Sunday, June 7, 2009

MSNBC: Obama¹s plans for prolonged PREVENTIVE detention of people

In Stalin's GULAG prison files, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates in his Gulag Archipelago, there appeared the notation on some of the prisoner's files: "Keep Forever". It is no surprise that Fuehrer Obama institutes the same policy...after all, Henry Kissinger recently said of him, "He's our man." What does this mean, "Our man"? Kissinger first entered public life. as he explained in his memoirs, through the intervention of Nelson Rockefeller. Rockefeller resurrected Richard Nixon from his political grave, and then Nixon hires Kissinger. Kissinger reported to Rockefeller that Nixon had offered him the post of National Security Advisor, and asked, "Should I accept?" Rockefeller's answer was, "If you don't then never speak to me again." Rockefeller propelled Jimmy Carter into office after the expiration of the Nixon-Ford presidencies, and Brzezinski takes Kissinger's place in the Democratic administration. These two foreigners, Kissinger and Brzezinski are not rivals, they have always been on friendly, even cordial terms with each other as is evident in the broadcast interviews where they affectionately address each other as Zbig and Hank. They have always been team mates in the Rockefeller globalist team, and David Rockefeller himself has admitted in his own autobioraphy that he has spent his entire life working for the goal of establishing a World government. Obama's first job as a college graduate was, not surprisingly, for a firm called Kissinger and Associates. Reagan, who was the figurehead for George Bush brought Kissinger back into the cabinet, and by the time Clinton acceded to the White House, both 'Zbig' and 'Hank' are perpetually hovering in the shadows of the corridors of power. No surprise since Clinton was also a globalist wiseguy, one of Rockefeller's made men. The same situation continues under George Dubya...naturally. Now enters Obama with the promise of 'change'. He says he'll end the war and discontinue the disgraceful policies of Bush Junior, but he escalates the war and strengthens the banker's and finance oligarchs stranglehold on the nation. That is because Obama's 'change' is not the change of discontinuance and opposition, but the change of transision and movement into the next phase of fascist oligarchical takeover. Gorbachev expressed it quite succinctly when he described the Obama programme as a perestroika. Not surprisingly the path of the USA has entered the same orbit as that of the Russian Federation...a true parallell convergence. Some expert commentators have said that the most significant statement Obama made in his Cairo speech was his admission that the USA was involved in the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953, but I would say that even more significant was his claim that Al Queda was guilty of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Not only has the former president of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, the former Minister of Defence of Germany, Andreas von Buelow, Col. Donn de Grand Pre and many highly qualified men of science and engineering stated and some even procucing books and dossiers outlining huge quantities of overwhelming evidence that demonstrate beyond all shadow of doubt that the Sept. 11 attacks were the word of the US government. The Osama bin Laden/Al Queda theory is the most ludicrously outrageous conspiracy of all (unless what you really mean is that Al Queda, or more correctly Al CIAda, is and was never under the command of Osama bin Laden, but under the command of Osama bin Brzezinski, Osama bin Rumsfeld, Osama bin Cheney and Osama bin Gates. Obama has kept Rumsfeld protege Robert Gates, the founder of the Al Queda organizatgion back in the 80's, in office as Secretary of Defence, but he still perpetuates the criminal coverup by saying that Al Queda was the perpetrator of the Sept 11 attacks. That makes him an accomplice after the fact. Barack Obama has become Osama bin Obama. He will transform the USA into a great prison, a great GULAG. He's already doing it.

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