Friday, January 29, 2010

Why We Need a Fearless Conversation about Vaccines

Why We Need a Fearless Conversation about Vaccines Video: Why We Need a Fearless Conversation about Vaccines
Important and crucial information you need to know if you haven’t made up your minds on vaccines yet.
You really must watch it.
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
January 28 2010 | 11,577 views

A majority of Americans “just said no” to getting an H1N1 influenza shot last year. The truth is, most people just didn’t buy the hype about swine flu. Perhaps it is because everyone is tired of constantly living in fear.

As Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, shares in the video above, those who criticized the quality and quantity of government-regulated vaccine science -- or questioned the ethics of mandatory vaccination laws -- have been marginalized by those in positions of authority.

Hopefully, 2010 will be the beginning of a fearless and fierce search for the truth about health and vaccination that will enlighten us all.


National Vaccine Information Center January 6, 2010

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
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When there are clouds, there’s almost always a silver lining, and this is even true in the case of the swine flu pandemic that wasn’t.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the swine flu pandemic of 2009 will go down as one of the biggest government and pharmaceutical scams ever. And this has not only renewed a healthy, and necessary, skepticism about the swine flu vaccine, but it has also created a more open debate about vaccinations in general.

And, really, this debate is long overdue.

As Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, explained above, fear was the overriding emotion of the first decade of the 21st century in the United States. And that fear drove U.S. vaccine policy even further down a black hole.

How Fear Was Used as a Political Tool to Further the Vaccine Industry Agenda

I want to make it clear that I’m not anti-vaccine, but rather pro-vaccine safety and informed consent. Unfortunately, both safety and informed consent have been largely removed from the vaccine picture in favor of one-size-fits-all policies. These policies have been further pushed and perpetuated by carefully orchestrated fear-mongering that took place over the last 10 years.

Here is just a short recap of what took place over the past decade, along with its implications on vaccine policy:


In the weeks and months following 9-11, government officials warned that terrorists might attack using smallpox, which necessitated stockpiling enough smallpox vaccine to vaccinate the entire U.S. population.

Around this same time, U.S. soldiers were forced to receive multiple doses of experimental anthrax vaccine, also due to terrorism fears.

The Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Act and then the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act were passed, the latter of which expands the police powers of state health officials during a public health emergency.

Legislation was then passed that shields vaccine manufacturers, doctors and public health officials from all liability if Americans are killed or injured by experimental drugs and vaccines used during a public health emergency.

In 2009 a major campaign was launched to convince Americans to get vaccinated with an experimental swine flu vaccine, for a disease that was mild in most cases and a pandemic that was completely oversold.

Throughout all of this, media and public health officials would chastise anyone who dared to question the safety of these vaccines, or the motives driving them to market.

Now, however, the swine flu hysteria has actually opened many people’s eyes to the unsupported and unproven practices behind vaccine policies. The public is finally starting to wonder and question, en masse, what’s being injected into them and their children.

A One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine Program is Not a Safe One

The current U.S. immunization schedule calls for children to get 48 doses of 14 vaccines by the time they’re just 6 years old. By age 18, federal public health officials say they should have gotten a total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines from day of birth to age 18.

This “prescription” is the same for every U.S. child, even though it’s well known that some children do not react well to this schedule, and some will actually die from it.

Tragically, most doctors are far too arrogant to even consider that there is any possibility that there might be something wrong with vaccines.

Most pediatricians are indoctrinated to simply tell parents that anything related to a bad outcome from a vaccine is a mere coincidence.

What you currently have is a one-sided policy; a way of thinking that is impossible to really allow for the appropriate debate. Science is a field where you ask a question, you find an answer, and you don’t have the biases or the influences that change the way an answer or a conclusion is made.

You just are not seeing that with vaccines.

The Proper Safety Studies Just Have Not Been Done

Most of you are well aware that if you take a drug combination, you need to watch out for harmful interactions. The greater the number of drugs you take, the higher the risk that an adverse outcome could result.

Yet, the FDA has assumed that there is no difference in giving a child one vaccine to giving them five, 10 or 14 all at once. They have simply chosen to ignore the fact that giving multiple vaccines at one time is, in fact, very different from giving just one.

Dr. Larry Palevsky, a board-certified pediatrician trained at the New York School of Medicine, explains how even many of his colleagues are unaware of the lack of safety studies surrounding vaccines:

“I think that if you ask most of my colleagues where they get their information, they will say that they read it from the American Academy of Pediatrics, from the AMA, from the CDC, and in their journals.

But I would like to challenge most of my colleagues to look through the studies themselves to actually see if the proper scientific studies were done using a proper study group and a proper control group.

Were the ingredients in vaccines properly studied?

Is there a difference between being exposed to a virus, bacteria, heavy metal or toxin through the air, food, your intestines and your skin, versus when it’s injected into your body?

Have we really looked at what happens to vaccine materials once injected into a child? Is an antibody sufficient to provide protection for a child against disease?

More and more studies are coming out to show that:


The proper studies haven’t been done

Antibodies are not the final way in which your body is protected

There is a difference between how children process material through air and food versus through injection

There are particles in vaccines that do accumulate in your body and cause impairments in your immune system

There are particles in the vaccines that get into your brain

There are foreign DNA particles that get into your body

For many health professionals it is a shock to discover that there is such a lack of information on the safety and efficacy, and a mounting degree of information that actually raises suspicions about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and whether or not they have been properly studied.”

It’s Time to Get These Questions Answered

Health officials like those at the CDC are often unwilling to even briefly entertain the possibility of a connection to a vaccine, but there are physicians and researchers who do believe vaccines are to blame.

So isn’t it time a real, unbiased investigation was made, and these questions finally answered? For some, it is already too late. But there are generations of children, some being born as you read this, that are depending on a new conversation about vaccine science, policy, ethics and law.

One that leaves the fear of the last decade behind you; one based on real science, that takes the best interests of your child into consideration rather than what biased government planners cite as being best for society.

Show us the science and give us a choice as to whether to get a certain vaccine, and whether to risk any possible adverse reactions that might be connected with it.

That’s all you want, really, when you ask questions about vaccines, or any medical procedure, isn’t it?

And truly, isn’t that your right?

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