Tuesday, September 22, 2009

IRAN nuclear inventory "Red Star Over Washington"

Red Star Over Washington

by Kenneth R. Timmerman
The American Spectator
May, 1999


May 4, 1998 issue of The Washington Weekly

Bill Clinton has helped build a state-of-the-art
offensive nuclear strike capability
in the most dangerous nations on earth:
China, Russia, Pakistan, and Iran.

“The priority, then, is reassuring China,
not protecting our military secrets.” Bill Clinton

[Ed Note: From sources internal to government intelligence Iran has been a nuclear power since the Clinton administration. Laser technology given to China was distributed to Russia and Iran to stop the physical testing of nuclear weapons in favor of the laser system which does not require detonation of the bombs. This allows the development of nuclear weapons to go totally undetected. Iran has purchased from its oil revenues missiles and fissionable weapons from China and Russia and has stockpiled them for years. The SALT reduction of nuclear arsenal created a nuclear inventory for Russia it needed to sell for consumer goods.

The current controversy is involving the use of Iran’s vast Uranium deposits for peaceful purposes since it does not have an oil refinery.

The short answer is Iran doesn’t need to manufacture nuclear weapons since it has already bought developed and tested from the American laser technology under Clinton which was given to the Chinese and Russian market long since. Iran has been a nuclear power in its own right anyway. This was the legacy of the Clinton Administration who is now sending the emissary Hillary to “negotiate the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”.]

“Peter Lee, pleaded guilty to giving the Chinese the secrets of a highly specialized laser plasma system used to test nuclear weapons. The system is considered crucial to maintaining the viability of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, now that the major nuclear powers have agreed to a moratorium on nuclear testing. Until the invention of the laser system, the U.S. had to actually detonate nuclear weapons from the stockpile to ensure that they worked.

"This system gives China the means
to test new weapons and to validate
their designs, without anyone having
a clue to what they are doing," a former
U.S. intelligence officer told TAS. For his crime,
Peter Lee was fined $20,000 and sentenced
to 12 months in a halfway house,
from which he has since been released.”

“Given what we are now beginning to learn from the W-88 spy case, this monumental security lapse seems not an accident but a natural consequence of the Clinton administration policy. Deputy National Security Advisor Gary Samore, the official put in charge of the W-88 investigation at the White House, revealed the administration's attitude to Chinese spying when he spoke to a group of national security experts and reporters at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington, D.C. on March 17. "China's strategic capabilities are quite limited," and include "less than two dozen long-range systems" capable of reaching the United States, Samore explained.

"But if our policy convinces China
that we are a threat, then that increases
the possibility that China will devote
the resources to significantly expand
their strategic capabilities, and it is
not in our interest to see that happen."

The priority, then, is reassuring China,
not protecting our military secrets.

Bill Clinton and his top advisors see Communist China as a strategic partner of the United States, not a potential adversary. During his March 19 press conference, Clinton recited the litany of all the good things China has done in response to the administration's policy of engagement. "I think if we hadn't been working with China, China would not have signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Chemical Weapons Convention," Clinton said. "They would very likely not have refrained from transferring dangerous technology and weaponry to countries that we don't believe should get it. I doubt if they would have helped us as much as they have to try to contain the North Korean nuclear threat or that we would have had the level of cooperation we had in trying to limit the Asian financial crisis." But many of Clinton's assertions are a matter of dispute, with Congress complaining that :

China has actually encouraged North Korea
to up its price for opening
an underground nuclear facility,
and that China has continued to
sell nuclear and missile technology to Iran,
despite U.S. efforts to stop them.



[1] F.C. "Duke" Zeller in the Washington Times, October 28, 1996

[2] The Miami Herald

[3] "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton," by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

[4] "The Seducer," by Michael Lewis, The New Republic Nov. 18, 1996

[5] "Strobe Talbott: Russia's Man in Washington," by Kenneth R. Timmerman, The American Spectator, April 1998.

[6] "Clinton Administration Aids KGB in Cover-up of Communist Party Loot," Washington Weekly, Aug. 25, 1997.

[7] "Freeh Says Russian Mafia Poses no Threat," Washington Weekly, Nov. 24, 1997

[8] "FBI's man in Moscow quits after spying row," London Telegraph, Nov. 27, 1997.

[9] "Suspected N-dealer attended Clinton fund-raiser," by Christopher Ruddy, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Oct. 30, 1996.

Published in the May 4, 1998 issue of The Washington Weekly Copyright 1998
The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com)

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