Tuesday, April 9, 2013

WMDs SECRETLY INVENTED Churning Tornadoes and Vaporizing Cities

eastwind journals

Churning Tornadoes and Vaporizing Cities

A Reprint from the
Philippine Sentinel April 2013 - www.philippinesentinel.org
By Bernie Lopez – eastwindreplyctr@gmail.com

Few people are aware that Man has secretly invented new weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that easily surpass the dreaded nuclear missiles. A case in point is a US program under the guise of weather research, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

HAARP is a $200 million program of the US Air Force and Navy using a staggering 15 universities as research affiliates, led by University of Alaska Fairbanks. Also included are Stanford University, Penn State University (ARL), Boston College, UCLA, Clemson University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MIT, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, and the University of Tulsa. That prestigious universities are being used (with or without their awareness) by the military as pawns for its WMD programs is an unfortunate trend. World-class US education is now involved in not only human growth but also human demise.

The beginnings of this US WMD program was in Serbia. Serb pioneer inventor Nikola Tesla is considered the father of today’s ‘death ray’. A New York Times article on September 22, 1940, read, “(Tesla) stands ready to divulge to the United States government the secret of his ‘teleforce’, with which, he said, airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles…“.

Tesla explained, “This ‘teleforce’, is based upon an entirely new principle of physics that no one has ever dreamed about. (It) would operate through a beam one one hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in diameter, and could be generated from a special plant that would cost no more than $2,000,000 and would take only about three months to construct.”

Tesla believed the power of his invention was neutral, neither good nor bad. He presumed the US government would use it for peaceful purposes, an utterly naïve notion. Today, the US Air Force and Navy are toying with a new super-WMD under the HAARP. This new evolving weapon, Tesla’s death ray, can vaporize cities and trigger tornadoes.

Tesla said you need four inventions to be able to build the death ray weapon – 1) produce the rays in free air; 2) produce great electrical force (50m volts); 3) be able to amplify, direct, and focus the beam; and 4) create large electrical repelling force (the projector or gun). HAARP has achieved all four inventions.

HAARP has four stations capable of heating the ionosphere. HAARP’s has a global presence, a total of 15 stations, located in Brazil, India, Peru, UK, Long Island, Japan, China, Norway, and Australia (2), with major installations in Fairbanks in Alaska, Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and Vashilsursk in Russia, which are capable of heating the ionosphere, the first step in weather manipulation. An array transmitter (see photo) beams a high frequency radio signal into the ionosphere. A mobile transmitter can be mounted into a satellite to hit any target with precision on the entire planet. This WMD is dangerously mobile.

(Philippine Sentinel is an Australian-based monthly newspaper catering to Filipinos abroad, run by Dino Crescini. www.philippinesentinal.com)

(The author is a former senior columnist for Business World for 7 years, presently columnist for Opinyon Magazine, occasional editorial contributor to Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star for the last 20 years, former anchor at Radio Veritas, occasional talk-show guest at Global News Network – GNN, freelance TV documentary producer, and blogsite administrator for a healing ministry at www.sisterraquel.com.) eastwindreplyctr@gmail.com

Ministry Inspirational

Coming to office late, I found spilled coffee on my desk. I simply cleaned the mess and started working, as if nothing happened. At the end of the day, when everyone had left, Liz, the secretary, notorious for having a chip on her shoulder, who was avoided by everyone, came up to me and said in tears.

“I’m sorry I’m such a coward. I spilled the coffee on your table. If I were you, I would go into a rage.I want to apologize because I have never seen such patience and good will, which made me feel guilty. If you went into a tantrum, you would never know I was the culprit.”

I replied, “No one can hurt you without your consent. That’s why we have a free will, to control storms brewing inside us. If you find spilled coffee on your office table, never ask who did it. You will just embarrass him. You can go into a rage or silently squirm, which is worse, because the storm grows stronger inside you. Or you can just smile and say that it’s not worth your ulcers.”

The entire office got the shock of their lives when they saw the secretary change overnight. The chip on her shoulder vanished, replaced by a big smile. She became prettier. For the body reflects the soul.

She brought me coffee everyday as soon as I came in. Everyone was asking how I did it. I said, “Simple, be calm when you see a storm coming. Then you will discover that the storm was really inside you, but you made it go away. You have to go for the eye of the storm, where there is no wind, no violence, just pure peace. Then you will discover you gain tremendous inner strength for the next storm. If she brews a new storm, kill it instantly with good will.

Lord, teach us the power of Your inner peace.


For more inspirational, visit www.sisterraquel.com
For prayer requests, especially from the terminally sick,
Send an email to sr.raquel.rvm@gmail.com

The Lord reigns in cyberspace

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