Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

Bill Gates' verbatim words:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number of 9 billion] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. But there we see an increase of about 1.3 [billion]."

Let's focus on the vaccines. Gates is stating that he considers vaccines to be useful in contributing to bring the projected population growth of 2.2 billion down to 1.3 billion, roughly one billion. What kind of properties can thus reasonably be deduced that vaccines are to have according to Gates? Well, basically all the properties that impede people to either have children, or successfully rear them. In other words, Gates implicitly advocates the definition of his favorite kind of vaccine to be one that fosters infertility, sterility and (early onset) senility (autism) alike. Note that Gates does not mention a word on the much touted purported intention of vaccines: to offer protection against relevant diseases and therefore as such, precisely prolong life. Given the abundance of toxins in vaccines (see my blog for some links of simply Google "toxin ingredient vaccine"), the position that vaccines contribute to decrease mortality rates, is kind of hard to maintain.

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