Monday, August 6, 2007


(An open letter to all American residents in the Philippines)

Dear Americans:

Most of you are probably asking “why is anti-Americanism growing in the Philippines”? To fully understand why there is a growing anti-Yankee sentiment among Filipinos; let us take a brief journey back in time.

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt shunned the thought that the Russians would embark on

their doctrine of world domination via class struggle. In fact, he allowed the Soviet Union, via the Yalta Agreement, to acquire territories. This enabled the Soviet communists to gain a permanent stranglehold on the hapless Russians.

2. In the late 1940’s, the United States deliberately withdrew their support to

Chiang Kai-Shek’s government. In effect, this enabled Mao Tse-Tung and Chou En-Lai to rule over mainland China. To do this then, Secretary of State George C. Marshall, a retired US Army general, assured the American government that, “Mao and his friends were friendly reformers who were determined to liberate the Chinese people from the corrupt and oppressive government of Chiang Kai-Shek. As a result, Chiang had to flee Formosa and there, set up the free Republic of China. During this time, American aid was cut off and the US State Department announced that, “Formosa and Korea were outside of the US defense perimeter.

3. Right after that declaration, the North Koreans, backed by the Soviet Union

and China, invaded South Korea. The Korean War, where a great number of Filipino troops fought and died for this “American Debacle”, turned out to be one of the bloodiest wars of the 20th century. The administration of Harry Truman violated the most fundamental principle of warfare – that an army must win a war and bring it to as swift an end as possible. Many Filipinos recall that Gen. Douglas MacArthur was fired by the US political elite because he disobeyed the order of appeasement which was to “fight the war but don’t win it.”

4. In April 1957, the New York Times published and interview by Herbert L.

Matthews, with Cuban rebel Fidel Castro who he praised for his Castro’s ‘love’ for the Cuban people and his strong ‘anti-communist’ views. On the other hand, US Ambassador to Cuba Arthur Gardner described Castro as a communist terrorist. At the end, the State Department recalled Gardner. Instead of making Gardner explain his views, the State Department sent him to Matthews for a briefing. This was done, in spite of the warnings of another American envoy, Robert Hill, who was then assigned in Mexico.

5. In order to convince the Soviets to agree to the removal of their missile base

in Cuba, President John F. Kennedy pledged that the U.S. would not invade or support an invasion of Castro’s ‘republic’. Today, because of that decision, Nicaragua became an adherent of Marxism, with El Salvador. Honduras, Chile, Peru and Paraguay now endangered of falling into the hands of Christian Marxists who are popularly known as, Liberation Theologists – mostly friars.

6. American foreign policy supported the overthrow of democrat Moise

Tshombe’s government in the Belgian Congo, by supporting Patrice Lumumba, a communist.

7. In 1961, the United States supported Cheddi Jagan, who openly admitted being a communist, in his takeover of British Guiana.

8. The United States snubbed the democratic government of Rhodesia (now

Zimbabwe), which eventually fell into the hands of Marxist Robert Mugabe.

9. American foreign policy bungling is blamed for the fall of Shah Reza Pahlavi

government. The Carter administration encouraged the overthrow of right-wing dictators in the belief that the Soviet Union would also respect “human rights”.

10. The U.S. State Department, aided by its liberal operatives in the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA) conspired in toppling its confirmed anti-communist and genuine ally in President Ferdinand E. Marcos. In fact, they installed the pro-socialist government of Corazon Aquino and her Liberation Theologists headed by Cardinal Sin and the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. At that instance, the CBCP was quietly building a Marxist infrastructure in the countryside. The effort was aided by American ‘liberals’ through funding and abetting front organizations of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), thru the National Democratic Front.

MILLIONS of Filipinos have to fought and died for the United States because you taught us the democratic principles consistent with the American Revolution. But where did all these wasted efforts bring us? In World War II, we fought the Japanese Imperial Army. Filipinos stood by the U.S. as a faithful ally, but what did the U.S. do after that war? You helped the Japanese more than you ever helped the Philippines. You called us to fight the communists in South Korea and Vietnam. Yet, we ask: how did you show us your gratitude? By giving us hand-me-down military equipment, carrot and stick development funds under onerous terms?

AMERICANS wake up before it is too late. Some of your own kind in Washington D.C. and U.S. embassies abroad are gradually delivering the Judaeo-Christian world to the godless Marxists. To quote the words of famous American author Hal Lindsey.

“… The Trilateral Commission members have assumed the right to make changes

of global significance, changes which affect the freedoms of millions of people.

They have done so with no public consultation, no debates, no election. They

have brought about these changes in virtual secrecy.

They have set out to capture the highest political offices in the U.S., Japan

and the Common Market countries in order to make changes in national and

international policy. But they have never informed the people in these countries

of their plans. Along with a growing number of Americans, I find this

inexcusable, arrogant and dangerous. I believe the Trilateralist movement is

unwittingly setting the stage for the political-economic one-world system the

Bible predicts for the last days…what the Trilateralists are trying to establish will soon be controlled by the coming world leader – the antichrist himself!”

WE APPEAL to all genuine American Christians, for help to the Filipinos in our struggle against godless Marxism and religious deception in the form of Liberation Theology.

Help us restore true Democracy. Join us in toppling the globalist agenda.

God bless the Philippines!

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