Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blue Flu cases spreading around Gulf




'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf
By Lounge Daddy, 17 August, 2010, 19 Comments
"Blue Flu" infecting people along the Gulf of Mexico, other southern states?

Some people are calling it the BP Flu. But it is commonly being called the
Blue Flu, because the alleged symptoms include blue lips and skin; and it's
scaring the hell out of people all around the Gulf area -from Texas to

This Blue Flu is separate from people experiencing something called TILT, or
"Toxic-Induced Loss of Tolerance." TILT is something that hit some of the
folks who had been working on the massive cleanup surrounding the oil spill.
Symptoms from TILT include eyes and skin being irritated, headaches and

People with TILT are typically those who were in the immediate area of the
spill, mostly those directly involved with the cleanup. Those suffering from
Blue Flu are an entirely different matter. These are people who were not in
direct contact with the spill, or the cleanup chemicals. They simply live in
the south, near the Gulf.

Symptoms include swollen glands, notably in the neck, fever, vomiting,
headache, bluish lip color, numbness in fingers and toes. The most alarming
symptom being reported is "severe symptomatic cyanosis." This is the entire
body turning blue, a discoloration of the skin.

Of course this could cause alarm that these are symptoms of oxygen depletion
along the Gulf. But could this rather be from all that Corexit that was
sprayed everywhere, including dropped through the air from airplanes? This
was a lot of chemical deposited in a large area, in a short frame of time.
One wonders how the people living in the area could not be sickened from it.

Here's a littleabout Corexit:

Corexit is a product line of solvents primarily used as a dispersant for
breaking up oil slicks. It is produced by Nalco Holding Company which is
associated with BP and Exxon.

Corexit is the most-used dispersant in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in
the Gulf of Mexico, with COREXIT 9527 having been replaced by COREXIT 9500
after the former was deemed too toxic.

Oil that would normally rise to the surface of the water is broken up by
the dispersant into small globules that can then remain suspended in the

Whatever the cause the Blue Flu, it is important to note that the oil spill
wasn't cleaned up - it was covered up. As stated in the above quote, the
Corexit that was sprayed and dumped all over the place is simply a (rather
dangerous) chemical agent that prevented the oil from surfacing.

After all, the government isn't interested in your safety. Rather, the
government is interested in creating the illusion of safety. And the
government often harms even more people in the end in their effort to keep
up appearances.

Thus, expect the Blue Flu to be kept under wraps as much as possible. In an
effort to deflect criticism, I would not be surprised if the government
sounded an alarm over another flu bug - an effort at misdirection. The
political class wants the oil spill story out of the way and forgotten.

There are two major articles about Blue Flu that I read, none in the msm.

One story is pretty alarmist in tone, and another that strives to be far
more measured with this. However, the story appears to be well written and
sourced - the writer quotes people about Blue Flu.

That article is at worldvisionportal.org. The writer wonders if these are
symptoms of oxygen depletion in the air and water. Here's a little from that

Along with the symptoms that mimic flu-like viruses, there are increasing
cases of severe symptomatic cyanosis. These rapidly increasing symptoms
range from bluish lip color to numbness in fingers and toes. There is also a
fast growing increase of pneumonia cases which are being diagnosed as
chemical induced pneumonia. Those working on boats and those living directly
on the coast are the most effected.

Cyanosis is simply oxygen starvation in the blood. With a moderate case
involving such a lack of oxygen, the skin appears to have a blueish colour.
Hands and fingers especially show these signs as will other extremities such
as toes and lips. A lack of oxygen in the blood can also have a purplish
appearance where the skin surface is red from sun exposure but the blood
beneath the skin is blue. Red and blue make purple.

If all these BLUE FLU symptoms were temporary, most everyone suffering
from them would eventually recover as the blood becomes increasingly
oxygenated once removed from the oxygen depletion source.

I wanted to double check the statement that "cyanosis is simply oxygen
starvation in the blood," so I went over to wikipedia :

During cyanosis, tissues are uncharacteristically low on oxygen, and
therefore tissues that would normally be filled with bright oxygenated blood
are instead filled with darker, deoxygenated blood. Darker blood is much
more prone to the blue-shifting optical effects,[3] and thus oxygen
deficiency - hypoxia - leads to blue discoloration of the lips and other
mucous membranes.

The writer goes on to suggest that, "while the Blue Flu symptoms are
increasing for more and more people, those who have had 30+ days of direct
exposure to the toxic and oxygen depleted Gulf air and water are in
immediate danger of permanent and irreversible biological damage. if not

Damn. Now's a great time to look at the more measured, less panicked

Over at Meta Oceanic Research, an article covers a few new
Gulf-spill-related symptoms being reported online. The article looks at the
symptoms of TILT and the Blue Flu.

The entire article is pretty interesting for the comparison, and it's a
fairly quick read. For the info on the Blue Flu, it references the World
Vision Portal. The article ends with this:

We caution the reader that everything in the World Vision Portal post is
hearsay so far, but it echoes and dovetails with verifiable similar cases.
It's also extremely well-written and motivates us to keep an eye on the
story and research the matter further ourselves.

Interestingly, I believe there was a prediction made by Webbot of a 'Blue

And there have been concerns in science magazines that we could have a
problem - a natural problem - with a lack of oxygen. And then, clearly, the
oil spill and chemical agents could make a natural problem into an unnatural

Of course panic solves nothing. We'll keep an eye on this as best we can. It
will be interesting to see if the Blue Flu is something that we never hear
about again, or if it becomes something too big for the msm to avoid.

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Tags: Blue Flu, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, oil spill, Texas
Categories: conspiracy
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19 Responses {+}
a.. Tom Swirly
August 18, 2010 at 7:24 am
We'll be seeing more nasty effects like this - you can't dump tens of
thousands of tons of poison into the environment without hurting a lot of

"The writer wonders if these are symptoms of oxygen depletion in the air
and water."

Absolutely not. In order to actually turn people's lips blue, the partial
pressure of oxygen would have to drop to astonishingly low levels, lower
than anywhere on the planet. No one could miss this - for example, you'd
pass out if you tried to run, everyone with asthma or pneumonia or heck,
even a heavy cold! would simply die.

b.. betty
August 27, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Could it be from all the methane
that was released into the air displaced
the oxygen? That is what methane does.
That is what Matthew Simmons was warning the gulf residents about when he
said they MUST evacuate. Methane is odorless, but it displaces/replaces
oxygen!!! Hence the cyanosis, blue lips!

c.. Lounge Daddy
August 27, 2010 at 11:55 pm
If that's the case, then heck ya I agree. They gotta evacuate.

d.. Rev. Reggie Jackson
August 28, 2010 at 3:43 am
Its only a matter of a short time that we see the true affect of the new
world order antichrist International Bankers/Illuminati and their
Bilderberger cohorts; have done in blowing up that Gulf Oil Well. And I
predicted that it will have devastating affects on our economy and national

These devils mentioned above are genocidal and eugenicist maniacs who love
death and suffering and chaos. For they are Luciferians who serve their lord
Lucifer well in his mass murders and genocides.

And their punishments along with their daddy Lucifers punishments will be
greatly severe and agonizingly painful forever and ever and ever!!

But we that know and serve Jesus will not take their zombie making and
mind controlling mark of the beast chip very soon!! According to Revelation
13 and 14 and especially Rev. 14:9-11 !!

e.. Tell Me No Lies
August 28, 2010 at 3:54 am
Still the best info re OILGEDDON.


you'll laugh all the way to your grave.

f.. Thebes
August 29, 2010 at 7:44 am
Displacement of Oxygen by either methane or corexit is not a possibility

I just want people to be aware that is an absurd suggestion, it makes
other related suggestions (something in atmosphere is interfering with blood
oxygen Uptake, say) seem wrong by association.

I live at 7000 some feet and worked at a ski area at 11000 (!) feet. At
this altitude visitors from Texas get drunk off two beers. People do have
altitude sickness and are sometimes evacuated, this is due to lack of
pressure and bleeding into lungs or brain, not blood oxygen levels. Mild
hypoxia is common and some might argue even chronic. Even with this hypoxia,
and understand we have like 30% less oxygen than most people, even at this
rate no one ever turns blue. That level of methane would cause problems far
worse than hypoxia!

g.. Saoirse
September 3, 2010 at 3:39 am
really NEED to see this topic out and about to TAKE IT SERIOUSLY-

1.. 'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf - Dateline Zero «
Watchtowermaya's Blog
2.. 'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf | USAHitman | Conspiracy News
3.. NEWSLINE ----- - Page 3 - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums
4.. GOM Flu - Don't Breathe the Air | Icliks Incoming
5.. 'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf | Sp00kje Nieuws
6.. h/t Rense: Sickness is spreading among Gulf Coast residents | T-Room
7.. Snabblänkar till BP-katastrofen | InfoKuriren
8.. Latest Gulf Spill/Disaster updates from Alternative Media: Aug. 28,
2010 « fliptheworldupsidedown.com
9.. 'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf « Xenophilia (True Strange
10.. Tweets that mention 'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf - Dateline
Zero -- Topsy.com
11.. 'Blue Flu' cases spreading around Gulf « thefloridianguy.com
12.. Blue Flu Cases Spreading Around Gulf « Theupliftingcrane's Blog

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