Friday, April 26, 2013

The Strategic View from the United States

The following is the keynote address by Lyndon LaRouche to the conference "A New Paradigm for the Survival of Civilization" in Frankfurt, Germany, April 13-14. Mike Billington
This transcript appears in the April 19, 2013 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

The Strategic View from the United States

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
There's a certain element of short but sweet in what I have to say. It may be sweet for some people, but not for others. It's sweet for me, because it's the truth. And it's a truth which is generally not recognized at all; and therefore, the truth that is not recognized at all is inherently the most beautiful of them all.
We're in a situation now, where, in point of fact, especially in the Americas, and in Europe and Africa, for example, mankind is in the greatest danger of virtual extinction of the species ever known to us in historical times. There may have been prehistorical periods which are legendary, shall we say, as opposed to historical, but never before, since those prehistorical times, has mankind ever faced a danger to the human species as great as the world as a whole faces today.
The center of that problem lies between Europe and North America. All the other regions of the other nations are simply secondary. They are not the principal drivers, nor do they provide the solution for the situation.
The key to understanding this is to shock a number of you, especially those who are European, as to what the situation is today. Everybody knows, I think, in Europe and beyond, that we have a great hyperinflationary financial crisis, and that populations are being starved, probably starved to death, in great numbers, in various parts of this part of the world. And they're doomed, unless the solution to this problem is identified and understood.
Mankind is on the verge of a quasi-extinction. This is not something "down the line." This is something in the immediate future. It's a problem which must be identified now, correctly; it's a problem which is not understood in most parts of Europe; it's little understood in the United States, though in the United States we have a better understanding than anyone else does. This system is about to go into a collapse.
A Doomsday Sign
Now, there's an intention behind this. The intention has been bespoken by the Queen of England, who considers herself the Empress of the world—and to a large degree she is. Europe, for example: Western and Central Europe are nothing but puppets of the British Empire. You don't have nation-states any more. You don't have sovereignty any more. You have a system, and the system is run essentially from London. And if their system continues, and is not defeated, the power of the British Empire over Europe, or most of Europe, most of Western and Central Europe, the power over the United States, right now, means that the doom that is threatened, seems to be almost inevitable.
The hyperinflation which has struck Europe and the United States, simultaneously—it's a Doomsday sign. And the rate of production of necessities is falling, and it's falling at an accelerating rate, and will continue to fall at an accelerating rate, as long as this trans-Atlantic system of power continues.
And no one in Europe has a chance, now, of doing much about it. Because they're all tied in, so heavily, to the so-called euro system. The euro system is a mass suicide system of the unwilling.
Now, what's wrong? Why is this hyperinflation—and this is a hyperinflation which makes what happened in Germany in 1923 a simple problem—this is the virtual extinction! Now, the British Empress, the Queen of England, has specified—we had this series of discussions involving Copenhagen,[1] at one point; it was shifted from there, and the British Queen went off in a different direction. It now has gone with a program of explicit genocide, mass genocide. Specifically. She's said it not on one occasion; she's said it repeatedly. She emphasizes it today. It's the policy of the President of the United States today—it's a policy of genocide against the trans-Atlantic population, in particular.
And it's a very efficient genocide. If not stopped, it will kill. What her goals are: The immediate prospect is to reduce the world's population from 7 billion people, to somewhat in the order of magnitude of 1 or 1.2 billion people. That's her policy.
That policy is being implemented throughout Europe, especially Western and Central Europe. That policy is being implemented inside the United States itself; a policy of deliberate genocide has been specified by the Queen of England and her puppet, the President of the United States, has now declared his support for that policy. We're going to have the greatest rate of accelerated death in the United States coming on, if this President remains President.
The policy is not his. The policy is hers. She bought and paid for him, with drug money, a vast flood of drug money which was used to secure his election as President of the United States.
He carried out that kind of program all the way through. He carried it out in the form of warfare. What happened in Libya; what is spreading into Syria; what is threatening throughout all of Africa; what is going on in the Middle East; what the threats are to Russia—all these things—the threats to China now. All these things are being done by her, chiefly through her instrument, the current President of the United States, who's nothing but her stooge, for her!
That's what we face.
Beating the Money Game
Now, how do we deal with this? They have an argument. The argument is, we've got a money problem. And we've got to solve the money problem: "We've got to be nice to money, even if it means being mean to people. Even if it means killing them!" And that is exactly what the policy is of the current President of the United States. He has not gotten it voted up yet, but that's his policy. That's his intention. His intention is genocide against a major part of the population of the United States, as well of Europe.
So, unless we can solve this little mystery, of what's the money game, then we're not going to solve the problem.
So, therefore, I've come to that particular point. What is the problem? Why are Europeans so stupid as to put up with this? Why are European governments more stupid than the people? Naturally, they're more stupid—that's how they got to be governments. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been allowed into government, if they hadn't been stupid, malleable.
There's only one solution, and that solution is Glass-Steagall. But most people don't know what Glass-Steagall is. They think it's a new kind of adjustment system. No. Glass-Steagall is the fundamental law of the United States. Glass-Steagall is the name given to that law, at a specific time in history.
It was not just the United States. It was the forerunners of the United States. This is something that comes out of Nicholas of Cusa, for example, and his great influence, and the great scientific development which occurred, that was then destroyed largely, by periods of great warfare, in Europe, in particular. Civil war.
Columbus was a follower of Nicholas of Cusa, who said the solution is to leave Europe, and go across the oceans to the people of other parts of the world, and build up a civilization, a global human civilization, which will make it possible for all parts of humanity to enjoy what human beings are, and should be allowed to be.
We had religious war. What did this lead to? Well, Columbus's expedition didn't work out too well; the original Columbian settlement, the middle Mexican settlement, these things worked out fairly well. But they were destroyed under the influence of the oligarchical system.
So, then you had this thing that came from a few Dutch, a few French, a few British, Irish, and so forth, and they came over across the water into the North American continent, as well as the South American continent. And in the United States, in particular, in that area we made two efforts to solve the problem which Europe faced, as a result of this situation.
They said, let's leave Europe. Let's get some people out of Europe. Because it is impossible to solve this problem in Europe. And it never has been solved. It just vibrated back and forth. Some progress was made, but things became weaker and weaker and weaker.
Well, we had something that worked out in Massachusetts, finally, in that century, the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Now the Massachusetts Bay Colony was an act of genius. It created the economic system on which the United States was based.
Now the Massachusetts Bay Colony was crushed by the Venetian party, so-called, the same Venetian party that destroyed the independence of the Britons, and made them slaves of the New Venetian slavery system. And so, the new slavery system came into North America, into Massachusetts, where we had had the first economic system on which the United States was based.
We then got into a war with Britain, which had been taken over by the New Venetian Party. And Britain had become an empire, during the middle of that [18th] century.
At that point, in the middle of the century, the people in North America, including some of my ancestors, had set forth on a new system of economy, a revival of the same system as the Massachusetts Bay Colony's system. And it worked. And there was one man who actually figured out how to make the principle work, and he was, of course, Alexander Hamilton [1755/57-1804], whose brain designed the American System, the only competent system that solves this kind of problem.
Then the effort was made which succeeded.
But then we were crushed. The British, in particular, were constantly trying to get us to crush our new republic. We had a few great leaders in this republic, initial leaders in this republic. And then we had another group; and then they were crushed in turn. We were crushed again; we were crushed by a British intervention in what was called the Civil War of the United States. We came out of that successfully, but then we were betrayed again by British intervention, British imperial intervention.

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