Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Experts Predict Imminent Collapse of U.S. Dollar

Experts Predict Imminent Collapse of U.S. Dollar

For the last 600 years, there have been six different global reserve currencies controlled by world superpowers.  The latest – the U.S. dollar – has dominated world currency for over 80 years.  The alarming fact is, global reserve currencies have collapsed every 80-90 years for the last six centuries!  What does this mean for America and the dominance of the U.S. dollar?  Based on recent evidence and long-standing historical trends, experts predict the imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar!  What’s more alarming?  Many Americans aren’t yet doing the one thing that will save their savings & retirement from U.S. dollar collapse.
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value [with paper currency].
-- Alan Greenspan
The Crisis Generation
600 years of human history has shown that the average lifespan of a global reserve currency is equal to a “saeculum” – or “human lifetime” – of about 80-90 years, broken down into four 20-year generations.  The best-selling book, “The Fourth Turning,” goes through history and demonstrates this 4-phase evolution:
  1. First generation: High – This is an era when institutions are strong and society is confident about where it wants to go.  America’s most recent First Turning was the post-World War II American High, beginning in 1946 and ending with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  2. Second generation:  Awakening – This is an era when institutions are attacked in the name of personal and spiritual autonomy. People suddenly tire of social discipline and want to recapture a sense of personal authenticity. America’s most recent Awakening was the “Consciousness Revolution,” which spanned from the campus and inner-city revolts of the mid-1960s to the reelection of Ronald Reagan.
  3. Third generation:  Unraveling – This is an era when institutions are weak and distrusted, while individualism is strong and flourishing. America’s most recent Unraveling was the Long Boom and Culture War, beginning in the mid-1980s and ending in the late 2000s.
  4. Fourth generation: Crisis – This is an era in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt in response to a perceived threat to the nation’s survival.  America’s most recent Fourth Turning began with the stock market crash of 1929 and climaxed with the end of World War II.
America is now in this fourth “crisis” phase, about 80-90 years from the beginning of the first phase.  It is in this “fourth turning” crisis that institutional life will be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.  This rebuilding is always in response to a perceived threat to the nation’s very survival.  Is there any question that right now our nation’s very survival is at risk? Based on history, we are right smack in the crisis period, and full breakdown of all our current “systems” are scheduled to happen sometime between now and 2020.  This systemic breakdown means there will be major changes in the world’s financial system and reserve currency.
Want proof?  Just take a look at the graph below.  It shows the lifespan of dominant currencies going back 600 years.  Notice that the U.S. dollar has now been the dominant currency for 88 years, about the same length of time as its predecessors:
So when you combine the lifespan of dominant currencies throughout history with the fact that we’re entering the “Crisis” generation, it’s obvious why experts say that the U.S. dollar’s days as the world’s reserve currency are coming to a climactic end.
All Fiat Currencies Collapse
“Fiat” currency is paper currency backed by nothing tangible.   As opposed to “sound money” which is was backed by gold or some other valuable commodity, a fiat currency is backed by nothing more than faith in the government.  The U.S. dollar has been a fiat currency since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 in what was the greatest heist in American history.  The scary fact is, the average life span of a fiat currency is 40 years, and the U.S. dollar has now exceeded 40 years as a fiat currency!
Prior to 1933 and for well over 100 years, the dollar was backed by gold, and $20 bought you an ounce of gold.  But after the government stole all U.S. citizens’ gold in 1933 for a $20 paper certificate, gold was revalued at $35 U.S.D., meaning the dollar was devalued by 43% overnight and all foreign and domestic holders of dollars were effectively robbed.
After Nixon closed the gold window completely in 1971, it took $67 to buy an ounce of gold, devaluing the U.S. dollar by 50% again.   Today, it takes well over a thousand U.S. dollars to buy that same ounce of gold.  Why?  Because the U.S. dollar is now nothing more than a fast-declining Federal Reserve note backed by a corrupt government that is saddled with $17 trillion in unpayable debt.
Americans Are Living in Denial
Most everyone reading this article was born into U.S. dollar supremacy.  So it should come as no surprise that most of America is asleep when it comes to the dollar’s coming doom.   Unfortunately, that means that there aren’t a whole lot of Americans preparing for dollar collapse either.  Most folks have been brainwashed by Wall Street and the bank-run mainstream-media to believe in what amounts to nothing more than a grand illusion based on lies…
The U.S. dollar will always be king.
Your wealth is safe in a bank.
The financial “system” and stocks are safe (even at ridiculous valuations).
The economy is actually recovering.
The job market is improving.
Inflation doesn’t exist.
The bankers and their politician puppets have your best interest at heart.
People must believe this illusion, because if people were actually thinking critically about these massive and inevitable shifts in power and wealth preservation, there would be even more Americans buying real gold.  There would be far less wealth sitting in the corrupt, criminal and insolvent too-big-to-fail banking system.  And the Fed, who monetizes a trillion dollars a year with their criminal QE policies, would be shut down.  People would insist that our elected officials start working for the people who elected them, instead of banks and corporations, or they’d throw them out.
But instead, most people are sleepwalking through life believing the perpetual propaganda and lies that they have been told for so long that the illusion has become masked by false hope.
Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late
This “Paper Money Experiment” has run its course.  The Federal Reserve, the U.S. government, and Wall Street crooks have misused their power by mismanaging the dollar, and there will be global repercussions.  The debt load sitting on top of the U.S. dollar is unsustainable and will continue to crush the dollar’s purchase power until no one wants to hold U.S. dollars, and they are no longer accepted for global trade.  The dollar’s collapse means that every single one of your paper investments that are dollar-backed – stocks, mutual funds, money markets, cash accounts, etc. – will go down right along with the dollar! Meanwhile, the government and the banks will find a way to protect themselves at your expense.
So as we say goodbye to the U.S. dollar’s dominance, it doesn’t have to mean goodbye to your savings & retirement.  Remove at least some of your savings & retirement from the dollar-backed, paper-based financial system and protect it with the one asset that has outlasted every fiat currency ever invented for the last 5,000 years:  Gold. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)

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