Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ukranian Plague Nov 7: “officially” now over 871,037 infected; this is NOT A/H1N1

Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over 871,037 infected, 135 deaths, 39,603 hospitalized – Cases of infection are increasing at about 200,000 per day; this is NOT A/H1N1

November 7, 2009 at 4:41 pm (Uncategorized)
Tags: h1n1 bird flu birdflu swine flu swineflu h5n1 pandemic ott deagle eisenstein cassel vaclib nvic dissent resistance vaccine vaccination toxic adjuvants mf-59 squalene genocide who cdc nih globalists ge

Courtesy of Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling

The public is being kept in the dark about what is happening in the Ukraine. Please pass this site on to as many family and friends as you can and post links to it on as many sites as you can.

The rapid rise from almost nothing to over 3/4 million people in a week is highly reflective of an Advanced Biowar ‘designer virus’. This is NOT A/H1N1. This is either a new virus or a major recombination of A/H1N1 with another virus/viruses.

UPDATE: Official Ukrainian Plague totals are now: 871,037 infected, 135 deaths, 39,603 hospitalized. The death figures don’t make sense, ARI hospital ER admissions generally result in 5% to 10% fatalities yet only in the non-official reports of several thousand deaths do we get near this percentage. And by the way, those ARI percentages do not involve something like this plague that results in internal temperatures of 135F or hemorrhagic lung tissue (lungs turned to mush) or the lungs being black. We are not getting the truth on this and in fact, most people in America and much of the world do not even know of the strange new wildfire epidemic in the Ukraine. The public is being kept in the dark for as long as possible, so that the virus can spread. So that the public does not question what little is being done to stop the global spread of this new killer disease. Cases of infection are increasing at about 200,000 per day! ~ link

Martial Law ‘all but declared’ in Ukraine over mystery epidemic ~ link ~ Stand way back from the trees and look at the forest: Since the technology was invented about 30 years ago to genetically engineer viruses using recombination, there have been a host of ‘new diseases’ such as AIDS, Ebola, Bird Flu H5N1, Swine Flu A/H1N1, etc. We are living in the Age of Advanced Biological Warfare. This Ukrainian Plague could be a terrible killer throughout the world. Almost nothing is being done to stop the spread of the disease globally; about the same steps to contain the spread of the disease are being taken under WHO’s direction that were taken to contain Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) and look how successful that was.
also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlvfj-NOg0s&NR=1

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