Tuesday, June 23, 2015

George Stephanopoulos outed as Clinton crime family operative, has financial ties just like Monsanto, ExxonMobil and the Bill Gates Foundation

George Stephanopoulos outed as Clinton crime family operative, has financial ties just like Monsanto, ExxonMobil and the Bill Gates Foundation

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(NaturalNews) Mainstream media news anchors just can't help lying all the time, it seems. Mere months after NBC News anchor Brian Williams was outed for utterly fabricating a long list of sensational news stories, ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos has been exposed as a Clinton crime family operative who donated $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation and then deliberately withheld that information from his employer and ABC News viewers, reports Politico.

The $50,000 donation was only disclosed after The Free Beacon inquired about Clinton Foundation records. Realizing he couldn't hide it forever, Stephanopoulos then disclosed the donation to Politico's Dylan Byers.

The Clinton Foundation is the same crime family slush fund that has been financially supported by Monsanto, the Bill Gates Foundation (for vaccines), and the world's most evil corporations such as ExxonMobil and Goldman Sachs. Click here for the full list. The Clinton Foundation also received strategic donations of millions of dollars from foreign governments, even as Hillary Clinton made key decisions in their favor as Secretary of State. Some of those decisions involved giving Russia new access to uranium resources used to build nuclear weapons.

Stephanopoulos incessantly pretends to be a journalist, not a political operative, and he conducts interviews posing as a journalist. His financial ties to the Clinton crime family were never disclosed, even as he conducted interviews with people like Peter Schweizer, author of the explosive new book, "Clinton Cash."

After getting caught, George Stephanopoulos apologized with yet another big lie, claiming he was donating to "AIDS prevention and deforestation [causes]." That's the nobody-believes-you cover story, of course, but even if that were true, the Clinton Foundation only spends 10 cents on the dollar for actual programs (charity grants) in some years. The other 90 percent of the money goes to Clinton family salaries, travel and "other expenses" which are not described in detail.

As described on The Federalist, "In 2013, for example, only 10 percent of the Clinton Foundation's expenditures were for direct charitable grants. The amount it spent on charitable grants -- $8.8 million -- was dwarfed by the $17.2 million it cumulatively spent on travel, rent, and office supplies. Between 2011 and 2013, the organization spent only 9.9 percent of the $252 million it collected on direct charitable grants."

The Clinton Foundation is steeped in such shady (and probably illegal) practices that it has been added to Charity Navigator's "watch list," reports DailyCaller.com. "'It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,' Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the government watchdog Sunlight Foundation, told The Post."

After getting caught fudging its numbers, the Clinton Foundation announced it will be refiling its tax returns for the last five years: a "do-over" after they've been exposed as cheats. George Stephanopoulos only admitted his own ties to the Clinton Foundation after being exposed by the On Media blog hosted at Politico. It wasn't something he was willing to volunteer, even though his financial ties utterly disqualify him from being an impartial journalist.

As Dylan Byers writes for the On Media Blog:

"Clinton Cash" author Peter Schweizer says George Stephanopoulos' failure to disclose his charitable contributions to the Clinton Foundation represents "a massive breach of ethical standards" by both the anchor and ABC News. "Really quite stunned by this," Schweizer wrote in an email to Bloomberg Politics on Thursday. It's "a massive breach of ethical standards. He fairly noted my four months working as a speech writer for George W. Bush. But he didn't disclose this?"

Stephanopoulos is the chief anchor and chief political correspondent for ABC News, as well as the co-anchor of ABC's "Good Morning America" and host of "This Week," its Sunday morning public affairs program. Prior to joining ABC News, he served as communications director and senior adviser for policy and strategy to President Bill Clinton. He also served as communications director on Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign.

Stephanopoulos the pathological liar

Stephanopoulos is the perfect fit for the Clinton Foundation because he's a pathological liar, just like the Clinton family. Both Stephanopoulos and the Clintons use the cover story of a "foundation" to engage in political bribery and slush fund activity that, if thoroughly investigated, would clearly be found to be criminal in nature.

Like almost everyone else in the mainstream media, Stephanopoulos is really a Democratic party propaganda operative pretending to be an impartial journalist. And just like the Clintons, Stephanopoulos actively hides important facts from the public in order to conceal his true political bias.

Then again, fewer and fewer people watch ABC News, NBC News, CNN or any other mainstream media source anymore. All the intelligent, informed people have already switched over to the Independent Media (alternative media), the only remaining place where news diversity exists. (The mainstream media is monolithic, as nearly all their stories come from the same six corporations that represent globalist monopolies and political corruption.)

What's the answer to all this? Turn off the mainstream news and stop listening to a single word coming out of the mouths of these pathological liars like Brian Williams and George Stephanopoulos.

See a more detailed list of Clinton Crime Family Foundation donors here:

See original story on the Free Beacon:

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