in the latter VCC e.g.:

  1. Uniform Commercial Code › U.C.C. - ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL
    PROVISIONS (2001)
§ 1-308. Performance
or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.
(a) A party that with
explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to
performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby
prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice,"
"under protest," or the like are sufficient.
(b) Subsection (a)
does not apply to an accord and satisfaction.


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