Wednesday, January 11, 2017

SOS: The Real ‘Russian’ Hackers Finally Exposed!

SOS: The Real ‘Russian’ Hackers Finally Exposed!

The Ultimate Obama Deception:
Fake News About ‘Russian’ Hacking
That His Administration Implemented

State of the Nation
Dear Patriot,
If this all-important exposé has found its way to you, it is for very good reason.
With only 11 more days until Inauguration Day, President-elect Trump faces grave threats on every front.
The explosion of fake news about the Russian hacking false narrative is a very deliberate and calculated scheme to delegitimize his incoming administration.  Already, heads of state are questioning Trump’s legitimacy based on the groundless accusations put forth by the FBI, CIA and the DNC which are widely reported by the treasonous MSM.
Much more importantly, there are other plots afoot to seriously disrupt the January 20th inauguration, some of which could pose existential threats to Donald Trump and his family.  Truly, from now until inauguration Friday is very precarious indeed for the entire Trump Transition Team, as well as the American people.
To the point: the following searing exposé authoritatively proves that the entire fake Russian hacking scandal was fabricated by those rogue elements within the colluding U.S. intelligence agencies which are loyal to the morally bankrupt Obama Administration.
Please read this piece very closely, and disseminate it far and wide, so that this reckless and extremely dangerous sham is exposed.  And, so that the perpetrators can be prosecuted for treason and removed from power.
Thank you for your attention to this highly consequential matter.
Managing Editor
State of the Nation
January 9, 2017
N.B. We have been asked by several readers to include our top 3 essays which elaborate on exactly why Russia has been targeted so aggressively by the warmongers.  As follows:
U.S. WAR CRIMES IN SYRIA: The True Reason For So Much Russia Bashing
Why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia
The World Wars Are Always Set Up And Prosecuted By Democratic Administrations

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