Friday, January 9, 2009



Connell was prepared to spill beans about 2004 Ohio election rigging, firings of nine U.S. attorneys

Michael Connell, 45, the Bush black box expert who was directly implicated in the rigging of George Bush’s 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, was killed when his single-engine plane crashed outside of the Akron,

Ohio airport on December 19. Velvet Revolution (VR), a non-profit publication that has been investigating Connell’s activities for the past two years, revealed that a person close to Connell told an investigative reporter that he was afraid that George Bush and Dick Cheney would “throw him under the bus.”

A tipster close to theMcCain campaign disclosed in July that Connell’s life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had threatened him and his wife, Heather. Attorney Cliff Arnebeck notified the U.S. attorney general, Ohio law enforcement and the federal court about those threats at the time and insisted that Connell be placed in protective custody. The request went unheeded.

An associate of Connell’s had been warned by VR that they had received a tip that the plane had been sabotaged and that Connell should not fly it. VR reported that Connell was a very experienced pilot who had to abandon at least two flights in the past two months because of suspicious problems with his plane. He had flown to Washington, D.C. on Dec. 18, 2008 to meet with some people. It was at the end of his return flight home the next day that he crashed.

Connell appeared before Federal Judge Simon Oliver, a Democrat and Clinton appointee, on October 31, after being subpoenaed in a federal lawsuit investigating Karl Rove and the rigging of the 2004 election.

AFP readers will remember that a 2005 investigation showed that computer vote-rigging had resulted in the Ohio vote being stolen from John Kerry, a state that would have swung the election away from George

Judge Oliver had ordered Connell to appear for a deposition on November 3 of this year, only 36 hours before the polls opened, and the White House was worried enough about what Connell might say under oath about his illegal activities that two administration attorneys were dispatched to represent him and help curtail his excess testimony. This happened after the White House was unsuccessful at stopping his appearance altogether.

An associate of Connell’s had said that Connell was also involved in the destruction of the celebrated White House emails and the establishment of the then-secret, off-grid White House email system, and that Connell’s testimony under oath concerning this also had to be of great concern to the administration’s lawyers.

Earlier this year, VR fingered Michael Connell as the key Republican expert that created the nefarious computer attacks allowing off-site servers to tally state vote counts in secret and now reports that Karl Rove reacted by threatening Connell to “either take the fall or keep his mouth shut.”

Two weeks before the November election, Rove was confidently saying that John McCain could “win ten battleground states” to become president. McCain was confidently telling everyone that he would win with a surge in the wee hours of election night. Another rigging appeared to be in the wind.

At Connell’s Cleveland court appearance he was grilled about the election fraud, Trojan horse manipulations and the reported threats from Rove. But Connell couldn’t remember anything, claiming he had no knowledge of any secret steps to change and conceal the vote counts. “He stonewalled like a champion, denying everything,” said VR.

Only hours later and still the night before the election, Rove changed his tune and wrote on an Internet blog that “Obama would win by a landslide”—even in those states he had previously predicted McCain would win.

The election-fraud watchers claimed immediately that Rove “pulled the plug because he felt the heat” and knew it was too risky to carry forth the fraud any further at that point. Plaintiffs’ lawyers needed Connell’s testimony at the upcoming trial in order to implicate Karl Rove. They now fear they will never be able to do so.

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