Saturday, November 12, 2016

Will the Trump Presidency be a Speedbump, or a Wall, Against the Globalists’ Agenda?

Mr. Trump, beware of supposed friends’ and staff persons’ possible attempts to usurp ‘our’ victory. Let’s turn your slogan into reality, making America great again!

Will the Trump Presidency be a Speedbump, or a Wall, Against the Globalists’ Agenda?

All praise be to God!  We just experienced a modern-day miracle.  I am very pleased that we have been spared a reign of terror from Hillary and her globalist puppeteers.  Now, my initial question is, ‘Will the Trump presidency be a speedbump, or a wall against the globalists’ agenda? 
I realize I am a bit tardy in offering comments about the desired result of the hotly contested presidential election, but I have been busy.  Due to the concern of awakening at 3:30am to ensure I was at the polling place by 4:30am, so that my co-workers and I would have our polling place ready for voters at 6:00am, I got very little sleep Monday night.  Following my poll-worker responsibilities at about 7:45pm, I attended a post-election watch party until about 10:00pm with a few friends.  When I arrived home, I needed to decompress a bit, so I began flipping through the channels.  Following brief stops on several networks, I happened upon PBS.
With the announcement of Florida going for Donald J. Trump, the faces of those on the PBS panel were as long and as tortured as the Bataan Death March, so I opted to stay with their broadcast.  Beyond the predictable attacks upon Trump voters, the host, Judy Woodruff, offered two comments of note.  One was a question, asking if those, in the media, including each of the members on the PBS panel, were somewhat responsible for how the election was trending towards Trump?  The second question was a bit more revealing.  She asked ‘what do the voters want from government?’
Trump voters want those in government to act in accordance with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not in violation of them.  Trump voters don’t want their God-given rights and freedoms threatened, especially those protected by Amendments I and II to the U. S. Constitution.  Trump voters want U. S.-centric domestic and foreign policies and an end to foreign influence, even dominance, upon our political system.  Trump voters do not want to be threatened by the government with a targeted Domestic Terrorist Profile, designed to quell any opposition to the anti-American and unconstitutional actions of those in government and politically-connected organizations.  Trump voters want an end to NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) and Public-Private Partnerships that benefit the wealthy and politically-connected, at the expense of the U. S. citizen/taxpayer.  Trump voters want their respective Representatives and Senators at the federal and state levels of government to represent them and their interests, and not act in an adversarial manner towards them, while profiting, by serving their globalist puppet-masters.  Trump voters want their borders protected and veterans cared for.  Trump voters want a genuine opportunity to work and provide for their families.  Trump voters want their children educated, not indoctrinated and data-raped.  Trump voters want their children to have better lives than they have enjoyed.  Trump voters see these core issues, and they are concerned for themselves and for generations to come.
The reason for my question about the Trump presidency being a speedbump, or a wall against the globalist agenda, stems from the following:
Yes, we have witnessed a genuine miracle, at the providence and mercy of our Creator.  We have escaped the reign of terror of, quite possibly, the most corrupt individual in U. S. history, and not limited to politics.  This is saying a lot, considering the political hood rats and rogue ‘royal’ political families in every political party since the founding of our sovereign republic, including the sitting puppet president, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader, the Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, etc.  Now that we have dodged this attack, where will DJT, members of Congress and the Supreme Court lead us?

Grave concerns abound:  Obama to wreak as much havoc as is possible

Grave concerns abound.  We still have until January 20, 2017, for Obama to wreak as much havoc as is possible, to thwart the efforts of his successor in the puppet hut.  We still have a GOP ‘backstablishment’-engineered, lame-duck session to allow for a vote on the traitorous TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and profligate spending in 2017.  Technically, we still have a globalist-led, one-party rule against the best interests of the U. S. citizen/taxpayer.
Will DJT recruit genuine, U. S.-centric members to his transition team, cabinet and appointees, or will we be subjected to more of the same, with CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) members, Trilateral Commission members and Bilderberg-approved hooligans as members of his transition team, cabinet and appointees?  If DJT continues to follow previous presidents over the past several decades, all the Trump voters did was erect a speedbump, at best, towards the complete destruction of our sovereign republic.  If DJT abandons this traitorous ritual, we may be able to build a wall against the globalists’ agenda.  This needs to be the first wall, a firewall, to protect us from the chicanery of those, both foreign and domestic, who seek our demise.  With the globalists scheming against him and us, DJT has one chance to prove, especially to those who voted for him, that he will not be controlled or coerced by those who have been controlling and coercing U. S. politicians of both major political parties for decades.
Because of the anti-American and unconstitutional goals of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg cabal, any U. S. citizen who is a member of any of these societies or organizations, is, based upon definition, a traitor, and should never be allowed to hold any government position or employment.  Any U. S. citizen who cavorts or connives with any member of these societies or organizations, is, based upon definition, a traitor.
We still have unconstitutional departments and agencies that must be abolished.  These agencies are surreptitiously deploying the agenda of the above-mentioned societies and organizations, under the umbrella of the supposed credibility of the U. N., NGOs and a litany of non-U. S, alphabet organizations that are working in concert, through public-private partnerships, regulations, taxes and treaties, to destroy our republic, and steal the rights and freedoms of U. S. citizens and free peoples across the globe.
We still have a GOP leadership that is in league with the Communist Democrats, working to destroy our republic and steal our rights and freedoms.  We still have a U. S. Chamber of Commerce that is in league with those in Congress, acting against the best interests of the U. S. citizen/taxpayer.  We still have lobbyists, many of whom are former members of Congress, or are family members of members of Congress, who are profiting upon the backs of the U. S. citizen/taxpayer.  We still have fifty (50) states that will not demand that their constitutional responsibilities be returned to them, as called for in Amendment X to the U. S. Constitution.  We still have a propaganda media complex that advances the globalist agenda, while obfuscating any-and-all truths about the globalist agenda from the U. S. citizen/taxpayer. 
Continued below...

Wouldn’t it be nice to see a true Commander-in-Chief who:

  1. speaks out against U. N. Agenda 21/2030, and every attack that is embedded within this declaration of war against us, and free peoples across the globe, that was signed by George Herbert Walker Bush and clandestinely imposed upon us, by Bill Clinton?
  2. acts to reverse the purposeful failures embedded within Romney/ObamaCare, doing what a rogue GOP leadership promised to do, but has refused to do, once elected and positioned to do what it promised to do? 
  3. not only speaks out against the intrinsic evils embedded within Common Core and ESSA, but also exposes the efforts of those seeking to steal local control of schools, and, ultimately, eliminate homeschooling?
  4. acts constitutionally in protecting us by protecting our borders and directing government personnel to enforce our laws?  Don’t you wonder when a U. N.-vetted ‘refugee’ will execute a genuine terrorist attack?  Don’t you wonder when a person here illegally will commit a major, even deadly, crime that could have been prevented, had ‘our’ government acted, legally, judiciously and constitutionally?
  5. refuses to commit our sons and daughters to wars that are designed for profiteering by the global elites, not for the protection of U. S. citizens, with the elites also benefitting from no-bid contracts for rebuilding what was just destroyed?  How many lives of U. S. citizens and citizens of targeted nations have been tragically altered by injury, or lost, due to the insatiable lust for wealth and power by those who already enjoy immense wealth and wield enormous power?
  6. encourages the appropriate use of our natural resources, not allowing globalist neer-do-wells to dictate a lower standard of living for the masses of U. S. citizen/taxpayers, in the neer-do-wells’ vain attempt to satisfy their insatiable lust for wealth and power in the name of equity? 
  8. holds private positions on the issues that are congruent with his public positions on these same issues?  Would this be considered ‘transparency’?
Because of the decades-long attacks upon us, via non-U. S.-centric domestic and foreign policies pushed by ‘banksters’, the self-appointed elites, Euro-royalty, the propaganda media complex, global corporations and their accomplices strategically placed throughout polite society, we have a lot of work to do.  True patriots and people of faith must come together to assist DJT in overcoming the minefield of obstacles being deployed, as we breathe.  You didn’t think those who conspire behind closed doors are going to let one real estate magnate/TV personality, along with his entourage of supposedly uneducated rubes, work to prevent the total deployment of their diabolical agenda, did you?
Each attack is integrated.  We cannot chisel out pet-favorite issues.  Either we will defeat the entire battery of integrated attacks, or we will be destroyed and dominated by these meticulously integrated attacks.  Fiscal conservatives, constitutional conservatives and social conservatives must find ways to cooperate, or those behind the attacks will prevail.  We need to picture ourselves in the opening scene in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, when Indiana Jones (played by Harrison Ford), unsuccessfully transfers a bag of sand for a mystical golden idol that is mounted on a pedestal.  Jones’ action triggers the release of an enormous, rounded boulder, which is designed to kill anyone who would dare to steal the idol.  That boulder represents the whole of attacks being pushed upon us by the globalist puppeteers.  It is difficult to chisel on a boulder that is hurtling towards us.
With our votes, we have only taken the first step in a long series of steps needed to see that the campaign promises of DJT do not disintegrate, as do the campaign promises of so many politicians.  The first wall that needs to be built is the wall between DJT and those who have controlled U. S. domestic and foreign policy, via U. S. politicians and their comrades in crime and treason, for decade, after decade, after decade.  Otherwise, the wall between Mexico and the U. S. will never be built, and the patriots of America will have been hoodwinked into supporting another puppet president.
The wall between DJT and those who would control him would be a second miracle.  Mr. Trump, beware of supposed friends’ and staff persons’ possible attempts to usurp ‘our’ victory.  Let’s turn your slogan into reality, making America great again!  Build that wall so that you can build the second wall and follow through on your campaign promises.  That will be a third miracle!

A.J. Cameron -- Bio and Archives | Click to view 11 CommentsA.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense. Contact A. J. at

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