Sunday, September 22, 2013

History Repeats Itself . . . with Precision! - Michael Youssef



Sep. 22, 2013

It has been said a million times (and now a million and one) that those who
don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And now, just like sixty
years ago, the United States has allowed Russia to claim a great victory and
become the real power player in the Middle East.

Today, the blame for that can be confidently laid at the feet of American
politicians and their myopic understanding of the region's new dynamics.

Those politicians are led by the Obama Administration, plus two Republicans,
Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Their obsession with achieving
"democracy" in the Middle East, even through fraudulent elections, has led
them to fumble the ball-allowing the Russians to recover the ball and run it
into the end zone.

That has happened before. In the 1950s, two similarly obsessed political
officials fumbled the same ball. They were brothers-Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles, considered to be "the vicar" of American foreign policy, and
Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA.

In 1956, Egyptian President Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. When
President Eisenhower refused to support the British/French invasion of Egypt
to reclaim the canal, it garnered Eisenhower and America a great deal of
respect-not only from the Egyptian populous, but from the young
revolutionary Nasser himself.

When Nasser had earlier overthrown the British, he believed he was emulating
what the Americas had done some 180 years before. So, when Eisenhower
opposed the British/French invasion, that cemented the belief among the
young Egyptian army officers that America would be a good friend and ally.

With the country's new enthusiasm and love for America, President Nasser
then turned to the Americans for support of a central part of his economic
policy-namely the building of a large dam to ensure electrical
self-sufficiency for the country (as well as other benefits).

But John Foster Dulles snubbed Nasser and his country by rejecting the plan.
Today's younger generation of Egyptians can only imagine the anger and
injured national pride that Dulles caused.

That mishap in American foreign policy sent Nasser reluctantly into the arms
of the Soviets, who were all-too-ready to embrace him with every ounce of
communist hypocrisy.

Now fast-forward to 2011 to find the Obama Administration endorsing the
Muslim Brotherhood instead of the true forces of secular democracy. What a
devastating blow to the Egyptian people!

What our American government officials failed to realize was that the
Islamic doctrine of "taqiyya" compels Islamists to lie with vigor to
infidels. [BS] So, in effect, all the Islamists sweet talk to the Americans
(McCain, Lindsey, Clinton, et al) about democracy and keeping peace with
Israel amounted to nothing but lies.

[SOL: WOW! "Taqiyya" is the same as the Zionist' "KOL NIDRE ( = "all vows")?

Our government's first unforgivable sin in the eyes of today's Egyptians is
that we believed them.

Then two years later, Egypt's military leaders acted in solidarity with the
country's 33 million freedom-loving citizens by isolating the Muslim
Brotherhood cabal. But America, yet again, acted foolishly by not supporting
the protestors. When Senators McCain and Lindsey went to Egypt and called
the populist revolution a "coup," it became clear that America was repeating
its blunder of the 1950s.

Just like John Foster Dulles, they snubbed the wrong people and insulted the
national pride.

In doing so, they committed the second unforgivable sin: siding with the
Islamists and not the democracy-advocating masses. Once again, we
surrendered Egypt and chased them straight into the waiting arms of the

History repeating itself? You betcha!


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