Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ukraine's Pneumonic Plague - Over 1 Million Infected!!!

Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected, 135 deaths, 39,603 hospitalized – Cases of infection are increasing at about 200,000 per day; this is NOT A/H1N1
November 7, 2009 at 4:41 pm (Uncategorized)

Tags: h1n1 bird flu birdflu swine flu swineflu h5n1 pandemic ott deagle eisenstein cassel vaclib nvic dissent resistance vaccine vaccination toxic adjuvants mf-59 squalene genocide who cdc nih globalists ge
Courtesy of Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling

The public is being kept in the dark about what is happening in the Ukraine. Please pass this site on to as many family and friends as you can and post links to it on as many sites as you can.
Article from 30th October 2009: BBC says Ukraine suffers first “Swine Flu” death and begins shutting down schools and bans public meetings ~ link ~ Ukrainian Plague appears to ‘crash’ the patient approximately 48 hours after it first shows itself, those that die, die soon. It is apparent, at the very end of October that something was beginning to happen. ONLY NINE DAYS LATER, ONE MILLION PEOPLE ARE VERY SICK WITH UKRAINIAN PLAGUE.
The rapid rise from almost nothing to over 3/4 million people in a week is highly reflective of an Advanced Biowar ‘designer virus’. This is NOT A/H1N1. This is either a new virus or a major recombination of A/H1N1 with another virus/viruses.
UPDATE: Official Ukrainian Plague totals are now: 871,037 infected, 135 deaths, 39,603 hospitalized. The death figures don’t make sense, ARI hospital ER admissions generally result in 5% to 10% fatalities yet only in the non-official reports of several thousand deaths do we get near this percentage. And by the way, those ARI percentages do not involve something like this plague that results in internal temperatures of 135F or hemorrhagic lung tissue (lungs turned to mush) or the lungs being black. We are not getting the truth on this and in fact, most people in America and much of the world do not even know of the strange new wildfire epidemic in the Ukraine. The public is being kept in the dark for as long as possible, so that the virus can spread. So that the public does not question what little is being done to stop the global spread of this new killer disease. Cases of infection are increasing at about 200,000 per day! ~ link
IBM ‘knew about’ Pandemic in 2006 ~ link
Martial Law ‘all but declared’ in Ukraine over mystery epidemic ~ link ~ Stand way back from the trees and look at the forest: Since the technology was invented about 30 years ago to genetically engineer viruses using recombination, there have been a host of ‘new diseases’ such as AIDS, Ebola, Bird Flu H5N1, Swine Flu A/H1N1, etc. We are living in the Age of Advanced Biological Warfare. This Ukrainian Plague could be a terrible killer throughout the world. Almost nothing is being done to stop the spread of the disease globally; about the same steps to contain the spread of the disease are being taken under WHO’s direction that were taken to contain Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) and look how successful that was.
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
• VIDEOS: Baxter’s New “Ukraine Plague” Bioweapon Infections Double in …
• VIDEO Ukraine OUTBREAK update (110609) H1N1 MUTATION suspected
• Influenza Statistis from the CDC
1. Ukrainian Plague Update « ANU said,
November 9, 2009 at 2:42 pm
[...] Martial Law ‘all but declared’ in Ukraine over mystery epidemic. Stand way back from the trees and look at the forest: Since the technology was invented about 30 years ago to genetically engineer viruses using recombination, there have been a host of ‘new diseases’ such as AIDS, Ebola, Bird Flu H5N1, Swine Flu A/H1N1, etc. We are living in the Age of Advanced Biological Warfare. [...]
2. Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … | H3N2FLU.INFO said,
November 8, 2009 at 10:45 pm
[...] there is NONE. The Mexico City bio-weapon consists of H5N1, H3N2 and … See the rest here: Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … Posted in H3N2 Flu Symptoms. Tags: after-it-first, first-shows, have-at-lest, hours-after, [...]
3. Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … | H3N2FLU.US said,
November 8, 2009 at 10:12 pm
[...] there is NONE. The Mexico City bio-weapon consists of H5N1, H3N2 and … Original post: Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … Posted in H3N2 Flu Info, H3N2 Flu Symptoms. Tags: bbc, begins-shutting, first-shows, [...]
tawny said,
November 8, 2009 at 4:59 pm
Re Nyman I suspect him of being a disinfo agent. Hard to believe he is that naive. Not sure what that says about Rense on whose show he so regularly appears.
Here is his very brief response to a question (see it below his response) I sent him. He has been saying that WHO will not disclose the sequencing of the Ukraine ‘bug’ – here he flatly declares it to be H1N1 – and he leaves unanswered the question of why certain antigens (mostly it seems the probable GMO ones) trigger the cytokine storm in so high a percentage of the afflicted.
“The cytokine storm can be to any foreign antigen. It is not gentically engineered. The outbreak in Ukraine is due to natural swine flu (no 1918 sequences). There is no pneumatic [sic] plague in Ukraine. ”
Henry L. Niman, Ph.D.
President, Founder
Recombinomics, Inc.
648 Field Club Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
412.963.1362 Office
617.877.0987 Cell
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: a question – what exactly causes the hemmoraging?
From: tawny
Date: Sun, November 08, 2009 1:47 pm
Greetings, Dr. Nyman -
I have a question, but first – I send this link just fyi in case you are not already aware of this info re the weaponizing of pneumonic plague:
This video posted on You Tube in early August discusses Russian genetic engineering of the pneumonic plague pathogen to make it antibiotic-resistant and more stable. “During the Cold War, Soviet Bloc scientists apparently developed an aerosol disbursed biological weapon using the pneumonic plague virus.” (recall that Ukraine residents reported small planes flying overhead and aerosol spraying – something …) The Soviet scientist featured here now lives and works in the USA, according to this video.:
The above video does state (with illustrations) that there is a way of analyzing a pathogen to reveal that it has been modified by genetic engineering.
It is just this – I am wondering what actually causes the internal hemmoraging in illnesses such as the Spanish flu, the pneumonic plague, and other hemmoragic illness (most of them genetically engineered, I would guess – have you any info on what illnesses they were engineered from, so to speak?) such as Marburg, Ebola, and Hanta virus.
I know about the ‘cytokine storm’ and that it seems to be what happens in the Spanish flu.
So – is this the same thing that causes the hemmoraging in the other disease I mention above? If not, then what is the causality in these illnesses of the rapid fatal internal hemmoraging?
And, in the case of the cytokine storm — some kind of immune system malfunction seems to be at the base of it. So what exactly is this malfunction and could it be a genetically engineered malfunction?
If you could answer any of these questions for me, or direct me to a website that answers (or might on request be able to answer) them, I’d be very grateful.
Also it seems that this would be very good info to present when you are on the air with Jeff Rense, as you are at least once a week, I believe.
Lou said,
November 8, 2009 at 12:15 pm
7 Nov 2009
Deconstructing the Propaganda
These two paragraphs are from Recombinomics, Inc. Founder and President, Henry L Niman. This good doctor may know a lot about viruses but he needs to learn a little about bio terrorism. Now I am not accusing the good doctor of being a propagandist but I must say this IS excellent propaganda.
“That virus normally circulates in swine, and has recently jumped to humans. It already has many characteristics with the 1918 pandemic strain. Both are swine H1N1 that jumped to humans. Such species jumpers can increase efficiencies with small changes. One good example is position 627 in the PB2 gene. That position comes in two forms. When there is glutamic acid (E) at that position, the PB2 enzyme copies the viral genetic material most efficiently at 41 C, the body temperature of a bird. However, if that position has a lysine (K), the enzyme is most active at 33 C, the temperature of a human nose in the winter. The swine H1N1 has an E, which may be why it goes well in lung, which is 37 C and closer to the optimal replication temperature of 41C. However, a single change that produced the most efficient replication at 37C would lead to even higher levels in the lungs, which could lead to frequent cytokine storms, like those in 1918, instead of the less frequent level seen in Ukraine.
However, the rapid spread of H1N1 in Ukraine (see map), coupled with the high frequency of hemorrhagic pneumonia raise concerns that a small change is leading to a more virulent virus. Similarly, the rapid spread of the virus could also be affected by a small change in another gene, such as HA, which controls entry of the virus to cells and influences tissue tropism.”
That virus normally circulates in swine, and has recently jumped to humans: No one that I am aware of has explained exactly how this happened. Now normally when running a terrorism operation they have at lest somewhat plausible explanations for the overt symptoms of the operation. But strangely this time there is NONE. The Mexico City bio-weapon consists of H5N1, H3N2 and H1N1 or viruses form swine, humans and birds. Now did it start in swine? No! Did it start in birds? No! Did it start in humans. No! How did this totally new viral type start and evolve? I am awaiting doctor Niman’s explanation.
The extremely probable explanation is it emerged from a test tube.
It already has many characteristics with the 1918 pandemic strain. Both are swine H1N1 that jumped to humans: We have absolutely NO evidence of this oversold theory. Since viruses were not commonly known in clinical practice until about 1932 and the purported work done on an “exhumed 1918 virus” was done by an organization that is likely part of our genocidal Political Pandemic …
IMO we are looking at an obvious red herring.
Which could lead to frequent cytokine storms, like those in 1918: The so called “cytokine storm” explanation for the hemorrhagic damage done to the lungs in 1918 must IMO yield to the much more probable one below.
“The descriptions of flu-related, aspirin-induced lung disease by Doctor Starko are gripping. She cites records of doctors describing aspirin lung as looking like “the lungs of the drowned.” There were small hemorrhages in the lungs which appeared “dark and red and wet, dripping wet.” Bill Sardi Health Researcher, Note please read this insightful article the knowledge will serve you well in 2009 – 2012
“Aspirin depletes the body of vitamin C. Aspirin is known as one of the most powerful drugs at depleting vitamin C in normally healthy individuals.” [Journal Clinical Pharmacology 1973; 13: 480]
“There is incontrovertible evidence that a shortage of vitamin C, emanating from poor diet, smoking, overuse of alcohol, aspirin, or vitamin-depleting drugs (the very drugs they treat flu patients with – steroids, antibiotics, etc.), is likely the primary cause of flu-related mortality.” Bill Sardi Health Researcher, Note dehydration and low vitamin D and selenium levels can do you in also
The true picture of what happened in 1918 is starting to emerge for those who have followed the flood of information we are currently getting about 1918. If you do not believe in conspiracy you may as well stop reading now because 1918 is one VAST conspiracy.
The twentieth century began with a “small pox vaccination” experiment in the Philippines that killed MANY thousands after 95% of the population had received at least two “vaccinations”. IMO this may have been a trial run for 1918.
In 1911 vaccination was made mandatory for the US Military. Rothschild’s aspirin, the first modern drug was widely used by the US Military. It was heavily administered to those soldiers stricken with fever and flu. We now know you should NEVER give aspirin or any fever lowering drug for a normal body cleansing fever. Before being shipped overseas to fight and die in a needless war our troops received as many as 25 “vaccinations”. Among these was the Pertussis vaccination proven to heavily suppress your immune system and the typhus vaccination which was so toxic it could by itself often kill you.
While in Europe the troops ate a LOT of processed dry food which contained NO vitamin C. All this created a perfect storm for death by design. With their bodies, and immune systems weakened by the many dozens of toxic “vaccinations” and poor vitamin C deficient “food” the weakened troops often went to the infirmary with pneumonia where they were loaded up with aspirin and other toxins in the form of ad hoc “drugs”. What little vitamin C they had in their bodies was quickly depleted by the vitamin C depleting aspirin and other ad hoc “drugs” they were given. Tissue replacement requires large amounts of vitamin C. Without the vitamin C our troops could not replace the pneumonia damaged lung tissue and arteries and they literally bled to death.
The vaccine manufacturers, largely Rockefellers and Rothschilds, had tons of their crude toxic “vaccines” left when the war ended so a propaganda campaign was instituted of unload it on the civilian population. In actuality the whole episode with the troops was a test run for the target population, the world’s entire population. The theme of this campaign was that the troops would be bringing their plague germs back into the US with them. As we have seen There Were NO GERMS associated the initiation of this man made plague.
Once the troops were back in the US the same scenario of death by design was repeated. Many of the frightened population headed the governments “patriotic” call and went out and got shot up with dozens of the toxic “vaccines” and when they went to a normal hospital they were loaded up with aspirin “the wonder drug” that had saved the troops in Europe and other ad hoc “drugs”.
Note those in the US who did not get “vaccinated” almost NEVER got sick. Many of those who did get sick and went to homeopathic hospitals, which were allowed before Rockefeller eliminated them, survived mostly because they were not killed by aspirin and ad hoc “drugs”.
However, the rapid spread of H1N1 in Ukraine (see map), coupled with the high frequency of hemorrhagic pneumonia raise concerns that a small change is leading to a more virulent virus:
There is a much simpler, remember Occam, explanation. Hundreds of Ukrainian people reported small planes flying low and dumping some sort of strange smelling payload over the regions where the “new plague” first appeared on 29 Oct 2009.
Conclusion: Come on doctor Niman please get you head out of your virus and patent books and wake up and smell the terror. We need you on our side.
Sepp said,
November 8, 2009 at 4:42 am
If the Ukrainian epidemic is a designer virus making its first appearance on the world stage, then the spread of the virus is not at the base of press silence. Rather, the behavior of the virus would need to be studied in a “localized” outbreak before unleashing it in other places or – heaven forbid – all over the world.
And what, pray tell, is Interpol’s objective of holding a bioterrorism exercise just a few months back?
“International Bioterrorism Tabletop Exercise
In September 2009, senior law enforcement officials, health care professionals and experts from international organizations joined their forces to confront a chilling crisis – the plague had just been unleashed on their countries by unknown evildoers.”
This smells pretty bad.
Update: 8 November 2009 « Flu Pandemic Chronicles said,
November 7, 2009 at 8:04 pm
[...] Ukrainian Plague Update: Officially 871037 Infected… [...]
Christian said,
November 7, 2009 at 7:56 pm
There was an Interpol drill in Eastern Europe at the end of September simulating a biological attack of pneumonic plague by aerial spraying:
Save the page, the URL is not permanent.
“[...] the plague had just been unleashed on their countries by
unknown evildoers.
Participants in the workshop numbered 27 from six Central and Eastern
European countries (Belarus, Czech Republic, Finland, Poland,
Slovakia, Ukraine)
Bacteria used in an aerosol attack could cause cases of pneumonic plague”
Found on this blog about the Ukraine situation:
tawny said,
November 7, 2009 at 6:55 pm
I am very concerned about this illness and trying to find out more about hemmoragic diseases in general – pneumonic plague, Hanta, Ebola, Marburg, the 1918 Spanish flu.
Could you post or direct me to an article explaining what CAUSES the fatal hemmoraging? Could it be, or be related to, the ‘cytokine storm?’
And – what is known about the cause(s) of the immune system malfunction that results in a ‘cytokine storm?’
November 7, 2009 at 4:41 pm (Uncategorized)
Tags: h1n1 bird flu birdflu swine flu swineflu h5n1 pandemic ott deagle eisenstein cassel vaclib nvic dissent resistance vaccine vaccination toxic adjuvants mf-59 squalene genocide who cdc nih globalists ge
Courtesy of Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling
The public is being kept in the dark about what is happening in the Ukraine. Please pass this site on to as many family and friends as you can and post links to it on as many sites as you can.
Article from 30th October 2009: BBC says Ukraine suffers first “Swine Flu” death and begins shutting down schools and bans public meetings ~ link ~ Ukrainian Plague appears to ‘crash’ the patient approximately 48 hours after it first shows itself, those that die, die soon. It is apparent, at the very end of October that something was beginning to happen. ONLY NINE DAYS LATER, ONE MILLION PEOPLE ARE VERY SICK WITH UKRAINIAN PLAGUE.
The rapid rise from almost nothing to over 3/4 million people in a week is highly reflective of an Advanced Biowar ‘designer virus’. This is NOT A/H1N1. This is either a new virus or a major recombination of A/H1N1 with another virus/viruses.
UPDATE: Official Ukrainian Plague totals are now: 871,037 infected, 135 deaths, 39,603 hospitalized. The death figures don’t make sense, ARI hospital ER admissions generally result in 5% to 10% fatalities yet only in the non-official reports of several thousand deaths do we get near this percentage. And by the way, those ARI percentages do not involve something like this plague that results in internal temperatures of 135F or hemorrhagic lung tissue (lungs turned to mush) or the lungs being black. We are not getting the truth on this and in fact, most people in America and much of the world do not even know of the strange new wildfire epidemic in the Ukraine. The public is being kept in the dark for as long as possible, so that the virus can spread. So that the public does not question what little is being done to stop the global spread of this new killer disease. Cases of infection are increasing at about 200,000 per day! ~ link
IBM ‘knew about’ Pandemic in 2006 ~ link
Martial Law ‘all but declared’ in Ukraine over mystery epidemic ~ link ~ Stand way back from the trees and look at the forest: Since the technology was invented about 30 years ago to genetically engineer viruses using recombination, there have been a host of ‘new diseases’ such as AIDS, Ebola, Bird Flu H5N1, Swine Flu A/H1N1, etc. We are living in the Age of Advanced Biological Warfare. This Ukrainian Plague could be a terrible killer throughout the world. Almost nothing is being done to stop the spread of the disease globally; about the same steps to contain the spread of the disease are being taken under WHO’s direction that were taken to contain Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) and look how successful that was.
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
• VIDEOS: Baxter’s New “Ukraine Plague” Bioweapon Infections Double in …
• VIDEO Ukraine OUTBREAK update (110609) H1N1 MUTATION suspected
• Influenza Statistis from the CDC
1. Ukrainian Plague Update « ANU said,
November 9, 2009 at 2:42 pm
[...] Martial Law ‘all but declared’ in Ukraine over mystery epidemic. Stand way back from the trees and look at the forest: Since the technology was invented about 30 years ago to genetically engineer viruses using recombination, there have been a host of ‘new diseases’ such as AIDS, Ebola, Bird Flu H5N1, Swine Flu A/H1N1, etc. We are living in the Age of Advanced Biological Warfare. [...]
2. Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … | H3N2FLU.INFO said,
November 8, 2009 at 10:45 pm
[...] there is NONE. The Mexico City bio-weapon consists of H5N1, H3N2 and … See the rest here: Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … Posted in H3N2 Flu Symptoms. Tags: after-it-first, first-shows, have-at-lest, hours-after, [...]
3. Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … | H3N2FLU.US said,
November 8, 2009 at 10:12 pm
[...] there is NONE. The Mexico City bio-weapon consists of H5N1, H3N2 and … Original post: Ukranian Plague Update: “officially” now over ONE MILLION infected … Posted in H3N2 Flu Info, H3N2 Flu Symptoms. Tags: bbc, begins-shutting, first-shows, [...]
tawny said,
November 8, 2009 at 4:59 pm
Re Nyman I suspect him of being a disinfo agent. Hard to believe he is that naive. Not sure what that says about Rense on whose show he so regularly appears.
Here is his very brief response to a question (see it below his response) I sent him. He has been saying that WHO will not disclose the sequencing of the Ukraine ‘bug’ – here he flatly declares it to be H1N1 – and he leaves unanswered the question of why certain antigens (mostly it seems the probable GMO ones) trigger the cytokine storm in so high a percentage of the afflicted.
“The cytokine storm can be to any foreign antigen. It is not gentically engineered. The outbreak in Ukraine is due to natural swine flu (no 1918 sequences). There is no pneumatic [sic] plague in Ukraine. ”
Henry L. Niman, Ph.D.
President, Founder
Recombinomics, Inc.
648 Field Club Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
412.963.1362 Office
617.877.0987 Cell
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: a question – what exactly causes the hemmoraging?
From: tawny
Date: Sun, November 08, 2009 1:47 pm
Greetings, Dr. Nyman -
I have a question, but first – I send this link just fyi in case you are not already aware of this info re the weaponizing of pneumonic plague:
This video posted on You Tube in early August discusses Russian genetic engineering of the pneumonic plague pathogen to make it antibiotic-resistant and more stable. “During the Cold War, Soviet Bloc scientists apparently developed an aerosol disbursed biological weapon using the pneumonic plague virus.” (recall that Ukraine residents reported small planes flying overhead and aerosol spraying – something …) The Soviet scientist featured here now lives and works in the USA, according to this video.:
The above video does state (with illustrations) that there is a way of analyzing a pathogen to reveal that it has been modified by genetic engineering.
It is just this – I am wondering what actually causes the internal hemmoraging in illnesses such as the Spanish flu, the pneumonic plague, and other hemmoragic illness (most of them genetically engineered, I would guess – have you any info on what illnesses they were engineered from, so to speak?) such as Marburg, Ebola, and Hanta virus.
I know about the ‘cytokine storm’ and that it seems to be what happens in the Spanish flu.
So – is this the same thing that causes the hemmoraging in the other disease I mention above? If not, then what is the causality in these illnesses of the rapid fatal internal hemmoraging?
And, in the case of the cytokine storm — some kind of immune system malfunction seems to be at the base of it. So what exactly is this malfunction and could it be a genetically engineered malfunction?
If you could answer any of these questions for me, or direct me to a website that answers (or might on request be able to answer) them, I’d be very grateful.
Also it seems that this would be very good info to present when you are on the air with Jeff Rense, as you are at least once a week, I believe.
Lou said,
November 8, 2009 at 12:15 pm
7 Nov 2009
Deconstructing the Propaganda
These two paragraphs are from Recombinomics, Inc. Founder and President, Henry L Niman. This good doctor may know a lot about viruses but he needs to learn a little about bio terrorism. Now I am not accusing the good doctor of being a propagandist but I must say this IS excellent propaganda.
“That virus normally circulates in swine, and has recently jumped to humans. It already has many characteristics with the 1918 pandemic strain. Both are swine H1N1 that jumped to humans. Such species jumpers can increase efficiencies with small changes. One good example is position 627 in the PB2 gene. That position comes in two forms. When there is glutamic acid (E) at that position, the PB2 enzyme copies the viral genetic material most efficiently at 41 C, the body temperature of a bird. However, if that position has a lysine (K), the enzyme is most active at 33 C, the temperature of a human nose in the winter. The swine H1N1 has an E, which may be why it goes well in lung, which is 37 C and closer to the optimal replication temperature of 41C. However, a single change that produced the most efficient replication at 37C would lead to even higher levels in the lungs, which could lead to frequent cytokine storms, like those in 1918, instead of the less frequent level seen in Ukraine.
However, the rapid spread of H1N1 in Ukraine (see map), coupled with the high frequency of hemorrhagic pneumonia raise concerns that a small change is leading to a more virulent virus. Similarly, the rapid spread of the virus could also be affected by a small change in another gene, such as HA, which controls entry of the virus to cells and influences tissue tropism.”
That virus normally circulates in swine, and has recently jumped to humans: No one that I am aware of has explained exactly how this happened. Now normally when running a terrorism operation they have at lest somewhat plausible explanations for the overt symptoms of the operation. But strangely this time there is NONE. The Mexico City bio-weapon consists of H5N1, H3N2 and H1N1 or viruses form swine, humans and birds. Now did it start in swine? No! Did it start in birds? No! Did it start in humans. No! How did this totally new viral type start and evolve? I am awaiting doctor Niman’s explanation.
The extremely probable explanation is it emerged from a test tube.
It already has many characteristics with the 1918 pandemic strain. Both are swine H1N1 that jumped to humans: We have absolutely NO evidence of this oversold theory. Since viruses were not commonly known in clinical practice until about 1932 and the purported work done on an “exhumed 1918 virus” was done by an organization that is likely part of our genocidal Political Pandemic …
IMO we are looking at an obvious red herring.
Which could lead to frequent cytokine storms, like those in 1918: The so called “cytokine storm” explanation for the hemorrhagic damage done to the lungs in 1918 must IMO yield to the much more probable one below.
“The descriptions of flu-related, aspirin-induced lung disease by Doctor Starko are gripping. She cites records of doctors describing aspirin lung as looking like “the lungs of the drowned.” There were small hemorrhages in the lungs which appeared “dark and red and wet, dripping wet.” Bill Sardi Health Researcher, Note please read this insightful article the knowledge will serve you well in 2009 – 2012
“Aspirin depletes the body of vitamin C. Aspirin is known as one of the most powerful drugs at depleting vitamin C in normally healthy individuals.” [Journal Clinical Pharmacology 1973; 13: 480]
“There is incontrovertible evidence that a shortage of vitamin C, emanating from poor diet, smoking, overuse of alcohol, aspirin, or vitamin-depleting drugs (the very drugs they treat flu patients with – steroids, antibiotics, etc.), is likely the primary cause of flu-related mortality.” Bill Sardi Health Researcher, Note dehydration and low vitamin D and selenium levels can do you in also
The true picture of what happened in 1918 is starting to emerge for those who have followed the flood of information we are currently getting about 1918. If you do not believe in conspiracy you may as well stop reading now because 1918 is one VAST conspiracy.
The twentieth century began with a “small pox vaccination” experiment in the Philippines that killed MANY thousands after 95% of the population had received at least two “vaccinations”. IMO this may have been a trial run for 1918.
In 1911 vaccination was made mandatory for the US Military. Rothschild’s aspirin, the first modern drug was widely used by the US Military. It was heavily administered to those soldiers stricken with fever and flu. We now know you should NEVER give aspirin or any fever lowering drug for a normal body cleansing fever. Before being shipped overseas to fight and die in a needless war our troops received as many as 25 “vaccinations”. Among these was the Pertussis vaccination proven to heavily suppress your immune system and the typhus vaccination which was so toxic it could by itself often kill you.
While in Europe the troops ate a LOT of processed dry food which contained NO vitamin C. All this created a perfect storm for death by design. With their bodies, and immune systems weakened by the many dozens of toxic “vaccinations” and poor vitamin C deficient “food” the weakened troops often went to the infirmary with pneumonia where they were loaded up with aspirin and other toxins in the form of ad hoc “drugs”. What little vitamin C they had in their bodies was quickly depleted by the vitamin C depleting aspirin and other ad hoc “drugs” they were given. Tissue replacement requires large amounts of vitamin C. Without the vitamin C our troops could not replace the pneumonia damaged lung tissue and arteries and they literally bled to death.
The vaccine manufacturers, largely Rockefellers and Rothschilds, had tons of their crude toxic “vaccines” left when the war ended so a propaganda campaign was instituted of unload it on the civilian population. In actuality the whole episode with the troops was a test run for the target population, the world’s entire population. The theme of this campaign was that the troops would be bringing their plague germs back into the US with them. As we have seen There Were NO GERMS associated the initiation of this man made plague.
Once the troops were back in the US the same scenario of death by design was repeated. Many of the frightened population headed the governments “patriotic” call and went out and got shot up with dozens of the toxic “vaccines” and when they went to a normal hospital they were loaded up with aspirin “the wonder drug” that had saved the troops in Europe and other ad hoc “drugs”.
Note those in the US who did not get “vaccinated” almost NEVER got sick. Many of those who did get sick and went to homeopathic hospitals, which were allowed before Rockefeller eliminated them, survived mostly because they were not killed by aspirin and ad hoc “drugs”.
However, the rapid spread of H1N1 in Ukraine (see map), coupled with the high frequency of hemorrhagic pneumonia raise concerns that a small change is leading to a more virulent virus:
There is a much simpler, remember Occam, explanation. Hundreds of Ukrainian people reported small planes flying low and dumping some sort of strange smelling payload over the regions where the “new plague” first appeared on 29 Oct 2009.
Conclusion: Come on doctor Niman please get you head out of your virus and patent books and wake up and smell the terror. We need you on our side.
Sepp said,
November 8, 2009 at 4:42 am
If the Ukrainian epidemic is a designer virus making its first appearance on the world stage, then the spread of the virus is not at the base of press silence. Rather, the behavior of the virus would need to be studied in a “localized” outbreak before unleashing it in other places or – heaven forbid – all over the world.
And what, pray tell, is Interpol’s objective of holding a bioterrorism exercise just a few months back?
“International Bioterrorism Tabletop Exercise
In September 2009, senior law enforcement officials, health care professionals and experts from international organizations joined their forces to confront a chilling crisis – the plague had just been unleashed on their countries by unknown evildoers.”
This smells pretty bad.
Update: 8 November 2009 « Flu Pandemic Chronicles said,
November 7, 2009 at 8:04 pm
[...] Ukrainian Plague Update: Officially 871037 Infected… [...]
Christian said,
November 7, 2009 at 7:56 pm
There was an Interpol drill in Eastern Europe at the end of September simulating a biological attack of pneumonic plague by aerial spraying:
Save the page, the URL is not permanent.
“[...] the plague had just been unleashed on their countries by
unknown evildoers.
Participants in the workshop numbered 27 from six Central and Eastern
European countries (Belarus, Czech Republic, Finland, Poland,
Slovakia, Ukraine)
Bacteria used in an aerosol attack could cause cases of pneumonic plague”
Found on this blog about the Ukraine situation:
tawny said,
November 7, 2009 at 6:55 pm
I am very concerned about this illness and trying to find out more about hemmoragic diseases in general – pneumonic plague, Hanta, Ebola, Marburg, the 1918 Spanish flu.
Could you post or direct me to an article explaining what CAUSES the fatal hemmoraging? Could it be, or be related to, the ‘cytokine storm?’
And – what is known about the cause(s) of the immune system malfunction that results in a ‘cytokine storm?’

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