Thursday, September 17, 2009

9/11: Neither Before Nor Since . . .

September 11, 2009

The Wisdom Fund

9/11: Neither Before Nor Since . . .

by Enver Masud

Nanothermite, has been found in

five dust samples from ground zero

[Ed Note: It has been credibly pointed out that Thermite burns, it does not “explode” and this has been used to discredit this report. All explosives burn and the burning is so fast and the expansions of gases are so intense that they disrupt the fabric of the materials nearby, e.g. explosions occur. Super Thermite is manufactured in Israel. This event was used as Raison d’ Etat to begin US military to fight and die for Zionist proxy wars in the middle east to the death of our troops, and many more crippled, and with the collapse of our economy as a result. Now Netanyahu PM and with the SS Betar Zionist group wants to begin war again in Iran over another phony WMD excuse without foundation. They want to commit an act of war and then cut-and-run and hide in Israel and whine they are victims, so the US begins again to fight and die for them. Haven’t we heard this before?]

On September 11, 2001, there occurred five events which, as far as we know, are unique in world history. According to official accounts:

At 9:59 A.M., 110-story Two World Trade Center (the South Tower), having been struck by United Airlines Flight 175 at 9:03 A.M., collapsed at near free fall speed.

At 10:28 A.M., 110-story One World Trade Center (the North Tower), having been struck by American Airlines Flight 11 at 8:47 A.M., collapsed at near free fall speed.

The 110-story North and South Towers remained standing after being struck by Boeing 767s. They collapsed - we're told - due to fire. No steel frame tower has collapsed due to fire, neither before 9/11 nor since 9/11.

At 9:38 A.M., American Airlines , a Boeing 757, struck the Pentagon at 530 mph, and unlike other aircraft disasters, disappeared leaving no identifiable fuselage, wings, or tail outside.

At 10:03 A.M., United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania leaving a crater about the size of a large automobile, debris scattered over a few miles, and unlike other aircraft disasters, only tiny pieces "no larger than a phonebook" at the site of the crash.

At 5:20 P.M., 47-story Seven World Trade Center collapsed at near free fall speed. The BBC announced TWICE that Seven World Trade Center had already collapsed--that "news" announcement beginning 23 minutes BEFORE the collapse. CNN and FOXNEWS affiliates also prematurely announced this collapse.

Seven World Trade Center was not struck by a plane. It collapsed - we're told - due to fire. No steel frame tower has collapsed due to fire, neither before 9/11 nor since 9/11. On 9/11, three did.

An exotic explosive, nanothermite, has been found in five dust samples from ground zero--and the forensics responsibilities for the 9/11 crime scene were abandoned by the government agency NIST which admits to not testing for explosives even though over 100 eyewitness transcripts indicated there were explosions, even preceding the disintegration of the buildings, and at locations distant from the plane crashes.

Rumsfeld is on record saying Flight 93 was "shot down over Pennsylvania". Bush is on record saying that he saw the first plane hit the first tower on television that day--even though the first videos of that weren't broadcast until the next day. In a Vanity Fair article, Rumsfeld said the Pentagon was hit by a plane and a missile.

We don't believe the official account, and neither do many American patriots.


Enver Masud, "9/11 Unveiled," The Wisdom Fund (September 11, 2008)

"What Really Happened on September 11," The Wisdom Fund, 2002 -- 2009

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When the people fear the government you have Tyranny."

~Thomas Jefferson,

Do yourself and your family a favor...

Don't Fall into the Sheeple Pit...


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Investigate 911

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