Saturday, May 18, 2013

Questions To Be Answered in the Investigation of Benghazi 9/11

Obama now stands exposed on multiple fronts (his alliance with al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria; illegally using the IRS against political opponents; and illegally spying on the press, among other crimes) and the discussion of impeachment, or forced resignation, is now very much on the table, driven by the collapse of the European and US economies.
The truth about "9-11 Two", the Benghazi murder of the US Ambassador and others, is being massively misrepresented by Obama and by the press. Please read this report, in the current EIR, which carefully documents the British/Obama alliance with al-Qaeda to take down the secular government in Libya, and, if not stopped, in Syria, and placing these nations under terrorist control.
                   Mike Billington

Questions To Be Answered in the Investigation of Benghazi 9/11

by William F. Wertz, Jr.
May 14—In the last week, the investigation of the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi has finally gained traction, including with the mainstream news media. The exposure by the Weekly Standard, the ABC News release of the Administration's "talking points," and then, the hearing conducted by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee featuring three State Department whistleblowers, have made it clear that the Obama Administration has been engaged in a massive cover-up, compared by many to Watergate, and to Nixon's threatened impeachment and forced resignation.
Over two-thirds of the Republican conference in the House has co-sponsored Rep. Frank Wolf's HR 36, calling for the creation of a select committee to investigate Benghazi—146 co-sponsors as of May 13.
Unfortunately, there are those like Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham who say they want to get to the bottom of Benghazi, but do not really want to do so. Because they, like Obama, are protecting the al-Qaeda-affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), which Obama allied with to overthrow Qaddafi, and is now allied with to overthrow Assad in Syria. Perhaps McCain should reflect upon the testimony of State Department security expert Eric Nordstrom, who reported that the February 17 Brigade, which was hired by the State Department to protect the Benghazi mission, posted threats not only to Ambassador Stevens, who was killed in the Benghazi attack, but also to McCain, on its Facebook page prior to 9/11/2012. The February 17 Brigade was founded by the emir of the LIFG, Abdelhakim Belhadj, whom McCain has foolishly defended.
Whether the investigation continues to be conducted by House standing committees, or a select committee is created, the investigation must address the policy issue which underlies the three issues most frequently raised:
  1. Why was security denied despite repeated requests?
  2. Why was military support either not available to be rendered, or not provided if available?
  3. Why did the Administration lie through the talking points?
The British-Saudi-Obama Alliance
In a continuously Updated Fact Sheet on Benghazi produced by this author for, beginning in December of 2012, it has been conclusively demonstrated that the answer to these three questions is that the Obama Administration, in alliance with the British Empire and Saudi Arabia, has allied with al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Asia, as a continuation of the old British intelligence hand Bernard Lewis's "Arc of Crisis" policy, aimed ultimately at Russia and China. So, while the Obama Administration proclaimed that it had killed Osama bin Laden, and that al-Qaeda was on the run, the Administration was actually continuing the policy which led to the creation of al-Qaeda in the first place, as a weapon against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, a policy which has backfired against the United States more than once.
In Benghazi, the reality is that the al-Qaeda-affiliated LIFG, with which Obama allied to overthrow Qaddafi, and upon which Obama is relying to overthrow Assad, was responsible for the murder of our ambassador and three other Americans.
The underlying policy was not created by the State Department, the Pentagon, or the CIA. It was a British Empire-Saudi policy, carried out by their stooge Barack Obama and his close White House aides, such as White House terrorism advisor John Brennan, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, et al. The State Department, the Pentagon, and the CIA may be criticized for carrying out that policy, but they did not generate it. Therefore, any investigation which focuses the blame at a lower level, including Cabinet members such as Hillary Clinton, would represent a coverup of Obama's responsibility, a responsibility, which includes launching an unconstitutional war against Libya in the first place.
If Congressional investigators seek the truth, they will have succeeded in pulling the rug out from underneath a policy which otherwise, in the case of Syria, could lead to World War III.
Therefore, the following series of questions must be answered if the Congress is to meet its Constitutional responsibilities, and not engage in its own coverup of the very coverup it has correctly accused the Obama White House of perpetrating.

Questions To Be Asked
By Congressional Investigators

  1. At least 18 hours before the attack on the Benghazi mission, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, in a video timed for the anniversary of 9/11/01, called for attacks on Americans in Libya to avenge the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi in a U.S. drone attack in Pakistan in June 2012. Why didn't Obama mention this deplorable video, and why were U.S. military forces not put on immediate alert?
  2. According to a hacked Feb. 16, 2013 memo to Hillary Clinton from former White House advisor to Bill Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, French intelligence told Algerian intelligence that the Benghazi terrorist attack was funded by "wealthy Sunni Islamists from Saudi Arabia." According to Algerian intelligence, Libyan intelligence gave them the same information. Investigators should contact French, Algerian, and Libyan intelligence to obtain their intelligence on the Saudi funding of the Benghazi attackers, especially, given the role of Saudi Arabia in the original 9/11 and its current role in supporting al-Qaeda in Syria.
  3. According to the London Independent of March 7, 2011, the Obama Administration asked Saudi Arabia to provide weapons to the Benghazi-based opposition to Qaddafi. The United Nations has concluded that both Qatar and the U.A.E. did so in violation of the UN arms embargo. Investigators should look into the role of Saudi Arabia in arming the al-Qaeda-affiliated opposition in Libya directly, or indirectly through Qatar and the U.A.E. Specifically, what is the involvement of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the current head of intelligence in Saudia Arabia, who previously funded the Contras in the 1980s, when the Congress cut off funding; provided funds through his wife to the first two 9/11 hijackers to enter the U.S. when he was Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.; and is now supporting al-Qaeda in Syria?
  4. In addition to the mission, the U.S. also maintained an annex in Benghazi run by the CIA. What was the purpose of the CIA annex in Benghazi? Why was the mission in Benghazi never formally registered with the Libyan government, as reported by the Accountability Review Board (ARB)? Was it involved in supplying weapons or vetting personnel to be sent to Syria? Is this why the CIA has not allowed any of its personnel to be interviewed?
  5. The LIFG was listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the State Department, the UN Security Council, and the U.K. Home Office before it officially disbanded in February 2011, and merely renamed itself the Libyan Islamic Movement for Change (LIMC). In 2007, al-Qaeda announced its merger with the LIFG. There are numerous links between the LIFG and 9/11/01 known to the U.S. from interrogations in Guantanamo. The sole suspect in the Benghazi attack currently in custody, Faraj al-Chalabi, is a member of al-Qaeda and of the LIFG. Did Obama knowingly authorize the decision to work with the LIFG/LIMC?
  6. The emir of the LIFG, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, fought together with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, and then moved with him to Sudan in 1992. He ran training camps for al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in the late 1990s. He fled Kabul in 2001, and went with bin Laden to Tora Bora. He was listed as a co-conspirator in the 2004 Madrid bombings. In Libya, he received weapons approved by Obama from Qatar. He became the military commander of the Tripoli Military Council in August 2011, and was responsible for security at all foreign embassies. He was later appointed to the Supreme Security Committee in Libya. The Algerian Foreign Ministry declared him persona non grata in February 2013 and stated that he had prior knowledge of the al-Qaeda hostage-taking in Algeria in January 2013 by Mokhtar Bel Mokhtar, the head of al-Qaeda in the Maghreb.
    Why did Obama ally with a known terrorist to overthrow Qaddafi? Why did Obama approve Qatar providing him with weapons, bypassing the Transitional National Council (TNC)? Is Belhzdj, indeed, the current head of domestic security in Libya, as stated by Mathieu Pellerin, head of the Paris-based private intelligence company CISCA?
  7. After Belhadj became head of the Tripoli Military Council, he and Ismael al-Sallabi traveled with TNC chairman Jalil to Qatar to meet with NATO officials and financiers of the revolution. Who attended this meeting? Was Prince Bandar there? Why did NATO choose to meet with known terrorists? Did Obama authorize this meeting? Who were the financiers?
  8. Bin Qumu is head of Ansar al-Sharia, which took credit for the attack on the U.S. Mission on its Facebook page. Bin Qumu is known to be a member of the LIFG and al-Qaeda, and was assessed to be a medium-to-high risk to U.S. interests while at Guantanamo. He received a monthly stipend from one of the financiers of the original 9/11. He nonetheless became an ally of the Obama Administration when he began training rebel forces in Derna in April of 2011. Why did the Obama Administration ally with a known terrorist to overthrow Qaddafi?
  9. U.S. officials met with Wisam bin Hamid and Muhammad al-Garabi on Sept. 9, 2012. The Library of Congress reports that bin Hamid is reported to be the leader of al-Qaeda in Libya. He leads Libya Shield, aka Free Libya. He hosted a demonstration in Sirte in March 2012, attended by the head of al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, Mokhtar Bel Mokhtar, as his honored guest. Bel Mokhtar has been identified as the leader of the hostage-taking event which took place, beginning Jan. 13, 2013, at a BP gas field in Algeria. Bin Hamid also participated in another rally in Benghazi with other militias on June 7-8, 2012. The Library of Congress reports that these militias probably make up the bulk of al-Qaeda's network in Libya. It was Libya Shield which held up U.S. reinforcements from Tripoli at the Benghazi airport for three hours, and then escorted them to the CIA annex. The mortar attack on the annex commenced 15 minutes later.

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