Sunday, May 3, 2009



Pressured by the present political, economic and monetary system and policies

For the Illusion of Growth, Greed and Avarice of the powerful.

By Eric V. Encina

Is carbon dioxide "greenhouse effect" really the cause of global warming?

According to the scientific documents, Venus atmospheric temperature is 460C and is 98% carbon dioxide while earth's atmosphere is only 3% carbon dioxide. The earth's carbon dioxide has increased by 34% since industrial revolution in fact at the beginning of massive DEBT FINANCE, thus increased of 4.02% now.

Basing on Venus temperature, the possible computation is like this: 4.02% / 98% x 460C = 18.86C, meaning the 4.02% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide on earth, at present, appears CAPABLE of raising temperature of 18.86C but earth temperature now is 30.2C to 30.6C (includes increase of .2 to .6 celcius). In short, it appears that the level of carbon dioxide content of 4.02% on earth atmosphere is ONE CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING, and there are other factors that conjure, aggravate and cause it like the present financial-economic system we have now.

It is now evidenced therefore that the DEPLETION OR THINNING OF OZONE LAYER in the Antarcthic and Archtic region, resulting in more penetration of light conjures and raises atmospheric temperature. The ozone hole, accordingly, the size of Australia, in Antarchtic, and the ozone depletion in the Arctic, the size of USA, are not the making of increased atmosphere carbon dioxide but seemed to be due to CONE-LIKED ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FORCE according to Van Allen Belt, now strongest in those two opposite South Pole and North Pole, thus CREATING like 'EYE OF THE TYPHOON', sweeping aside, like brooms, ozone layer, including all other atmosphere. That is why ozone hole is found in the Antarctic yet fluorocarbons, such as freon, repellants, fire extinguishers, are used by human in populated warm areas, not in deserted South Pole or North Pole. Therefore, with the depletion or thinning of ozone and other atmosphere inside that electro-magnetic "eye or hole" in Antarctic and Arctic, augmented by the tilting and wobbling seasons of the earth, light, ultraviolet rays, etc. are freer to penetrate, causing ICE CAPS in said regions to MELT. THE CONTINUED OF TONS OF ICE CAPS MELTED BECOMES THE SORT OF SUPER-TYPHOONS, HURRICANES, SUPER-HEAVY RAINS AND FLASH SUPER-FLOODING the world over. PHILIPPINES IS SUFFERING FROM SUPER-FLOODING and frequent typhoons.

It is said that evaporation of sea water materially, eventually warms as well as conjures to make atmosphere at live-able level.

It can also be observed that the internal upheaval in the interior of the Earth, though not a prelude of the changing polarity of the earth, that is usually un noticed but APPEARS to conjure or create GLOBAL WARMING. It is also interesting to observe that as early as November, 40 years ago, Russian winter cold creeped into the PHILIPPINES . Now, the Russian cold came in late of February 2007. What does it mean in this unusual weather change? Does it mean it is no longer cold in Russia ? Is this slowly and yearly drifting of Russian winter cold (from November 1965 to February 2007 not due to atmospheric GLOBAL WARMING? Is something beyond our control happening in the INTERIOR OF THE EARTH with the tendency to alter/change polarity of the earth?

There are evidences to name a few. In the Philippines, Mt. Pinatubo super eruption in 1991, tectonic plate movement that resulted in Tsunamis that hit Indonesia and the neighboring countries resulting in hundreds of thousands of casualties and enormous damages, the dying or dying lakes in several countries, super-typhoons, and all other indications of global warming. Also the changes in the migration of migratory birds have been observed, fishes that belong to cold regions were also observed to move or migrate in other far-away warm places, snow has been seen to fall in regions or places that did not happen before or the unusual heavy downfall, where before, it was only mild. All these, show and indicate some symptoms of INTERNAL UPHEAVAL deep within the earth that WARN us something worse to happen in the future, in the near future. It might also be observed that birds, fish and animals are more sensitive than human to interior clamor of the earth, than above atmosphere on earth.


The internal upheaval of the earth needs to be vigilantly and properly observed and watched before IT IS TOO LATE. It requires the rectification, re-alignment, modification of ALL POSSIBLE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND MONETARY POLICIES that can prevent global warming. There must be unison of forces to prevent the onset of calamitous global warming, seemed to be not too far off, dreadfully. THIS IS ALSO A VERY SERIOUS WAKE-UP CALL TO ALL OF US, as it could be the MAJOR CULPRIT of so-called global warming which is evidently a future GLOBAL DEATH.

The Global Warming and the present Financial-Economic System:

The question remains to be a billion dollar question: Everyone concerned is called to find out, examine and prove it: IS GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED BY THE INCREASING ATMOSPHERIC CARBON DIOXIDE DUE TO HUMAN ACTIVITIES OR DUE TO PRESENT DEBT-BASED ECONOMIC SYSTEM or global economic policies that control money and the resources for multinational and mega-bankers' profits?


We have to take action: GLOBAL WARMING is a dreadful threat to humanity, and is going to be the worst effects of the PRESENT ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL SYSTEMS and policies, and it might become IRREVERSIBLE, and this must be addressed. All of us have capability and capacity in one way or another to curtail or reduce or stop man-made atmospheric carbon dioxide to a healthy level to prevent such a deadly disasters to happen in the future.

Eric V. Encina


By Eric V. Encina

The decline of oil or the oilfields depletion (whether it is true or not) still is primarily caused by the pressures and delusion of debt-based economic growth under the dictatorship, prescriptions and condition of the global finance capitalists, TNC, IMF and WB. Most countries are extremely pressured by frequent high prices of oil, of gasoline, and the people themselves are confused and in dilemma. Alas, world discussions on oil price, are seemed to be futile without addressing the root-causes, the diseases. Monetary reform proposals must be considered by world leaders, economists and even church leaders to educate peoples, form a strong public opinion and demand for immediate change, like for example, for the allocation of emission rights through Contraction and Convergence, GLOBAL MONETARY REFORM - the creation of A NEW INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY debt and interest free, etc.

The situation is already nightmarish to all of us. The industrial countries must be pressured too to adopt the proposals to solve, cure these threatening dreadful problems, to prevent global warming. The fight for monetary reform and all others on similar objectives is very significant and might be 'A BEACON OF HOPE FOR LAST RECOURSE OF ACTION'. Likewise, monetary reform is extremely essential, not just writing off the debt, per se, third world debt, but allowing poor nations to reform the present-financial economic system, to create money debt and interest free or an alternative local or regional currency according to their resources and needs. Canada, USA, UK and European Union nations must also lead the way of alternative forward for real reform on monetary system most particularly the introduction and the adoption of regional currencies that can be adopted in Asia, Africa or Middle East countries, and the tougher issues on global warming--at the very critical scenario. USA is siding with problems. USA must have joined in the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to implement the real environmental projects, among others, to reduce greenhouse gases and G-8 nations must adopt the MONETARY REFORM PROPOSALS. USA and other countries are more deceived and deluded, perturbed to economic growth without direction that destroys life, family, community, culture, environment, even faith and morality of greater humanity.

It is reported that tropical countries like Philippines will be hit worst by global warming. Philippines is extremely pressured and shackled by the savage problems of frequent oil price hike and gasoline increase weekly pressured by world oil markets as terribly pressured by debt money system of IMF and WB.

The radical solution to stop using fossil fuels and must only use clean energy or alternative sources such as wind, solar, hydro and hydrogen must be promoted. It would be a great turning point in history. Still difficult for many to put this into action. Again, I agree and believe that solutions are stipulated and found on monetary reform proposals. Monetary Reformers are concerned to environment. All nations must act now before it is too late!!!

The voracious desires to economic growth through debt at interest is a major pestiferous reason behind the skyrocketing of oil prices in the world, eventually depleting the oilfields that now conspicuously threaten the global warming. ECONOMIC GROWTH UNDER THE PRESENT FRACTIONAL RESERVE DEBT MONEY SYSTEM is a foul plague!

Debt money system is the major tool behind the insatiable quest for economic growth that only benefits for the few, rich and powerful but indeed demoralizes, impoverishes, shackles and torments many. Billions for the global bankers and powerful but debts for the people most particularly the poorest. Philippines and the third world nations ARE BEING FINANCIALLY SCREWED FOR INTEREST ON THEIR PREVIOUS AND PRESENT BORROWINGS BASED ON SHAM AND CLAIMED TO BE EFFICIENT DEBT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. That strategy only favors the bankers! THE HARSH CONDITIONS, PRESCRIPTIONS AND DICTATIONS BEING FORCED UPON THE PHILIPPINES AND THE HEAVILY INDEBTED NATIONS AS REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ELIGIBILITY OF 'AID' LOANS ARE OF CRIMINAL DURESS THAT MAKES US, AND MOST MONETARY REFORMERS, SOCIAL CREDITERS, ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVE PROMOTERS AND ACTIVISTS AND THE PEOPLES THEMSELVES ARE UNDERSTABLY ANGRY AND SICK INSIDE.

The international banking racket of the G-8 pro-economic growth addict countries is astutely and adroitly being conspiratorially maintained by using debt money system to financially RAPE the heavily-indebted third world nations as the world's biggest and fantastic SCAM ever. The total third world debt is reportedly almost US$5 Trillion or even more at US$400 Billion in excess payment of interest annually. And for this, poor people, billions of people are now in the slave of debt, in the savage cruelty of debt and poverty. Monetary crisis is so severe and deadly, destroying the environment. The greatest evil is debt finance, peoples are suffering but still blindness and deafness, cowardliness, complacency and silliness prevail in this cruel world.

These global agencies do not take any action favorable to the poor. The big trouble is that IMF AND WB, UN are crooked agencies controlling the money and the populations of third world nations. They are doing fraud, misrepresentations of our economy and bribing our government officials for the sums of loans at interest by the hocus-pocus debt-based money creation out of nothing swindling our whole economy. But too stupid, most Filipinos are not aware and are not interested to help.

Philippines is continued to be DOOMED TO DEPRESSION, first the economic system, second the people, third the politicians are generally defective.

Eric V. Encina

1. Scare by Ravaging Science Redux
“Ravage science, ravage America” by Steven H. Yaskell | April 30, 2009
Journalists must separate the story. It makes for more copy when the reader’s eye wobbles over to another column space or the ear off into the increasing din of aural messaging surrounding us. By the time they get back to the original story the reader is ready for a detailed description of the coin’s other side, so to speak. It’s a trick journalists can always rely on. Journalism is “the wisdom of the ages,” wrote American author Stephen Crane in a poem (actually, Crane referred to the newspaper). We’ll forgive the “wisdom” reference here to Crane’s indulging in poetic license...

2. Al Gore, Global Warming and Truth
by Thomas Fuller | April 27, 2009
I voted three times for Al Gore, twice for VP and once for President. I don't regret the first two votes...

The former Vice President spoke before the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week. It was not his shining hour. Some of what he said was hyperbole. Some of what he said is just not true. And he, or one of his staff, should surely have known the limits he was transgressing.

For example, when speaking about Arctic ice, he said this…

Comments welcome,

Bob Ferguson, President

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