Monday, September 4, 2017

Wait . . . did Louis Farrakhan just declare Jesus is Lord?

“I say to the devil, I know I gotta pay a price for what I’ve been teaching all these years.”

Wait . . . did Louis Farrakhan just declare Jesus is Lord?

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is 84 years old. We all know the Islamic radicalism and racial division he’s been preaching for decades, so there’s no reason to go over it in detail here.
But what’s this? Farrakhan released this video yesterday, and if it’s what it appears to be on first glace, he’s made quite a radical change of direction:
My first instinct was to find a loophole in his wording. When Farrakhan said “my Jesus lives” and emphasized the “my,” I thought maybe he was trying to give himself license to declare that his “redeemer” can be whoever he wants it to be, and that he could express that by referring to said redeemer as “my Jesus.” That would be more consistent with the way Farrakhan has expressed himself throughout his public life.
But what about this?
“I say to the devil, I know I gotta pay a price for what I’ve been teaching all these years. You can have the money, you can have the clothes, you can have the suit, you can have the house but, me, you can’t have.”
If that doesn’t sound like full-throated repentence, I don’t know what does.
It’s always wise to be circumspect about a single statement someone makes, no matter how earth-shaking it may appear to be. If Farrakhan has decided to profess Christ as Lord, that’s absolutely wonderful, but you’d expect he’d expound upon it in future statements or interviews. He’d explain how and why he came to that decision. He’d address all the reasons people find this surprising and explain how he came to make this profession.
Another head-scratcher for me is that you didn’t get a lot of stunned gasps out of his congregation. Either they totally missed what he was saying, or they’ve heard this before and they know there’s more to it than meets the eye. The two guys behind him sort of looked like, “What did he just say?” But it wasn’t the kind of reaction you’d get if, say, Barack Obama decided to become a Republican. And really, Louis Farrakhan becoming a Christian would be that enormous a development.
I hope it’s true. I understand how many of you will feel about Farrakhan and the things he’s done, but if Scripture says the Lord wants everyone to come to redemption (and it does), then I am not going to go against God. Let’s pray that whatever openness to Jesus this represents turns into full-throated repentence and acceptance that He is Lord.

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