Friday, July 1, 2016

Message To Great Britain

Message To Great Britain

No Membership Will Cost You

It is startling to read a news item that directly reminds you of a Bible prophecy. Comments by Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and by French President Francois Hollande about Great Britain’s new relationship with the EU after the Brexit vote are ominously close to such a statement in Revelation 13.
Revelation 13 describes a world super power that arises near the conclusion of this age. It is described as a “beast,” which is the biblical language for a large national power that dominates whole regions of the world. This political power is joined by a second “beast,” which performs great signs that deceive. It is this second beast that “causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the number of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:16-17).
It appears a more determined Europe will emerge from this crisis—a power determined to push forward its stated course in today’s world.
Here is described an economic power that controls trade in goods and services on a global scale. It works in connection with a religious power. Historically, Europe is the seat of such a power. Today we are watching the EU struggle through the effect of Great Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union after more than 40 years of membership. Last week’s vote shocked Europe. EU leaders are working out their anger, their concern and their uncertainty through contradictory public statements. No one seems to know the longterm effect Britain’s decision has.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande seem to have a firmer grasp of a future direction than most. After a meeting of EU heads of state they emphasized that full access to the market meant full membership and nothing less. Freedom to trade within the bloc accompanies acceptance of free movement of people within the bloc, a key reason Great Britain’s citizens voted to leave. “To access the internal market, [a country] must respect the four liberties: liberty of circulation of goods, of capital, of services and people,” President Hollande said. “It must also contribute to the EU budget, he said” (Wall Street Journal, Laurence Norman, Valentina Pop and Jenny Gross, “EU Leaders Warn U.K of Brexit Cost at Brussels Summit, July 29, 2016 “). Speaking to the German Parliament, Chancellor Merkel said, “We will ensure that negotiations won’t be conducted according to the principle of cherry-picking, those wanting to leave the family can’t expect all obligations to become obsolete while privileges would continue to exist” (ibid).
EU leaders are not in a mood to allow Britain to continue on as if nothing has changed. Great Britain’s relationship to the EU has changed. Its economic future is in peril. Its influence among the nations will diminish. It trading future with the world’s largest trading bloc will be altered. At present Europe is not looking benignly on Britain’s decision. Future events, even the aftermath of this dramatic event, will change how Europe sees itself. Europe is too big to fail and it will not see its global position eroded by Brexit or future crisis. It appears a more determined Europe will emerge from this crisis—a power determined to push forward its stated course in today’s world.
Revelation 13 describes a Europe-based global power that holds the world enthralled. It will dictate political, cultural, humanitarian and even religious standards to a world looking for order and security. We are seeing the rumblings of such a state in the headlines of this significant event.

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