Monday, September 8, 2014

The truth about our future

truth about our future


John Kaminski

The future of the
United States of America depends on determining the true story of what happened
on 9/11/2001. If we continue to accept this false 'Arabs with boxcutters did it'
story, the U.S. will remain a totalitarian police state with choreographed
politicians, contrived wars and widespread slavery as its signature

On the other hand,
if we begin to understand that this evil deed was done by people at the highest
levels of the U.S. government in concert with the Israeli Mossad and the richest
Jews in America, then we will have a shot at regaining some kind of functional
freedom for ourselves and a more honest sanity in our government.

Given the radical
dumbing down of the U.S. population through deliberate miseducaton, debilitating
medications and a phony reality crafted by cynically corrupt Jewish media, the
odds are not in our favor.

You see today how
the mysterious murders of Joan Rivers, Tom Clancy, Andrew Breitbart and Michael
Hastings for merely mentioning some trivial aspects of the artificial narrative
that our Jewish controllers use to fog our brains are intimidating truth seekers
into silence about our so-called government's blatant lying. Well, the biggest
lie that has been allowed to stand unchallenged for 13 years is the whopper that
foreign terrorists, supposedly Arabs using false identities, knocked down two
skyscrapers in America's biggest city.

It is a fake story
that represents the final nail in the coffin of the American republic and has
caused the needless deaths of millions of people around the world.

There were foreign
terrorists, all right, but they turned out to be Jewish. Infesting the White
House, Congress and Wall Street like a squadron of radioactive roaches, they
have eaten away the very fabric of America. We have no future other than the
forced servitude they are now demanding if we don't get to the bottom of the
9/11 coverup.

first real 9/11 book

It's hard to
believe it has been ten years since I wrote and published that little booklet
titled "The Day America Died: Why you shouldn't believe the official story of
what happened on September 11, 2001". All totaled I sold about 9,000 copies,
mostly for five bucks apiece or less.

I'm proud to say
the basic story hasn't changed since then. Although they suspect they haven't
been told the truth, most Americans still aren't fully clued in to the deception
that occurred, and the Jews are still running rampant with their Homeland
Security scam that has jeopardized the lives of everybody on the planet.

The idea to write
this 48-page booklet came from Victor Thorn, who at the time was running his
successful WING-TV program; he published the first run. A little later, Sofia
Smallstorm published the second run with a new cover, and years later, I
published a third run with Victor's cover and Sofia's much improved and finely
edited text.

The element of the
booklet that left me excluded from the majority of 9/11 skeptics was my
insistence — way back in 2004 — that Israel masterminded the 9/11 attacks and
that rich Jewish judges in the U.S. were their support staff. Since the entire
9/11 skeptics movement had been infiltrated by Jewish plants in all the various
groups such as 9/11 Truth and We Are Change, I was kicked off of radio shows by
such shills as Kevin Barrett and dumped by Jeff Rense for refusing to use the
term Zionist when what I really meant was Jews and insisting that Jews were
totally behind the 9/11 attacks.

Today, ten years
later, virtually every 9/11 skeptic knows with certainty that Israel and rich
Jewish businessmen and politicians in the U.S. were the real architects of the
9/11 caper, even as high profile Internet sites with ties to big Jewish money
still use the term Zionist to protect those supposedly "good Jews" from being
tarnished with the broad brush of provable treason.

The question I
asked then and still ask today is where are all the "good Jews" protesting the
actions of all the "bad Jews" destroying America. Answer? They are nowhere to be
found. Or, they are lying to distance themselves from the guilt of the specific
Jewish perpetrators, most of whom can still be found on or near the staff of the
American president.

now, everybody knows
government lied
is still lying

The booklet I wrote
in 2004 concludes with the following recommendation:

obvious problem is that those Americans charged with enforcing the law are
precisely the ones who have broken it.

is the time to panic. Now is the time to act. Our country, hijacked by a small
group of profit-mad killers, is a lethal menace to not only everyone in America,
but to every living thing on this Earth.

lives, and the lives of your children, are now in perhaps irreversible danger.
And now that you know, what will you do?

Well, ten years
later, the answer to that question is pretty much . . . nothing. Sure, many more
people have jumped on the bandwagon, produced thousands of YouTubes and hundreds
of websites. But have any of these efforts, or all of these efforts combined,
had any effect on the way the world operates?

The answer is no.
In search of phantom terrorists, Jew-controlled America continues to pursue its
orgy of bloodletting around the world at the behest of its Jewish masters, and
the worst of it all is at home where America has devolved into a jobless prison
camp in which people are subliminally encouraged to get violent with each other
as a replacement activity for attacking the government they should be trying to
overthrow for its blatant criminality.

Jews still control
the cops and the courts, the press and the schools, and the minds of most
Americans. This causes most people to lie about what they think they know about
9/11, because they're afraid of the intimidating repercussions that could
jeopardize their paychecks and their families.

Ten years after the
publication of my little pamphlet and 13 years after the actual event that
altered the history of the world forever, it's safe to say that everyone in
Congress and every judge on every bench — as well as every journalist who writes
about anything — knows for certain that Arab terrorists who couldn't
successfully pilot recreational aircraft did not navigate complex jetliners into
New York skyscrapers for the purpose of "attacking our freedoms".

Anyone who still
believes that story is either seriously retarded or paid very well to support
the crimes of Jewish outlaws.

And yet, this is
what our government, recklessly destroying every country its Israeli masters
order it to obliterate, still insists is true. The U.S. government has engaged
in an endless program of defaming Muslims in order to invade, destabilize and
destroy all the Islamic countries, all for the benefit — not of Americans — but
for Israelis and the Jewish power structure around the world
[Rothschild Moneychangers] which has, through its definitive control of money
and media, attached itself to the vital organs of every country in the world,
and is proceeding at top speed to suck the life out of every one of them.

Unless this
'official' story is overturned, ridiculed and cleansed from the thought
processes of everyone in the world — and its perpetrators prosecuted and
punished — our days of aspiring to freedom and self-determination are over.


The author of this
story will discuss these matters in further depth on Nick Spero's Circus Maximus
radio show on the Renegade Broadcasting internet radio network on Thursday,
Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. <>


I've noticed some
radio hosts have taken to calling Sept. 11 Patriots' Day. I think the more
appropriate name for it would be Treason Day.

John Kaminski is a
writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out
why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the
engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please
support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287

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