Saturday, March 6, 2010

Former Veep Goes Girly-Man, Has Hissy Fit in Pages of New York Times

Former Veep Goes Girly-Man, Has Hissy Fit in Pages of New York Times
Posted by Kyle-Anne Shiver Feb 28th 2010 at 4:10 pm in Climategate, Featured Story | Comments (404)

The New York Times continues its painful-to-watch demise with this published hissy-fit from the ultra-feminine side of the prophet of the-sky-is-really-falling gloom, Al Gore. Have your hankies at the ready, ladies. Get your Pepto Bismol off the shelf, guys.

This piece of pure, dribbling, drooling emoting is going to either make you collapse in a torrent of tears or retch into the nearest barf bag. The only human beings on the planet to whom this editorial would appeal are a bunch of 13-year-old girls without a single clue between them.

With hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, Al is going all out to save his “investment” in global warming hysteria. Here, he comes up with histrionics befitting the amount of personal loss he stands to suffer.


His editorial begins:

It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it.

“Attacks on the science of global warming”? Who is he kidding here? When people lie through their teeth to make obscene profits on the backs of working people, they deserve vociferous shaming and class action lawsuits. So far, all anyone has done in the way of “attacks” is to point out the lies and show the sham for what it always was – a vicious, selfish scam to get rich. Poppycock peddling, like snake-oil selling, has never been held in high esteem.

Al continues his “editorial” in the vein of an adolescent girl writing a please-don’t-leave-me-letter to her boyfriend of the month:

But what a burden would be lifted! We would no longer have to worry that our grandchildren would one day look back on us as a criminal generation that had selfishly and blithely ignored clear warnings that their fate was in our hands. We could instead celebrate the naysayers who had doggedly persisted in proving that every major National Academy of Sciences report on climate change had simply made a huge mistake.

I couldn’t help but wonder, as I read this piece, whether Al was writing it from his mansion in Tennessee or from his carbon-big-foot mega-houseboat, the Bio-Solar One. Either way, the hypocrisy just doesn’t get any thicker than this screed.

bio-solar one

Al goes on to point out the obvious threat to our national security (a desperate nod to his daily-shrinking male side, no doubt) in not becoming energy independent. The one gaping hole in this argument, however, is the need to drill-baby-drill on our own land and our own offshore wealth of oil deposits. Al fails to mention, too, that if we merely make use of our own technology and oil deposits, then we would have no need of Arab oil. Of course, it takes less than the reasoning capabilities of a tween to realize that if we drill instead of “investing” in all his alternative schemes, then Al will not become the world’s first carbon-credit billionaire.

So, it’s natural for Al Gore to continue his sky-is-falling diatribe. His life as a jet-setting, Nobel Peace Prize-sharing, Oscar-brandishing celebrity is on the line. Without the people’s diehard faith in his religion of global warming, Al will be forced to trade his lifestyle of the mega-rich-and-famous for an ignominious and expensive defense of never-ending lawsuits brought by enraged sucker governments and private investors.

Al filled the rest of his “piece” with stuff meant to sound reasonable. All of it, however, adds up to one thing and one thing only: Al Gore’s personal fortune is now on the line with stalled cap and trade legislation. He knows it and he’s going down with his self-made Titanic. The only question remaining is whether we will agree to go down with him.


He closes by quoting Churchill, which is where I had to drop my own hanky and run for the barf bag.

The difference between the threat Churchill and the free world faced with the Nazis and Al Gore’s get-rich-quick-scheme is apparent to anyone with even a grain of common sense. The Nazi threat was demonstrably real, demonstrably imminent and demonstrably cataclysmic. Churchill didn’t need a flock of grant-gobbling “scientists” ensconced in comfy academic sinecures to convince Londoners that bombs were wrecking their cities.

Al Gore, on the other hand, is propped up only by a bunch of lying, self-promoting “scientists,” a heap of corrupt politicians, a sycophantic media circus, the gasping-for-breath New York Times and a whole lot of signs that read: THE SKY REALLY, REALLY, REALLY IS FALLING!

What is the world coming to, when grown men who call themselves Americans, are reduced in public to fairytale-spewing girly-men?

Al, do America a favor and turn in your man card – pronto. If you don’t, then we real women of the U.S.A. are sending Sarah Palin over to collect it.


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