Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Conspiracy Theories Abound As Banker Deaths Start To Pile Up

Conspiracy Theories Abound As Banker Deaths Start To Pile Up

March 04, 2014 | Debbie Smith
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Since January 2014, nine successful bankers have died unexpectedly from either suicide or mysterious circumstances, as reported in The Christian Post

Personalliberty.com has reported that another 5 bankers died in 2013, again as the result of either suicide or puzzling circumstances.

In a report on the recent deaths, Maxwell Keiser, an American broadcaster, suggested on a recent Russia Today program that “up to 20 bankers have recently been found dead.” However, he states that he thinks the deaths are unrelated.

It should be noted that some of the dead were employed by JPMorgan, Deutche Bank AG, Swiss Re AG, and other banks. Most recently, James Stewart, Jr. former CEO of the National Bank of Commerce was found dead, with no details of his death given.

Of interest also, is the recent, January 11, 2014, disappearance of Wall Street Journal reporter, David Bird who vanished while taking a walk. Mr. Bird was the oil markets reporter for the WSJ, according to a Wallstreetonparade article dated February 3, 2014.

While the families of these men mourn, many questions surround the deaths.

What, if anything do these deaths have in common? Are they related or are they just an anomaly? Let’s explore some opinions.

First, we should be aware of a sharp increase in suicide deaths during the past several years of the economic downturn.

The medical journal The Lancet, reports quadrupled suicide rates in the US, Britain, and Hong Kong, from 2008 to 2010. Additionally, the CDC reports” high suicide rates observed during times of economic hardship.”

Dr. Dan Iosifescu, director of mood and anxiety disorder program at Mt. Sinai Hospital states” Most people who commit suicide suffer from major depression, and this vulnerability tends to be brought forth by stressful situations like losing one’s job or home.”

Conversely, suicide rates are higher today than during the Great Depression.

 In speaking to Timothy about the last days prior to the great Tribulation and the return of Jesus to begin ruling as King over the earth, the Apostle Paul warned that “perilous times, hard to deal with will be here, for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money…”

Let’s examine another viewpoint on the recent banker deaths.  A WSJ report noting the rash of banker deaths cited serious concerns about work related stress, an issue being addressed by some major banks. Maxwell Keiser, quoted earlier, suggests that pressures” from ongoing investigations into institutional fraud” may be playing a role in the deaths.

Wayne Allyn Root’s opinion suggests something more sinister at work.  In responding to the reasons for the rash of deaths, he states, “My first educated guess is we are headed for an economic collapse. The mainstream media has fed the public lies about a non-existent “recovery” and dutifully reported the government’s manipulated economic reports. But these bankers are smart guys who know the truth. What’s coming is very, very bad. …we are entering the greatest depression of all times.”

Mr. Root raises another interesting question, why have these deaths not been reported in the mainstream media?

And with still another explanation of these deaths, Doug Hagmann, writing in the Canada Free Press, February 17, 2014, reveals, “Based on my findings, these are not mere random, tragic, cases of suicide, but a methodical silencing of individuals who had the ability to expose fraud at the highest levels, … and the greatest theft of wealth the world has ever seen.

Are the deaths and disappearances of these men unrelated? Some say the statistical probability of that being the case is remote.

There is still another possible explanation for what is happening in the financial world today and even, perhaps, the resulting death of these bankers.

In the Bible book of Revelation, John is given a vision of a great beast that would possess power over all the peoples of the Earth, during the Great Tribulation period. This Beast, often referred to as the Antichrist, would have power over the financial systems of the world and control all commerce. (Revelation Chapter 13)

Could a looming financial catastrophe be used to unite the world under one economic system that would usher in the time of the Beast’s reign?

Only time will tell if perhaps these men knew something more sinister that is yet to be revealed.

Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/March04/044.html#r7kuAuGjQIiXxgqO.99

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