Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pentagon Announces That Drone Strikes Worldwide Will Increase By 50% In Coming Years

Pentagon Announces That Drone Strikes Worldwide Will Increase By 50% In Coming Years

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The Pirate Bay plans Low Orbit Server Drones to beat CensorshipThe US military will be expanding their disastrous drone program by 50% in the next four years, bringing the number of daily drone flights from 61 to 90. The announcement surprised many Americans, who did not realize that the government was already sending out so many drones on a daily basis and that they were planning on shipping out even more.
“We’ve seen a steady demand signal from all of our geographic combatant commanders to have more of this capability,” Navy Captain Jeff Davis, a Defense Department spokesman, told reporters during a press conference at Pentagon.
According to estimates by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism over 5,000 people have been killed by US drone strikes since 2004.
These drone strikes will occur all throughout the world, including various countries in Africa, the Middle East, and even some European countries like Ukraine.

Former Military Drone Pilot Brandon Bryant was recently interviewed by BBC about his experience killing people by remote control. After being told that he was responsible for the deaths of 1,626 people, and that he would be hunting down people from his own country, Bryant began to feel uneasy about what he had signed on to do.
“The actual breaking point happened when we were hunting an American citizen, and they were saying he was maybe the next bin Laden. This was an American citizen – these were the people that I swore to protect. I believe that at that moment we were doing the wrong thing and that was when I decided to turn my back and walk away,” he told BBC.
Bryant also expressed deep remorse for the people he was responsible for killing, saying that he was “so ashamed” of what he had done. Bryant also discussed how indiscriminately the US and NATO forces murdered people, including civilians.

John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter-culture and the drug war.
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