Friday, June 13, 2008


Corruption to a country is like cancer in human being, both are deadly. To cure cancer it needs early detection then removal by separating the cancerous cell from the healthy cells. The Philippines is said to be the most corrupt country on earth, destroyed by corruptions as it spread to all the levels of bureaucracy in the country. The state is hemorrhaging as in contaminated body of body politics; but still alive. This means, like human being there are still good people doing their best to function in the realm of decay.

Those people are part of this discussion group and it bodes well for us to recognize them and pat their back; but they are not enough, we needed more good people like Ed and Grace; Patrick and Gerry, and everyone in this email group.

Talking of cancer as in corruption, these people needs to be removed from the offices because to clean and rid our old country of corruption is through removal; so that, what is left are the better people who can provide services free of corruption.

A leadership that is attained in bad faith will not last, so winning an election through vote buying, killing and intimidation is like raping a damsel to gain her love then marriage. This married will not succeed because the union is chaotic, creating two poles of emotions cooking for a daily fight.

So since corruption is like cancer, the citizens are dying of hunger, emotions and hopes critically in peril. When hope is dead in a corrupt country, the leaders will die with it.

Paul Dalde
Care Taker OFW Solidarity Movement
Steering Committee

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