Sunday, November 25, 2012

Economic IQ Test: If the national debt doesn't matter, then why are we still paying federal income taxes?


Economic IQ Test: If the national debt doesn't matter, then why are we still paying federal income taxes?

Friday, November 23, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews)--The U.S. federal government is over $16.2 trillion in debt. But that doesn't really matter, we're told, because the Federal Reserve -- a private [Rothschild-owned] banking monopoly -- can create an unlimited quantity of dollars to keep buying up the U.S. debt. This is called "QE unlimited," meaning unlimited quantitative easing (money creation).

On top of that, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recently suggested we simply eliminate the debt ceiling altogether and launch America into INFINITE debt.

This program of fiscal suicide is already under way. The Federal Reserve announced a few weeks ago that it would begin buying up to $80 billion a month in U.S. debt, continuing indefinitely.

At the same time all this is going on, the government insists it needs to confiscate an ever-expanding portion of your income in order to increase "government revenue." Current federal tax "revenues" (which is a warped word to use for taxes in the first place) are at roughly $2.4 trillion a year.

But hold on just a second... and here's the IQ test, are you ready?

If the private Federal Reserve can just create trillions of dollars a year in new money [“out of thin air”] and hand it over to the federal government [with added USURY, of course!], then why are tax revenues needed at all?

Answer: They aren't.

If debt doesn't matter, then taxes aren't needed at all

Under the current system of unlimited spending, unlimited money creation and unlimited debt that "doesn't matter" according to the bureaucrats in Washington, there is absolutely no reason why any so-called "revenue" needs to be collected from the working class population whatsoever. "Revenue" only matters if debt matters, and we've been told by everybody in Washington (except Ron Paul) that debt doesn't matter.
Had Your Chance

Logically, then, we need no income tax at all. The President could simply announce the elimination of all federal taxes and the closure of the IRS, then have the Fed print up the money it needs. No more income taxes... ever! Imagine the savings in paperwork reduction alone...

This instant creation of money by the feds is not only possible, it has already been done. Remember the "too big to fail" bankster bailouts that began in 2008? Bailout totals have exceeded $2 trillion. Do you know where that money came from? The Fed created it out of thin air. They can do this any time they wish, of course. It takes about sixty seconds and a single computer entry at the Fed, matched by an inverse entry at the U.S. Treasury. In mere seconds, whammo! Another couple of trillion dollars (and debt) is magically created.


The real purpose of the income tax? To oppress the economic mobility of the little people

If the income tax is not mathematically needed to provide revenue to the federal government, what is its real purpose?
[MM: Unfortunately, Mike Adams fails (below) to mention the FUNDAMENTAL REASON for federal income taxes: To pay the annual interest (USURY) on the “national debt” directly to the covert owners of the private “Federal Reserve” based in “The City” (London)...The Satanic international banking “House of N.M. Rothschild”. This is undisputed FACT...research it yourself! Not coincidental that the Income Tax Amendment (16th) emerged the same year (1913) as the Federal Reserve Act. Ron Paul has been pleading for more than 30 years that to END THE FED will also END the federal income tax. As long as the uninformed masses continue to accept the erroneous belief that our country’s MOST CRITICAL PROBLEM is a party-politics issue NOTHING WILL CHANGE“...But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own [DEBT] slavery, then let [PRIVATE] bankers continue to create money and control credit."--Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Rothschild Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s, speaking at the University of Texas in 1927.]
As anyone who has deeply studied the social impact of the tax code well knows, the true purpose of the tax code is social engineering. And more specifically, to oppress wage earners and small business owners for the purpose of making sure they can never save enough money to stop working.

The United States of America is, after all, a "tax farm," meaning the productivity of the working people is harvested by the government to be used for whatever nefarious schemes the corrupt bureaucrats have in mind: Endless wars, creating economic dependence through welfare, giving money to their crony insider crooks, and so on.

Besides, the last thing the elitists want is competition from upwardly mobile citizens who mistakenly think they can rise above their economic class and compete with the global elite. "The power to tax is the power to destroy," Daniel Webster famously said in an 1819 U.S. Supreme Court case. Chief Justice Marshall agreed: "That the power to tax involves the power to destroy... [is] not to be denied."

And that's the point of the income tax: To destroy the ambitions of the working class and keep them enslaved in a system of economic servitude that is mathematically designed to ensure permanent subjugation to the system. [More commonly referred to as “DEBT-SLAVERY”.]

It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with creating "revenue" or raising money to build roads and schools. That is a total delusion played off by both Republicans and Democrats to prevent people from realizing the far more powerful truth that federal income taxes aren't necessary at all.
So the next time you hear someone say we need to pay more taxes to "raise revenue" for the federal government, you can confidently laugh in their face at the absurdity of the statement. The federal government can create all the revenue it wishes through an instant computer entry. The point of the income tax is to make sure you never escape the Matrix of economic [DEBT] enslavement.—END
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