Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Poses Serious Threat

by Subverted Nation

Swine Flu Poses Serious Threat
April 26th, 2009 by Subverted Nation

If any of you have been watching the news over the past few days, you should have seen the swine flu “pandemic” starting down in Mexico. The chatter has grown increasingly quick about this so-called “swine flu”. What you have to wonder is, are we dealing with a man made crisis? Knowing the history of the jews, this is very possible.

Don't trust these serpents.
I had a bad feeling about this a couple of days ago when it first hit the news, but it looked like it was isolated to Mexico. Unfortunately, now cases of this deadly flu are popping up as far north as Ohio and New York. Jews have a history of poisoning wells. Have a look HERE for a MODERN DAY example. You can be sure there is something to it when jew operated and moderated Wikipedia’s definition of “well poisoning” is more about exonerating the jews of their history of these types of actions. In fact, if you do a google search for “jews poison wells”, you will see that almost all of the results are denying that these lovely jews would ever do such a thing, and as is par for the course, almost all sources that come up nearest the top, make jews out to be the victims of some kind of wretched libel.
Twenty cases have already been found inside the U.S., but you’ll note that when this supposed “pandemic” began, there were no cries to lock down our borders with Mexico. When the reports first started appearing, this was being called a cross between swine flu, avian bird flu, and another element I can’t remember. You can rest assured that this isn’t some natural mutation of a virus. This article HERE from the 25th was a warning sign, and I suggest everyone take this seriously. Avoid contact with large groups of people, because it has spread all across the U.S. where this article sites Kansas and California as well as Ohio and New York. Nice to know it spread all over the place before anyone noticed.
Now, even detaining the ill may not keep the strain — a combination of swine, bird and human influenza that people may have no natural immunity to — from spreading, epidemiologists say.
A mad scientist couldn’t ask for a better result if the object were to kill millions of people. What is scary are the possibilities of this being used to instill martial law and quarantines. The snakes at the World Health Organization has some criteria for an epidemic:
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the outbreak of the never-before-seen virus has “pandemic potential.” But she said it is still too early to tell if it would become a pandemic.
WHO lays out three criteria necessary for a global epidemic: The virus is able to infect people, can readily spread person-to-person and the global population has no immunity to it.

These demons want your soul.
Add to that the fact this virus made it’s spread across a large geographical area extremely quickly, and you have a recipe for disaster. The WHO’s criteria for a pandemic is more a benchmark for their effectiveness at killing us, than anything else. Order out of chaos seems to be the order of the day, and anyone who thinks it’s going to get better without some sort of real action is kidding themselves. In this article HERE, we can see the U.S. has declared this a public health emergency. Quoting the article, “As we continue to look for cases, we are going to see a broader spectrum of disease,” predicted Dr. Richard Besser, acting chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We’re going to see more severe disease in this country.” Meaning what we may be seeing is a serious outbreak, but it could also be just the tip of the iceberg. What better way to control dissent than to kill off millions of your opposition with a virus? With rat faced jew Napolitano in the mix, this could get ugly. They have the DHS on stand-by to lock us down at a moment’s notice. You can almost guarantee vaccinations for dissenters will be hard to come by.
Napolitano called the emergency declaration standard operating procedure — one was declared recently for the inauguration and for flooding. She urged people to think of it as a “declaration of emergency preparedness.”
“Really that’s what we’re doing right now. We’re preparing in an environment where we really don’t know ultimately what the size of seriousness of this outbreak is going to be.”
Finally, take a look at what Judicial-Inc has to say about this. Just follow this link HERE and let it sink in. This isn’t the first time, and it’s not going to be the last. This could turn out to be a test run of a number of things, including their ability to put us on lockdown, or to test the effectiveness and speed at which something like this can be spread. It could also turn out to be a very serious problem. This particular analysis is one I would have to agree with, because history does repeat itself.
Awareness of the jew is growing quickly, and this time…forget about exile. They’re trying to KILL you, and you’re not going to just chase them off to a safe distance. The rate guns have been flying off the shelves has likely made it clear that marching Americans off to FEMA camps wouldn’t be so easy, but they always have a plan B. Keep thinking it’s a game….because it’s not, and I hope it’s becoming clear now.
• Posted in Crimes, Plans & Operations, Uncategorized
Obama the Communist
April 25th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
Somebody seems to have the right idea about Obama. In fact, most of the people I come in contact with are starting to catch on to the fact that Obama the lama is nothing more than a communist/socialist piece of crap following the Marxist ideology to a tee. This is good news, because the sooner people realize this puppet merely dances according to the strings attached to him pull, the sooner we can move forward with ejecting him and the rest of his parasitic ilk. We could go even further to say that he is following the protocols of his jewish masters to the letter.
In a recent Washington Times article, Republican National Committee members are calling to have Obama labeled publicly as a socialist, but chairman Michael Steele has stepped in to make the block, possibly because he feels our historic first black (jew) president shouldn’t be marginalized so quickly. More likely though, he is playing his part by dissenting against the majority of the RNC, because all the world’s a stage, and politicians are merely players. The socialist party of America has been around since nearly the start of zionism, as can be evidenced HERE, so don’t go thinking this is something new.
I’m not going to rant about this topic for long, but I do have a few quick things to say. Let’s get the label for Obama, his administration, congress, the senate, and our judicial system correct right here and now. These are nothing more than a bunch of Marxist communists, so there is no point beating around the bush with labels. Many will read the article mentioned and see republicans vs. democrats. They will see the chairman against the flock of the RNC, and they will feel comforted that there is some sort of infighting going on between these groups. It will solidify their beliefs that one side of the coin is better than the other. Many of the lemmings will undoubtedly view this as totally separate coins, with no relation to each other, but any person with the slightest amount of cranial capacity, will see right through this, all too common, ruse.
Make no mistake about it. Obama is a jew with a communist ideology, and we’ve clearly seen him implementing programs that highlight this in glaring fashion. The problem we face is what happens to countries the jews have taken over in the past, and what happens to it’s citizens. History has shown that they will implement a program of genocide against any kind of patriotic resistance, dissenters, or anyone who has something they want. In Russia, it was common for jews to rape the wives and daughters in front of the husband. Drag the survivors out in the street, shoot them in the head, and then simply move in; taking possession of their homes and property.
The point I’m trying to get across is that these fuckers are evil as hell, and this IS coming to America. We ARE the final piece to the puzzle. These monsters ARE going to move forward with this plan, and unfortunately for America, the masses are so blinded by prime time TV that they’ll never see it coming. We are being set up for a major fall, and for those who are aware, if you are not prepared, you WILL be toast. FEMA camps today resemble the Soviet gulags of yester-years. Elite groups of American soldiers are being trained right now to deal with dissent amongst the masses. Indeed many will not fire on American citizens, but when there is no food, and the only pay comes from the government, you will be very surprised to find out how many will. Prepare yourself NOW, America. The writing is on the wall and time is running short.
Listen to Pastor Manning. Here’s a black pastor telling it like it is when it comes to Obama and communism. Not to endorse christianity, or any of his views, but I think it’s important for the black community to hear it from the mouth of a black man himself. Let no man be confused about what it is we’re dealing with. Don’t take my word for it, let this man speak to his own people and make it clear. Unless you want to fly the red flag of communism like Russia and China, it’s going to take real physical resistance. Don’t expect these demons in human flesh to simply walk away, America. This plan is older than this country and older than zionism. Spanning many generations of jews, and even millenia, their plan is finally coming to fruition.
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• Posted in Infil-Traitors
Loose Change = JEWS
April 22nd, 2009 by Subverted Nation
I made it quite clear in my article about We Are Change that this was nothing more than a group of jews jumping up to help control dissent. The sudden rise to fame in the “truth” movement of these people with their fancy videos barking at politicians on the street, was enough to get people following them like lemmings. People are always very quick (too quick, even) to jump on the bandwagon and follow any pied piper that plays their tune. Unfortunately, many people will latch onto anything or anyone who preaches a message they want to hear. Case in point Ralph Nader. Another example, Ron Paul. So let’s get this straight, right here and now, that Alex (the shill) Jones is no different. In fact, he has heavily promoted Paul, Nader, We Are Change, and Loose Change. What is it about the word “change” that works so good on the unkowing? Even before 9/11 Alex Jones was surrounded by jews, but his actions post 9/11 should have given everyone reason for pause. Of course, it never really does, because someone like myself has to do all of the critical thinking for the masses, and personally, I get sick of doing it.

Manipulators dress nicely.
Open your fucking eyes and look around you. I’m not saying it nicely, because there is no time for niceties. I’m not trying to be everyone’s friend in this, or trying to kiss your ass. Like I’ve said before, only salesmen and swindlers dress pretty and talk extra nice, because they are trying to manipulate you. I am not. My message is here, take it or leave it, but good god damn, do NOT come to me crying when the things I mention come to fruition. Recognize all of the players in this bid for global domination, recognize the things that tie them together, and recognize their common bonds. How hard is that, really? THINK for yourself. Don’t even take MY word for it, look the fuck around once in a while.
Following 9/11, some interesting (jew) personalities popped up on the scene, and were immediately taken under the wing of Alex Jones, giving intelligent folk more reason to question his credibility. This group of so-called “truthers” included personalities like those mentioned above, but many people thought these were honest to god college kids, with a sincere interest in 9/11. I can say, for a fact, that these people did and still DO have a sincere interest in 9/11, but it’s not in exposing the criminals behind it. Instead, they were plants, put in place to lead and control dissent against those who committed this crime against humanity. These guys have had no problem obtaining tickets to high profile events as “press” and have even made appearances on mainstream television as well. You don’t get on prime time TV exposing the truth about 9/11. How simple is it to finger these guys as shills when seeing them in the limelight? What do you think the chances are that someone like ME would get an interview on prime time television? Yeah….exactly.

Bermas on mainstream television.
A beautiful new piece of evidence arrived in my inbox yesterday that further proves what I was saying. Jason Bermas, Dylan Avery, and Corey Rowe are nothing more than a bunch of yeshiva students practicing their skills of deceit and manipulation on the masses. They are not interested in truth. They are only interested in keeping real Americans dancing around in circles, and at the same time, making fools out of those who follow them with their “street action” antics, which is headed up by more jews, Luke Rudkowski and Matt Lepacek.
Alex Jones dug himself a hole when he flipped out on Mike Delaney for mentioning Jack Bernstein and Benjamin Freidman. Thankfully after hearing that clip (found HERE unfortunately at racist podblanc), many began to understand that he was not on their side. However now, we have a piece of evidence that shows how far these jews, Jason Bermas in particular, will go to cover up for the tribe. It also outlines the behavior of liars, who often lash out when cornered, rather than behaving in a sensible manner. The fact that these nobodies showed up from out of the blue, rise to sudden fame, and are now hosting radio shows for Alex Jones should be all that needs said when it comes to trusting these fools. Not to mention their ridiculous JOKE of a film, Loose Change and it’s repeated revisions, should have been, yet another red flag because, it makes no mention of the jew involvement in 9/11. Follow that up with the more recent, “Fabled Enemies”, which is a blatant propaganda piece that covers for the jews we CAUGHT RED HANDED (video below) on 9/11, and it’s mind boggling to see people still following and supporting the enemy.
Anyway, getting to the meat of the story. Somebody called in to Jew Bermas’ radio show “The Info Warrior”, and made a mention of jews involved in 9/11. Now, if you were dealing with honest researchers, with the sincere motive of uncovering TRUTH, the reaction of this jew would have been nothing like it was. Rather than try to discredit the caller with facts, this jew uses the typical ad-hominem approach. Anyone who has encountered a shill before knows that this is the FIRST thing they will resort to. In fact, relentless jew shills will carry on with this tactic to the point of making themselves look like fools, for not even attempting to engage in honest discussion about a given topic. The info war consists of them fighting to keep you from figuring out 9/11 was a jew job, the media is GUILTY in BOTH the execution AND cover-up of this crime, and much more. By becoming your source for information on this and other “truther” topics, they effectively destroy your ability to uncover the truth.
That said, I have more opinions on 9/11 that I will share at a later date. For now, check out what this article has to say about Jason Bermas and his behavior in the video found below. You can bank on the fact that MY opinion of 9/11 is one that is vehemently attacked by Jones and all of his followers, so it should be interesting to hear.
• Posted in Controlling Dissent
Chavez - US empire collapsed, China part of ‘new world order’
April 20th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
I could almost let this one speak for itself, but let’s highlight some interesting points from this jew newspaper article HERE.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Wednesday that his two-day visit to Beijing this week is part of the creation of a “new world order,” in light of the ‘collapse of the US empire.’
The frequent US critic, who met with China’s president and Communist Party leader Hu Jintao on Wednesday, told reporters that power in the world was shifting from America to countries such as Iran, Japan and China.
“We are creating a new world, a balanced world. A new world order, a multi-polar world,” Chavez said after arriving Tuesday evening.
“The unipolar world has collapsed. The power of the US empire has collapsed,” he said. “Everyday, the new poles of world power are becoming stronger. Beijing, Tokyo, Teheran … it’s moving toward the East and toward the South.”
First we note that Chavez is in cahoots with communist China, as part of the now famous “new world order”, and this comes on the heels of the “collapse of the U.S. empire”. This should come as no surprise to people who know how these jews work, and what their goals are. The important thing to pick up on here is the fact that Chavez is a player in the “new world order”, although many have believed him to be a champion of his people, and an outcast from the core of this global mafia, that might provide a glimmer of hope for resistance against this group. We can clearly see here, this is not the case.
The belief of the average person has been the same with Ahmadinejad from Iran, but Chavez and Ahmadinejad are good ole pals, and Chaves even mentions Tehran above. This is an excellent glimpse into the heart of the jew world order. There are no countries that are left as hold-outs against this global domination, and this is important for many people to hear. The jew world order is not coming….it’s here now. For those who have read the, extremely prophetic (supposed forgery), called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion you will hopefully, have noted they clearly stated this would start with China, and end with the U.S. We can see that they have positively gained control of the U.S. government, and have started the process of subduing it’s citizens. Take this as your sign that the jew world order is in full effect now. They just haven’t openly started their massive depopulation program. Although that too, is already making ground with the poisoning of people through our food, soil, air, water, and even (what some consider) medicine.
There’s nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. No countries holding out against these jews. Worse than that, we can see lines of division being drawn for WWIII, and that is not good news. China, Iran, Venezuela, and possibly other Arab countries like Pakistan being pitted against the crumbling U.S. and it’s allies with it’s worn out, and overstretched military forces, spells an ugly outcome for all involved. Of course, expect to see many other players like North Korea and Russia, also pitted against the U.S. and it’s allies. The pattern of economic turmoil followed by massive wars, is one that has repeated time and time again throughout history, and always with the jew behind the scenes manipulating us all like pawns. For now, be very careful who you put your trust in. People in high places aren’t there by accident, and they damn sure aren’t there to be your friend; let alone saviour.
• Posted in International
New (old) Subverted Nation Survival Report
April 20th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
This is an old survival report that was done back in January, but many people have requested that I put out more audio files, so here it is. Although it was made in January, and speaks of issues from that time, it is still completely relevant today.
Have a listen. Click HERE to listen. Or right click, and click “save target as” to download. You can also head over to the audio page and download from there as well.
Subverted Nation will soon be producing more audio files for those who like them, so stay tuned.
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• Posted in Action & Protest
Obama Admin Boycots UN Racism Conference
April 18th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
Unfortunately for America, many of it’s black citizens thought that Obama would bring hope and “change”, but we can already see that this is not his intention. It was merely a campaign slogan. An advertising campaign slogan. Meaning, those who fell for it were SOLD on a lie, like some little trinket you can purchase from an info-mercial at 3am that never works like it was advertised.
Obama’s reason for being elected is because he was chosen to help INCREASE racial tension in these united states. Surely, if he had such an interest in ending racism, he would attend the UN conference on racism that is scheduled to take place next week in Geneva. Obama and his administration have instead shunned the conference, because it may single out Israel for criticism. Now ask yourself, if Obama is America’s president, with OUR interests first in his mind, why is he so worried about Israel being singled out? Of course Israel will be singled out in a world wide summit about racism. Israel is an aparthied state for jews only. The jewish belief system (not religion) is that all non-jews are cattle. Something to be exploited and slaughtered at will, as they do to innocent Palestinians.
This article about the subject states:
Some revisions — including the removal of specific critical references to Israel and problematic passages about the defamation of religion — were negotiated for which State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the administration was “deeply grateful.”
Indeed they are pleased when criticism of Israel is quelched, but it’s curious. What could the “problematic passages about the defamation of religion” be? Maybe passages that argue against Israel and the jew’s attacks on the religions of Islam and Christianity?
They complain about limits on free speech, but what exactly are these limits? Are they limits intended to keep jews from using the conference as a platform for their holocaust propaganda? What affirmation from the first conference held in Durban, South Africa is it that the U.S. can not endorse? Affirmations that Israel is an aparthied, racist state? That the jew beliefs and doctrine encourage and endorse racism against non-jews? Despite all of this, state department spokesperson Robert Wood says the administration, “is profoundly committed to ending racism and racial discrimination” and “will work with all people and nations to build greater resolve and enduring political will to halt racism and discrimination wherever it occurs.” Yeah, but only when it comes to people speaking out against the jews. The only racism they’re concerned with is the misnomer “anti-semitism”, or any exposure of jew crimes and criminals that can be construed as racism.
A little later on, the article gets to the meat of the problem. “(It) singles out one particular conflict and prejudges key issues that can only be resolved in negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians,” Wood said. Well, it’s all clear now. The Obama administration refuses to attend a racism summit, because it might actually point out REAL instances of racism, ethnic cleansing, genocide, aparthied, and more. All of which is perpetrated by Israel and jews around the globe, against non-jewish peoples. You see, the jews have no interest in having THEIR racism exposed. Heaven forbid the summit start to mention the jew’s very large involvement in things like the African slave trade. They have no interest in their involvement in racial tensions the whole world over, being exposed.
Looking at the article, we can see that the Congressional Black Caucus even thought this black (jew) president should send delegates to the conference, but jews don’t see it that way.
Pro-Israel groups in the United States vehemently opposed U.S. participation while human rights advocates and organizations like TransAfrica and members of the Congressional Black Caucus thought it was important to attend.
Pro-Israel groups, who have no business in America, should take their ass back to Israel, and worry about it from there. The jew run Human Rights Watch, again, steps up to put in it’s two cents stating the U.S. should “should stand with the victims of racism.” In this, racial minorities will stand alone as long as Obama is president, and as long as jews continue to infest everything in this country.
America is a country full of numerous different races, often struggling with each other due to the influence of our jew infested government, indoctrinating school system, and jew racist propaganda pushed on us through the media and hollywood. If you have any wonder why certain races behave certain ways, or why cultural differences are enough to cause such strife, you must understand that many are behaving in a manner dictated to them by the jew. Disenfranchised whites turn to jew run racist groups of neo-nazi crap, while young black men are taught to wear pants around their ankles and gold teeth. White people are propagandized with an inundation of “black crime” to make them dislike the black community, while at the same time, the black community’s youth learn that dealing drugs and selling rap music is the only way of life for them. Or they’re taught that becoming a sports star is the way out of the ghetto. It’s a viscious cycle, but at the center of it all, dishing out the spin like a merry-go-round, sits the jew.
The way out of this mess for the black man, the white man, the mexican man, and any other is to thoroughly rid ourselves of the jew. Then, and ONLY then, can the HUMAN race move forward. I’m urging daily to stop the arguing amongst the HUMAN race, and fight off this race of DEMONS that is possessing ALL of you to act in inappropriate manners. This isn’t about black and white. Or latino vs. black, or anything of the sort. It’s about good vs. evil. Humans vs. jews. STOP racism. Get rid of the jew.
• Posted in International
You Have To Wonder
April 18th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
You have to wonder about these so-called Young Turks. The original Young Turks were a murderous group of jews that slaughtered up to 1.5 million people in Armenia from 1915-1917. Hanging them in the town square as a warning to others, the jews destroyed all of Armenia’s “intelligencia”, or basically, the higher educated portion of their society. Their intent was to leave behind a dumbed down, docile society that would placidly follow the rule of these “chosen ones”.
What’s curious is the behavior of this jew from the modern day “Young Turks” political group when faced with the question, is Obama jewish? The answer to this question is not so difficult for people who are keeping tabs, but check out this jew’s reaction, and the fact that these jews felt it important enough to make a video dedicated to it. In fact, a very quick, cursory search, shows that this crypto-jew, Uygur spends a good bit of his time snivelling about anti-semitism. While this jew laughs it off that supposedly 1% of people in some obscure poll think Obama is jewish, you might want to ask yourself why they’re tring to shrug it off in such a manner. To those with open eyes, it’s obvious.
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• Posted in Controlling Dissent
Jews Want Gun Ban NOW
April 17th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
In light of the recent shooting of three officers in Pittsburgh on April 4th, jew governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell (Rendell was born in New York City to Jewish American parents Jesse T. Rendell and Emma Sloat src.) has stepped forward demanding congress push through a ban on assault weapons.

Fat, greasy, pig of a jew.
Using the shooting as his platform (like I knew they would), this rat faced jew is on the prowl, and there is no doubt that some of these shootings have been orchestrated for this very purpose. Another such shooting occured just yesterday in Long Beach, CA. Funny thing too. Another guy comes from out of nowhere with a psychotic breakdown, murders two people outside a hospital, and then kills himself. Yet another murder-suicide. I see a pattern forming here, and it doesn’t look good. Better take my advice NOW and buy more guns, America, but don’t hand them over without a fight.
The jew shooter in Pittsburgh that brazenly slaughtered three police officers was carrying an AK-47. Not a REAL assault rifle, fully automatic AK-47, but likely your garden variety semi-automatic weapon. Thanks to previous bans, Americans have already had automatic weapons taken from them, leaving us under-armed compared to the forces that are working to subvert us. Damn bullets still hurt the same, we just can’t shoot them quite as quick. So called “assault rifles” of this variety, are exactly what this jew governor of Pennsylvania is after. The article, can be found HERE, now watch this jew hang himself with his own words:
“These weapons have absolutely no purpose except to kill. They can’t be used for sport. They can’t be used for hunting,” Rendell said. Rendell later acknowledged “this might not be the right time” when asked about a Newsweek report that President Barack Obama’s domestic agenda is more focused on the economy and health care. Rendell said U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.., is prepared to move forward with a ban.”She’ll choose the right time,” he said.

Demonic jew after your guns.
Note that jew Rendell is not the only one in on this. He already has jew Senator Diane Feinstein waiting in the wings to help enact such laws. I’m here to tell this jew, and the rest of these demonic pieces of shit, that you’re not getting our guns. Enact that fucking law already. See what happens. Am I making illegal “right wing extremist” threats? Not at all. I’m putting it down the way it needs to be, and the way the law says. Anyone, and I mean anyone, attempting to subjugate the second amendment is guilty of treason. In fact, I could argue that even mentioning a ban of the second amendment, because this is exactly what we’re talking about, is a traitor to these united states, who should be shot on sight. These are crimes of the highest order that can not be ignored. Execution for crimes like treason is the law, and it is THIS death penalty that should be carried out frequently if you want politicians who will serve you, rather than enslave you.
I’m not advocating violence, I’m explaining how the world works, and excercising free speech, which you will indeed have to kill me to stop. I am freely expressing my mind as a patriot to my nation and what it STOOD for. It’s going to become fundamentally clear to everyone soon that they want your guns, because that is the ONLY way to root this parasite out. They give our police officers holocaust training so when that time comes, THEY will be the “victim” again, and it leaves us facing a major uphill battle. Top that off with races at each other’s throats, and we can’t get organized enough to expell these demonically possessed parasites from our system. Jesus didn’t call them a synagogue of satan for nothing. These are satans minions. These are the demons and devils you’ve heard about in religion and folk lore forever. Except, they walk the earth upright like you and I in human flesh. We must unite all non-jews, members of the law enforcement community, military, and others if we want to win this.
“Enough is enough,” said Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl. “We have to protect our police officers, our city and our state. We’re here today unified and united to support these efforts,” Ravehstahl said.
“I hope no other chief has to live through what I lived through that day,” said Pittsburgh police Chief Nate Harper. “How much blood has to be spilled in the streets of America?” Harper said.
I agree that enough is enough. Back the fuck up off of our gun rights, or America will show you, and the world, why we are still armed. There I go again with that “right wing extremist” talk, but god damnit, SOMEBODY has to say it. Somebody has to make it clear that this is THE LAW. You attempt to destroy the consitution, you are guilty of treason, punishable by death. Period. None of us law abiding citizens want blood shed in the streets, but I’ll be damned if I’m giving up my guns because some jews staged a shoot out. Note to Harper. If you aren’t competent enough to figure out the things I write about on this site, you aren’t competent enough to be chief of putting out a camp fire, let alone a major metropolitan police department. Keep slipping and supporting the destruction of the constitution you swore to uphold, and you become suspect too.

The famed AK-47.
So, who is this fool united with? This mayor Luke Ravenstahl may not be a jew according to “official” accounts, but he definitely has their interests in mind. In fact, he seems to like to surround himself with jews, not to mention, this wonder boy had quite the rise to stardom in politics, becoming city council president at the young age of only 24 years old. Just a year or more later, a “tragic turn of events” (death of former mayor O’connor to cancer) let’s this jockey become the youngest mayor in Pittsburgh history at roughly only 25 years old. I smell a rat, but at the very least, we can see this guy works closely with the jew, including this gun grabbing agenda. You don’t just jump on the city council, become the president of the council, and then the mayor in a couple short years for nothing in this country. Let’s see you try that.
• Posted in Big Brother
Obama’s Not Black
April 17th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
This is an important message for the black community of America, and the world to hear. Obama is NOT a black man, and it seems at least one prominent BLACK man sees through the ruse. Unfortunately, what the video below won’t tell you is that Obama is more a JEW than he is anything else.
Now. If everyone can finally get their collective heads out of their asses and realize that this jew, Obama, is not here to help ANY of us, we can move forward with solving our problems. Our problem stems from a major infestation of parasitic jews that have run a silent coup against our government since it’s inception. They have successfuly infiltrated your city, state, and federal governments. They reign over the judicial system, the legislative branch (congress/senate), and the executive branch. They own the federal reserve, the money, and all the other banks. They own you by usurious debt, the same system they’ve used to subvert nations for centuries.
History has warned you, and many men greater than myself have tried to make this clear. Mankind will not move forward under the shoe of a fat, greasy jew. They own the media. They own hollywood. They charge you a tax on all your food. They poison your air, they poison your water, they poison your food. You MUST fight back. Enslaving the masses is crime enough. Killing you slowly doesn’t mean it’s not murder just because the deed wasn’t done in one fell swoop. Sadly, killing you quickly, like the 3,000 who died on 9/11/01 doesn’t seem to garner much attention either.
The video:
Link to story: CLICK HERE
• Posted in Infil-Traitors
DHS Stumbles Over Extremist Report
April 16th, 2009 by Subverted Nation
Well, that didn’t take long did it? The Department of Homeland Scrutiny is now taking a step back on the report about “right wing extremists” it recently spread like butter on dry toast, to police departments across America. Jew Napolitano is back peddling, because the report makes a direct attack on veterans, using the case of the patsy, Timothy McVeigh, and the engineered bombing of the Eddie Murrah building, as an example of a veteran turned terrorist extremist. The article, found HERE, shows this jew making appologies for the fact that their real initiative was not only exposed, but focused on by this website, and others like it.
Even American veterans who have fought and watched their brothers die for these criminal jews are under attack by the DHS. The problem is, you can’t have highly trained military personnel figuring out who the real criminals are, and taking action to stop them. You can’t have a major military force like ours suddenly realize there’s a serious problem at the top. Like all others who stand against them, they must be marginalized and discredited.

Jew calls veterans extremists.
Probably due to the fact that the reports were for “Official Use Only”, these cretins felt it was fine and dandy to include these definitions, better yet slanders, against American patriots and veterans alike. The fact that it received publicity like myself and others have given it, is the reason for their sudden appologetic nature. Napolitano’s new position is, “If there’s one part of that report I would rewrite, in the word-smithing, Washington-ese that goes on after the fact, it would be that footnote.” Carrying on she stated, “We do not mean to suggest that veterans as a whole are at risk of becoming violent extremists.”
She also said: “I apologize for that offense. It was certainly not intended.”
Of course it was intended or you wouldn’t have said it. What wasn’t intended was that the public would hear it and get another glimpse of how their government is targetting it’s own citizens. Of course, the major targets are those citizens who have figured out where the root of the problem is, and it is this group of people who will be targetted first for FEMA camps, or out right execution when the time is right.
I just found it funny to see them stumbling backwards over this report. It’s what they deserve, because we are watching diligently, and seeking ways to rid ourselves of their infestation daily, so they should be worried. However, turning our civil servants against us, might just end up blowing up in their face and that would be perfect.
It seems that an earlier report also names some extremists. This time, the other wing. Left wing extremists are defined as such, according to the article: The department’s definition of left-wing extremism in the March 26 report includes a reference to violence, stating these groups that embrace anticapitalist, communist or socialist beliefs seek “to bring about change through violent revolution rather than through established political processes.” Shit! Sounds like the jew Bolsheviks to me. Our time to be alert about a group such as this has long since passed. The socialist/communists are large and in charge right now as I type this. Including this in the article is likely nothing more than a distraction from their original intent, because anybody dumb enough to be following any such group would simply be following the jew around anyway.
This is what the Patriot Act brought us. Action against patriots by their own, subverted government. Rest assured, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I can’t even begin to cover a third of the news I read about their diabolical plans and actions, but I will continue to sound the trumpets as long and as loud as I can.

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